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2025-03-29 Update From: SLTechnology News&Howtos shulou NAV: SLTechnology News&Howtos > Database >
Shulou( Report--
Oracle installation 1. Install virtualbox:
# yum install gcc kernel-devel kernel-headers
# yum install virtualbox-5....
# / etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup compiles kernel modules manually and completes them automatically during installation
# usermod-G vboxusers root
two。 Install linux:
Create a virtual machine:
Name: oracle11gR2_RHEL6.4_x64
Type: linux 64bit
Memory: 2048MB
Hard disk size: 100GB
Set up:
Boot sequence: hard disk, network
Network: network card 1, bridging eth0
Remove sound, usb devices
Installation: desktop mode
Hostname:,ip uses dhcp,swap4GB and the rest is given to /
3. Adjust the linux system:
Turn off the firewall:
# service iptables stop
# service ip6tables stop
# chkconfig iptables off
# chkconfig ip6tables off
Disabled Firewall in Management tools
Turn off selinux:
# vi / etc/selinux/config
Configure yum:
# rm-f / etc/yum.repos.d/*
# wget / etc/yum.repos.d/
# vi / etc/yum.repos.d/rhel6.repo
Baseurl= file:///media/"RHEL_6.5 x86 / 64 Disc 1 "/ Server
Install vb enhancements:
# yum-y install gcc kernel-devel
# ln-s / usr/src/kernels/2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64/ / usr/src/linux
Device-- > install enhancements
Right-click the eject eject CD
4. Confirm the identity of root:
# id
5. Hardware configuration:
# grep MemTotal / proc/meminfo
# grep SwapTotal / proc/meminfo
# vi / etc/fstab (permanently modified)
Tmpfs / dev/shm tmpfs defaults,size=2G 0 0
# mount-o remount / dev/shm
Temporary modification
# mount-t tmpfs shmfs-o size=2g / dev/shm
# uname-m
# df-h
6. Rpm check and install:
# cat / etc/redhat-release
# uname-r
# rpm-qa | grep glibc
# yum install glibc
# yum install glibc.i686
Binutils- (x86 / 64)
Compat-libcap1-1.10-1 (x86x64)
Compat-libstdc++-33-3.2.3-69.el6 (x86x64)
Gcc-4.4.4-13.el6 (x86 / 64)
Gcc-c++-4.4.4-13.el6 (x86 / 64)
Glibc-2.12-1.7.el6 (i686)
Glibc-2.12-1.7.el6 (x86 / 64)
Glibc-devel-2.12-1.7.el6 (x86 / 64)
Libgcc-4.4.4-13.el6 (i686)
Libgcc-4.4.4-13.el6 (x86 / 64)
Libstdc++-4.4.4-13.el6 (x86 / 64)
Libstdc++-devel-4.4.4-13.el6 (x86 / 64)
Libaio-0.3.107-10.el6 (x86 / 64)
Libaio-devel-0.3.107-10.el6 (x86 / 64)
Sysstat-9.0.4-11.el6 (x86 / 64)
7. Create a user:
# groupadd-g 1000 oinstall
# groupadd-g 1001 dba
# groupadd-g 1002 oper
# useradd-u 1000-g oinstall-G dba,oper oracle
# passwd oracle
8. Modify kernel parameters:
# vi / etc/sysctl.conf
Fs.aio-max-nr = 1048576
Fs.file-max = 6815744
Kernel.shmall = 2097152
Kernel.shmmax = 536870912
Kernel.shmmni = 4096
Kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128
Net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 9000 65500
Net.core.rmem_default = 262144
Net.core.rmem_max = 4194304
Net.core.wmem_default = 262144
Net.core.wmem_max = 1048576
# sysctl-p
9. Modify resource limits:
# vi / etc/security/limits.conf
Oracle soft nofile 1024
Oracle hard nofile 65536
Oracle soft nproc 2047
Oracle hard nproc 16384
Oracle soft stack 10240
Oracle hard stack 32768
10. Create a directory:
# mkdir-p / u01/app/oracle
# chown-R oracle:oinstall / U01
# chmod-R 775 / U01
11. Modify the profile:
# vi ~ oracle/.bash_profile
Export ORACLE_SID=orcl
Export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle
Export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/11.2.0/db_1
Export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/lib:/lib:/usr/lib
Export NLS_LANG=american_america.AL32UTF8
Export NLS_DATE_FORMAT='yyyy-mm-dd hh34:mi:ss'
Export EDITOR=vi
twelve。 Use the hosts file to resolve the hostname:
# hostname
# vi / etc/hosts node1
# ping node1
# ping
13. Extract the installation package:
# cd / installation
# unzip p10404530_112030_Linux-x86-64 _ [12]
Extract the 2 installation packages in the physical host and share them with the virtual machine with the following command:
# mkdir / database
# mount-t vboxsf database / database
14. Graphical interface installation:
# xhost +
# su-oracle
$cd / database/
$. / runInstaller
Execute two scripts as root
15. Create a monitor and database:
Create a monitor under the graphical interface, and execute it with oracle:
$lsnrctl status
$netstat-tlnp | grep 1521
Graphical interface creation db,oracle execution:
16. Test:
Sqlplus Test:
$sqlplus sys/sys@orcl as sysdba
$sqlplus/as sysdba
SQL > show user
SQL > select count (*) from hr.employees
SQL > exit
Browser test:
Sys/password sysdba
Install rlwrap:
Root identity installation
# yum install rlwrap-0.42-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
# vi ~ oracle/.bashrc
Alias sqlplus='rlwrap sqlplus'
Alias rman='rlwrap rman'
# su-oracle
$sqlplus / as sysdba
Root identity installation
# yum install flash-plugin-
Sqldeveloper Test:
Root identity installation
# yum install jdk-8u51-linux-x64.rpm
# yum install sqldeveloper-
# / usr/local/bin/sqldeveloper
Enter the path / usr/java/jdk1.8.0_51/ of the jdk
Click the + sign in the upper left corner to create a new connection:
Sys/password, connection type: basic, role: sysdba Port 1521 sid:orcl
Test, save.
17. Add a startup script:
# vi / etc/oratab change N to Y
# vi / etc/rc.d/init.d/oracle
#! / bin/bash
# chkconfig:35 99 01
Case "$1" in
Echo-n "Starting Oracle Database& Listener:"
Su-oracle-c 'dbstart $ORACLE_HOME' > / dev/null
Echo "[ok]"
Echo-n "Starting Oracle EM dbconsole:"
Su-oracle-c "emctl start dbconsole" > / dev/null
Echo "[ok]"
Touch / var/lock/subsys/oracle
Echo-n "Shutting Down Oracle EM dbconsole:"
Su-oracle-c "emctl stop dbconsole" > / dev/null
Echo "[ok]"
Echo-n "Shutting Down Oracle Database& Listener:"
Su-oracle-c 'dbshut $ORACLE_HOME' > / dev/null
Echo "[ok]"
Rm-f / var/lock/subsys/oracle
Echo "Usage: oracle {start | stop}"
Exit 1
# chmod 755 / etc/rc.d/init.d/oracle
# chkconfig-add oracle
# chkconfig-list oracle
18. Delete password validity period:
# su-oracle
$sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL > alter profile default limit PASSWORD_LIFE_TIME unlimited
19. Modify the network settings for virtualbox (optional):
Global settings à add hostonly network, set ip to, cancel dhcp (linuxonly)
Virtual machine network changed to hostonly
Change the ip of the network card in the virtual machine to static,
# vi / etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
# ifdown eth0;ifup eth0
# vi / etc/hosts node1
SQLselect query statement 1. View the table under the hr user name and unlock the hr user:
$sqlplus / as sysdba or SQL > conn / as sysdba
SQL > show user
SQL > select table_name from dba_tables where owner='HR'
SQL > select * from hr.employees
SQL > alter user hr account unlock identified by hr
$sqlplus hr/hr or SQL > conn hr/hr
SQL > show user
SQL > select * from tab
SQL > desc employees
View the table under the scott user name and unlock the scott user:
two。 Use the full-screen editing feature of sqlplus:
$echo $EDITOR
SQL > select * from hr.employees
SQL > ed
SQL > / execute
3. Basic select statement:
SQL > select * from employees
SQL > desc employees
SQL > select LAST_NAME, SALARY, COMMISSION_PCT from employees
SQL > desc departments
SQL > select department_id, department_name from departments
SQL > select distinct DEPARTMENT_ID from employees
SQL > select last_name, salary*12* (1+commission_pct) total_salary, department_id from employees
SQL > select first_name | |','| | last_name from employees
SQL > select first_name | |','| | last_name fullname from employees
Output the following employee information:
Eleni (first_name) Zlotkey (last_name) employeeid is... At department.. Total salary is...
4. Use hyphens to construct statements:
SQL > select table_name from user_tables
SQL > select 'grant select on hr.' | | table_name | |' to scott;' from user_tables
SQL > spool / home/oracle/grant.sql
SQL > set head off remove title
SQL > set feed off removal feedback
SQL > select 'grant select on hr.' | | table_name | |' to scott;' from user_tables
SQL > spool off
$vi / home/oracle/grant.sql manually removes useless lines, which is equivalent to removing headings and feedback
SQL > @ / home/oracle/grant.sql executes the sql script
5. Handling of single quotation marks:
SQL > select'Ischemm teaher' from dual
ORA-01756: quoted string not properly terminated
SQL > select'Illumination teaher' from dual
SQL > select q' {Ihumm teaher} 'from dual; [] () is fine.
Where and orderby
Numeric condition:
SQL > select salary from employees where employee_id=100
The string is case sensitive:
SQL > select last_name, salary from employees where last_name='King'
SQL > select table_name, tablespace_name from user_tables where table_name='EMPLOYEES'
The date is format sensitive:
SQL > alter session set nls_date_format='RR-Mon-dd'
SQL > select last_name from employees where hire_date='2006-05-23'
SQL > select last_name from employees where hire_date=to_date ('2006-05-23,' yyyy-mm-dd')
Interval query:
SQL > select last_name from employees where salary > = 3400 and salary select last_name from employees where salary between 3400 and 4000
SQL > select last_name from employees where salary between 3000 and 5000 and department_id=50
SQL > select last_name from employees where department_id=30 or department_id=40 or department_id=50
SQL > select last_name from employees where department_id in (30,40,50)
Wildcard characters:
SQL > select last_name, job_id from employees where job_id like'%\ _ MAN' escape'\'; prohibit the special meaning of the symbol after the escape character. Like _ matches a certain character, and like% matches some characters.
Null as a condition:
SQL > select last_name from employees where commission_pct is null
SQL > select last_name from employees where commission_pct is not null
SQL > select last_name, job_id, department_id, salary from employees where job_id='SA_REP' or department_id=50 and salary > = 8000
SQL > select last_name, job_id, department_id, salary from employees where (job_id='SA_REP' or department_id=50) and salary > = 8000
SQL > select last_name, salary from employees order by salary; ascending order
SQL > select last_name, salary from employees order by salary desc; descending
SQL > select last_name, salary from employees order by last_name
SQL > select last_name, hire_date from employees order by hire_date
SQL > select last_name, salary, commission_pct from employees order by salary desc, commission_pct desc
SQL > select last_name, salary*12* (1+commission_pct) from employees order by 2
SQL > select last_name, salary*12* (1+commission_pct) total_salary from employees order by total_salary
Select employees in department 30
List the names, numbers and departments of all employees (CLERK)
Identify employees whose salary is greater than 5000
Find employees whose bonus is higher than 0.1
Find out the details of all employees in department 50 and managers in department 30
Find out the different job positions of the employees who receive bonuses. Each position is displayed once.
Identify employees who do not receive bonuses or receive wages of less than 5000
Displays the names of employees in last_name without'R'
Select last_name name from employees where not last_name like'% R%'
Displays the names, jobs and salaries of all employees, sorted in descending order of work, while jobs are sorted in ascending order of salary at the same time
One-line function
SQL > select upper (first_name), lower (last_name), length (last_name) from employees
SQL > select (sysdate-hire_date) / 7 from employees
SQL > select trunc ((sysdate-hire_date) / 30,0) from employees
SQL > select trunc (months_between (sysdate,hire_date), 0) from employees
SQL > select sysdate+3650 from dual
SQL > select add_months (sysdate, 120) from dual
SQL > select next_day ('2015-09-01,' friday') from dual
SQL > select next_day ('2015-10-01, 6) from dual
SQL > select last_day (sysdate) from dual
SQL > select round (to_date ('2015-10-10 mm from dual'), 'MONTH') from dual
SQL > select round (to_date ('2015-10-16mm MONTH') from dual
SQL > select round (to_date ('2015-10-10 mm from dual'), 'YEAR') from dual
SQL > select round (sysdate, 'DAY') from dual
Find out all employees employed in the last three days of each month
Extract (month from hire_date+4)! = extract (month from hire_date)
Identify employees who were employed 25 years ago
Months_between (sysdate, hire_date) / 300 > = 25
Displays the name of the employee that is exactly 6 characters
Length (last_name) = 6
Displays the first three characters of the names of all employees
Substr (last_name, 1,3)
Display the names of all employees and replace all'A 'with a
Replace (last_name,'A','a')
Type conversion and other functions
SQL > select to_char (salary,'$999999.00') from employees
SQL > select last_name, to_char (hire_date, 'dd-Mon-RR') from employees
SQL > select to_char (sysdate, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh34:mi:ss') from dual
SQL > select to_char (sysdate, 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss AM') from dual
SQL > select last_name from employees where hire_date=to_date ('2006-05-23,' yyyy-mm-dd')
SQL > select to_number ('$123456.78,'$999999.00') from dual
Enquire about the new employees in 2006:
Select last_name
From employees
Where hire_date between to_date ('2006-01-01-01,' yyyy-mm-dd')
And to_date ('2006-12-31,' yyyy-mm-dd')
Select last_name
From employees
Where to_char (hire_date, 'yyyy') =' 2006'
Select last_name
From employees
Where extract (year from hire_date) = 2006
-- not recommended
Select last_name
From employees
Where hire_date like '2006%'
To enquire about the employees who joined the staff in September of the year:
Select last_name
From employees
Where to_char (hire_date, 'mm') =' 09'
Select last_name from employees where extract (month from hire_date) = 9
Other functions:
Nvl (val1, val2)
If val1 is not null
Return val1
Return val2
SQL > select last_name, salary*12* (1+nvl (commission_pct, 0)) total_salary from employees
Show all employee department numbers, no department display "unassigned department"
Select nvl (to_char (department_id), 'unassigned department') from employees
Case and decode:
IT_PROG + 1000
ST_CLERK + 2000
Other people's wages remain the same.
Select salary+1000 from employees where job_id='IT_PROG'
Select last_name, job_id, salary
Case job_id
When 'IT_PROG' then salary+1000
When 'SA_REP' then salary+1500
When 'ST_CLERK' then salary+2000
Else salary
End new_salary
From employees
Select last_name, job_id, salary
Decode (job_id
'IT_PROG', salary+1000
'SA_REP', salary+1500
'ST_CLERK', salary+2000
Salary) new_salary
From employees
The grading of employees according to their wages shows:
A 20001-25000
B 15001-20000
C 10001-15000
D 5001-10000
E 0-5000
Select last_name,salary
Decode (trunc (salary/5000,0))
1Magnesia D'
2 cynical C'
3. Recorder B'
4 cynical A'
Salary) n_sal
From employees
The answer is expanded:
Select last_name,salary
Decode (trunc (salary/5000,0))
1Magnesia D'
2 cynical C'
3. Recorder B'
(4) n_sal
From employees
Order by salary desc,n_sal
Grouping function
SQL > select count (*), sum (salary), avg (salary), min (salary), max (salary) from employees
SQL > create table T1 (x int)
SQL > insert into T1 values (null)
SQL > insert into T1 values (1)
SQL > commit
SQL > select count (*) from T1
SQL > select count (x) from T1
SQL > select max (x) from T1
SQL > select min (x) from T1
SQL > select sum (x) from T1
SQL > select avg (x) from T1
SQL > select avg (salary), avg (nvl (commission_pct, 0)) from employees
SQL > select count (distinct department_id) from employees; removes duplicate values
Groupby grouping:
SQL > select department_id, avg (salary) from employees group by department_id
Multiple column grouping:
SQL > select department_id, job_id, max (salary) from employees group by department_id, job_id
SQL > select department_id, job_id, max (salary), last_name from employees group by department_id, job_id; error syntax
The number of different positions in the company
Select job_id,count (job_id)
From employees
Group by job_id
Calculate the number of people in each department
Select department_id,count (last_name)
From employees
Group by department_id
Select department_id,count (department_id)
From employees
Group by department_id
Group by year and calculate the sum of employees' wages
Select to_char (hire_date,'yyyy') year,sum (salary)
From employees
Group by to_char (hire_date,'yyyy')
Order by year
Selec extract (year from hire_date) year,sum (salary)
From employees
Group by extract (year from hire_date)
Order by year
Having statement:
SQL > select department_id, avg (salary) from employees where avg (salary) > = 5000 group by department_id; error statement
SQL > select department_id, avg (salary) from employees group by department_id having avg (salary) > = 5000
The average salary of all ordinary employees in a department is calculated by department. the average salary of less than 5000 in the department is not displayed, and the final result is arranged in descending order.
Select department_id,trunc (avg (salary)) avg_sal
From employees
Where department_id is not null
Group by department_id
Having trunc (avg (salary)) > = 5000
Order by avg_sal desc
Select department_id, avg (salary) avg_sal
From employees
Where job_id not like'%\ _ MGR' escape'\ 'and department_id is not null
Group by department_id
Having avg (salary) > = 5000
Order by avg_sal desc
Multi-table connection
Emp: dept:
Empno ename deptno deptno dname
100 abc 10 10 sales
101 def 10 20 market
102 xyz 20 30 it
103 opq null
For emp in 100.. one hundred and three
For dept in 10.. thirty
100 abc 10 10 sales
101 def 10 10 sales
102 xyz 20 20 market
Order form:
CustID StoreID ProdID ChannelID
100 S100 P100 C100
Customer list:
CustID name creditlevel
100 abc
Address table:
CustID adress
100 bj
100 tj
Get the following information to prepare for the work:
Total number of employees: 107
SQL > select count (*) from employees
Number of employees in a department: 106
SQL > select count (*) from employees where department_id is not null
SQL > select count (department_id) from employees
Number of employees without department: 1
SQL > select count (*) from employees where department_id is null
Total number of departments: 27
SQL > select count (*) from departments
Number of departments with employees: 11
SQL > select count (distinct department_id) from employees
Number of departments without employees: 16
SQL > select count (*) from departments where department_id not in (select department_id from employees where department_id is not null)
For dept in 1..27
For emp in 1..107
Dept.deptid does not appear in the emp table
Select count (*)
From employees e, departments d
Where e.department_id (+) = d.department_id
And e.employee_id is null
Select count (*)
From departments d
Where not exists
(select 1 from employees where department_id=d.department_id)
Select (select count (*) from departments)-(select count (distinct department_id) from employees) from dual
Internal connection: 106 (106,11)
Select e.last_name, d.department_name
From employees e, departments d
Where e.department_id=d.department_id
Select e.last_name, d.department_name
From employees e join departments d on e.department_id=d.department_id
Left outer connection: 107 (106 / 1)
Select e.last_name, d.department_name
From employees e, departments d
Where e.department_id=d.department_id (+)
Select e.last_name, d.department_name
From departments d, employees e
Where e.department_id=d.department_id (+)
Select e.last_name, d.department_name
From employees e left outer join departments d
On e.department_id=d.department_id
Right outer connection: 122 (106 / 16)
Select e.last_name, d.department_name
From employees e, departments d
Where e.department_id (+) = d.department_id
Select e.last_name, d.department_name
From employees e right outer join departments d
On e.department_id=d.department_id
Full external connection: 123 (106 / 1 / 16)
Select e.last_name, d.department_name
From employees e full outer join departments d
On e.department_id=d.department_id
Extension of multi-table join:
N table connections:
Select e.last_name, d.department_name,
From employees e, departments d, locations l
Where e.department_id=d.department_id
And d.location_id=l.location_id
Select e.last_name, d.department_name,
From employees e join departments d on e.department_id=d.department_id
Join locations l on d.location_id=l.location_id
Select e.last_name, d.department_name,
From employees e, departments d, locations l
Where e.department_id=d.department_id (+)
And d.location_id=l.location_id (+)
Select e.last_name, d.department_name,
From employees e left outer join departments d on e.department_id=d.department_id
Left outer join locations l on d.location_id=l.location_id
Query all employee names, department names, department city (city), country (country) and region (region) names, and replace null values with "none". (NCMA)
(use the syntax of oracle and sql99)
Select e.last_name, d.department_name,, c.country_name, r.region_name
From employees e, departments d, locations l, countries c, regions r
Where e.department_id=d.department_id (+)
And d.location_id=l.location_id (+)
And l.country_id=c.country_id (+)
And c.region_id=r.region_id (+)
Select e.last_namee.last_name, d.department_name,, c.country_name, r.region_name
From employees e
Left outer join departments d on e.department_id=d.department_id
Left outer join locations l on d.location_id=l.location_id
Left outer join countries c on l.country_id=c.country_id
Left outer join regions r on c.region_id=r.region_id
Empid ename mgrid
100 abc
101 def 100
102 xyz 100
Emp: mgr:
Empid ename mgrid empid mgrname
100 abc 100 abc
101 def 100
102 xyz 100
101 def 100 100 abc
102 xyz 100 100 abc
Select emp.ename, mgr.mgrname
From emp, mgr
Where emp.mgrid=mgr.empid
Emp: mgr:
Empid ename mgrid empid ename mgrid
100 abc 100 abc
101 def 100 101 def 100
102 xyz 100 102 xyz 100
Select e.last_name, m.last_name
From employees e, employees m
Where e.manager_id=m.employee_id
Number of employees with managers: 106
SQL > select count (*) from employees where manager_id is not null
Number of employees without a manager: 1
SQL > select count (*) from employees where manager_id is null
Displays the names of all employees and managers, with no manager showing "none".
Select e.last_name, nvl (m.last_name, 'Ngamma A')
From employees e, employees m
Where e.manager_id=m.employee_id (+)
Unequal connection:
Conn scott/tiger
Select e.ename, sg.grade
From emp e, salgrade sg
Where e.sal between sg.losal and sg.hisal
Find out the name of the employee whose salary is higher than the average salary of his department.
Create table avg_sal_dept as select department_id, avg (salary) avg_sal from employees where department_id is not null group by department_id
Select e.last_name, e.salary, asd.avg_sal
From employees e, avg_sal_dept asd
Where e.department_id=asd.department_id
And e.salary > asd.avg_sal
Select e.last_name, e.salary, asd.avg_sal
From employees e, (select department_id, avg (salary) avg_sal from employees where department_id is not null group by department_id) asd
Where e.department_id=asd.department_id
And e.salary > asd.avg_sal
The idea of a single-line subquery:
SQL > select salary from employees where last_name='Feeney'
SQL > select last_name from employees where salary > 3000
SQL > select last_name from employees where salary > (select salary from employees where last_name='Feeney')
The idea of multi-line subquery:
SQL > select distinct department_id from employees where department_id is not null
SQL > select department_name from departments where department_id in (10,200.30)
SQL > select department_name from departments where department_id in (select department_id from employees where department_id is not null)
Rewrite with multi-table join:
Select distinct d.department_name
From employees e, departments d
Where e.department_id=d.department_id
For dept in 1..27
For emp in 1..107
Check to see if deptid appears in emp
The name of the employee whose salary is higher than the average salary of the whole company.
SQL > select last_name from employees where salary > (select avg (salary) from employees)
Name of the employee who joined Feeney in the same year
Select last_name, hire_date
From employees
Where extract (year from hire_date) =
(select extract (year from hire_date) from employees where last_name='Feeney')
And last_name! = 'Feeney'
Select last_name, hire_date
From employees
Where hire_date between
(select to_date (to_char (hire_date, 'yyyy') | |' 0101, 'yyyymmdd') from employees where last_name='Feeney')
(select to_date (to_char (hire_date, 'yyyy') | |' 1231, 'yyyymmdd') from employees where last_name='Feeney')
Names of all employees working at Seattle
Select last_name
From employees
Where department_id in
(select department_id from departments
Where location_id=
(select location_id from locations where city='Seattle'))
Find the name of an employee who meets the following criteria: in the same department as Abel, the salary is higher than Olson
Select last_name from employees
Where department_id=
(select department_id from employees where last_name='Abel')
And salary >
(select salary from employees where last_name='Olson')
Pairing subquery:
Names of employees in the same department and in the same position as Feeney:
Select last_name, department_id, job_id
From employees
Where department_id=
(select department_id from employees where last_name='Feeney')
And job_id=
(select job_id from employees where last_name='Feeney')
And last_name! = 'Feeney'
Select last_name, department_id, job_id
From employees
Where (department_id, job_id) =
(select department_id, job_id from employees where last_name='Feeney')
And last_name! = 'Feeney'
In and notin are affected by null values:
Names of all managers:
SQL > select last_name from employees where employee_id in (select manager_id from employees)
Names of all ordinary employees:
SQL > select last_name from employees where employee_id not in (select manager_id from employees where manager_id is not null)
Associated subquery:
The name of the employee whose salary is higher than the average salary of his department.
For i in 1.. 107 all employees
Select avg (salary) from employees where department_id=i.department_id
If i.salary > I the average salary of the department
Keep this record
Select last_name,salary,department_id
From employees outer
Where salary >
(select avg (salary) from employees
Where department_id = outer.department_id)
Order by department_id
Select e.last_name, e.salary, asd.avg_sal
From employees e, (select department_id, avg (salary) avg_sal from employees where department_id is not null group by department_id) asd
Where e.department_id=asd.department_id
And e.salary > asd.avg_sal
Exists/not exists query:
For i in 1.. 27 all departments
All employees of forjin1..107
If i.department_id = j.department_id
Keep this record
Select department_name
From departments outer
Where exists
(select 1 from employees where department_id=outer.department_id)
Select department_name
From departments outer
Where not exists
(select 1 from employees where department_id=outer.department_id)
Names of all managers:
For i in 1.. 107 all employees
All employees of forjin1..107
If i.employee_id = j.manager_id
Keep this record
Select last_name
From employees outer
Where exists
(select 1 from employees where manager_id=outer.employee_id)
Select last_name
From employees
Where employee_id in
(select manager_id from employees)
Select last_name
From employees, (select distinct (manager_id) from employees) asd
Where employee_id=asd.manager_id
Names of all ordinary employees:
Select last_name
From employees outer
Where not exists
(select 1 from employees where manager_id=outer.employee_id)
Select last_name
From employees
Where employee_id not in (select manager_id from employees where manager_id is not null)
Transformation of subqueries and multi-table joins:
The name of the department with employees
Select department_name
From departments
Where department_id in
(select department_id from employees)
Select department_name
From departments outer
Where exists
(select 1 from employees where department_id=outer.department_id)
Select distinct d.department_name
From employees e, departments d
Where e.department_id=d.department_id
Names of all employees working in Seattle (using subqueries and multi-table joins)
Select last_name
From employees
Where department_id in
(select department_id from departments
Where location_id=
(select location_id from locations where city='Seattle'))
Select e.last_name
From employees e, departments d, locations l
Where e.department_id=d.department_id
And d.location_id=l.location_id
And l.cityboy Seattle
Maximum query:
SQL > select last_name from employees where salary= (select max (salary) from employees)
Top-N query:
SQL > select last_name, salary from employees where rownum select * from (select last_name, salary from employees order by salary desc) where rownum select * from
(select * from
(select * from
(select last_name, salary from employees order by salary desc)
Where rownum create table T1 (x int, y char (1), z date)
SQL > insert into T1 (x, y, z) values (1,'a, sysdate)
SQL > insert into T1 (x, z, y) values (2, sysdate+1,'b')
SQL > insert into T1 (x, y, z) values (1, null, sysdate)
SQL > insert into T1 (x, z) values (2, sysdate+1)
SQL > insert into T1 values (1, null, sysdate)
SQL > create table my_emp as select * from employees
SQL > create table my_emp as select last_name, salary from employees where department_id=50
SQL > create table avg_sal as select department_id, avg (salary) avg_sal from employees group by department_id
SQL > create table my_emp as select * from employees where 1: 0
SQL > insert into my_emp select * from employees
SQL > update my_emp set salary=salary*1.1
SQL > update my_emp set salary=salary*1.1 where department_id=50
SQL > update my_emp set salary=salary*1.1, commission_pct=0.5 where employee_id=197
SQL > delete from my_emp where employee_id=197
SQL > delete from my_emp where department_id=50
SQL > delete from my_emp
SQL > create table my_emp as select * from employees
SQL > alter table my_emp add (department_name varchar2 (30))
SQL > update my_emp outer set department_name= (select department_name from departments where department_id=outer.department_id)
Update (select t1.department_name as aname,t2.department_name bname from my_emp T1, departments T2 where t1.department_id=t2.department_id) set aname=bname
Delete departments without employees in the new_ dept table
SQL > create table my_dept as select * from departments
Delete from my_dept outer
Where not exists
(select 1 from my_emp
Where department_id=outer.department_id)
Delete and truncate:
Delete truncate
Statement type dml ddl
Undo data produces a large amount of undo data, not undo data.
Space management does not release release
Syntax where deletes all data
SQL > create table T1 (x char (10), y varchar2 (10))
SQL > insert into T1 values ('x','y')
SQL > select dump (x), dump (y) from T1
Numerical value:
SQL > create table T1 (x number (5 number 2), y number (5))
SQL > insert into T1 values (123.45, 12345)
SQL > insert into T1 values (12.345, 12345)
SQL > insert into T1 values (12.345, 123.45)
SQL > select * from T1
SQL > insert into T1 values (12.345, 112345)
Date and time:
SQL > create table T1 (a date, b timestamp, c timestamp with time zone, d timestamp with local time zone)
SQL > insert into T1 values (sysdate, systimestamp, systimestamp, systimestamp)
SQL > alter session set time_zone='+9:00'
SQL > select * from T1
Modify the table structure:
SQL > alter table T1 add (e char (10))
SQL > alter table T1 drop (e)
SQL > alter table T1 modify (d not null)
Field (column): not null, check (salary > 0)
Line and line: primary key, unique
Between tables: foreign key
Create table dept (
Deptno int constraint dept_deptno_pk primary key
Dname varchar2 (20) constraint dept_dname_nn not null)
Create table emp (
Empno int constraint emp_empno_pk primary key
Ename varchar2 (20) constraint emp_ename_nn not null
Email varchar2 (50) constraint emp_email_uq unique
Salary int constraint emp_salary_ck check (salary > 0)
Deptno int constraint emp_deptno_fk references dept (deptno))
SQL > select constraint_name, constraint_type from user_constraints where table_name in ('DEPT',' EMP')
SQL > insert into emp values (100,100 'abc','', 10000, 10)
Insert into emp values (100,100, 'abc','', 10000, 10)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02291: integrity constraint (HR.EMP_DEPTNO_FK) violated-parent key not
SQL > insert into dept values (10, 'sales')
1 row created.
SQL > insert into dept values (10, 'market')
Insert into dept values (10, 'market')
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00001: unique constraint (HR.DEPT_DEPTNO_PK) violated
SQL > insert into dept values (20, 'market')
1 row created.
SQL > commit
Commit complete.
SQL > insert into emp values (101,101,' def', '', 10000, 20)
Create table emp (
Empno int constraint emp_empno_pk primary key
Ename varchar2 (20) constraint emp_ename_nn not null
Email varchar2 (50) constraint emp_email_uq unique
Salary int constraint emp_salary_ck check (salary > 0)
Deptno int constraint emp_deptno_fk references dept (deptno) on delete set null) or on delete cascade
Instead of trigger View trigger
SQL > create sequence test_seq increment by 1 start with 1 maxvalue 1000 nocycle cache 20
SQL > create table T1 (x int primary key, y int)
SQL > insert into T1 values (test_seq.nextval, 11); execute repeatedly
SQL > select * from T1
Primary keys and uniqueness constraints automatically create indexes:
SQL > select constraint_name, constraint_type from user_constraints where table_name='EMPLOYEES'
SQL > select index_name, index_type from user_indexes where table_name='EMPLOYEES'
SQL > set autot on
SQL > select last_name from employees where employee_id=100; walk the index
SQL > select email from employees; walk the index
SQL > select last_name from employees where salary=2100; full table scan
SQL > create index emp_salary_ix on employees (salary)
SQL > select last_name from employees where salary=2100; walk the index
SQL > set autot off
$vi $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/glogin.sql
Set serveroutput on
General explicit Vernier exercise:
Specify the job number of the employee
If it is higher than or equal to the average salary of your department, output first_name (column) last_name 's salary: (show employee's salary) higherorequal than avgrage salary of department department_name (column): (show department salary).
If it is lower than the average salary of your department, output first_name last_name's salary lowerer than avgrage salary of department department_name.
If the employee does not belong to any department, output first_name last_name nodepartment!
V_empno employees.employee_id%type: = 100
V_emp_rec employees%rowtype
V_avg_sal employees.salary%type
V_department_name departments.department_name%type
Select *
Into v_emp_rec
From employees
Where employee_id=v_empno
Select avg (salary)
Into v_avg_sal
From employees
Where department_id=v_emp_rec.department_id
Select department_name
Into v_department_name
From departments
Where department_id=v_emp_rec.department_id
If v_emp_rec.salary > = v_avg_sal
Dbms_output.put_line (v_emp_rec.first_name | |','| | v_emp_rec.last_name)
End if
Check the salary for all employees and output the same content as the exercise above.
For v_emp_rec in (select * from employees)
If v_emp_rec.department_id is null then
Select avg (salary)
Into v_avg_sal
From employees
Where department_id=v_emp_rec.department_id
Select department_name
Into v_department_name
From departments
Where department_id=v_emp_rec.department_id
End loop
Cursor emp_cur is
Select e.last_name, e.salary, asd.avg_sal
From employees e, (select department_id, avg (salary) avg_sal from employees where department_id is not null group by department_id) asd
Where e.department_id=asd.department_id
For v_emp_rec in emp_cur
If v_emp_rec.salary > = v_emp_rec.avg_sal then
End loop
Parameter cursor exercise:
Specify the department number, showing the top 3 with the highest salary in the department (all less than 3). Output: Department number, name, salary.
Cursor emp_sal_cur (p_department_id number) is
Select department_id, last_name, salary
From employees
Where department_id=p_department_id
Order by salary desc
For v_emp_rec in emp_sal_cur (10)
Exit with emp_sal_cur%rowcount > 3
End loop
Cursor emp_sal_cur (p_department_id number) is
Select * from (select department_id, last_name, salary
From employees
Where department_id=p_department_id
Order by salary desc) where rownum3
End loop
End loop
Cursor emp_sal_cur (p_department_id number) is
Select * from (select department_id, last_name, salary
From employees
Where department_id=p_department_id
Order by salary desc) where rownum create table new_emp as select * from employees
Update new_emp set email=v_email
Where first_name=v_first_name and last_name=...
If SQL%notfound then
Insert into new_emp values ()
End if
Predefined exception activity:
Enter the employee's job number and return the employee's name and salary. For inaccurate work numbers, the prompt message "the work number does not exist" is given.
Select first_name, last_name, salary
Into v_first_name, v_last_name, v_salary
From employees
Where employee_id=&emp_id
Dbms_output.put_line (…)
WHEN no_data_found THEN
Non-predefined exception activity:
Add new employee information to new_emp for duplicate job ID, missing name, salary create table new_emp as select * from employees
SQL > alter table new_emp modify (employee_id primary key)
SQL > alter table new_emp modify (check (salary > 0))
SQL > alter table new_emp modify (email null)
SQL > alter table new_emp modify (hire_date null)
SQL > alter table new_emp modify (job_id null)
Insert into new_emp...
E_name exception
E_salary exception
Pragma exception_init (eBay name, Mei Yu 2292)
Insert into new_emp values ()
When e_name then
When e_salary then
When others then
... .
Custom exception exercise:
Modify the employees in the new_ emptable, assign the job number, and modify the salary of the employees. For the revised salary show sga, the job number does not exist.
SQL > show parameter sga_max_size
SQL > select * from V$SGAINFO
Oem: server in browser-- > memory guide (
SQL > show parameter shared_pool_size
SQL > select component, current_size from V$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS where component='shared pool'
SQL > select * from v$SGAINFO
Db buffer cache:
SQL > show parameter db_block_size
SQL > show parameter db_cache_size
SQL > select * from v$SGAINFO
SQL > select component, current_size from V$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS where component='DEFAULT buffer cache'
Redo log buffer:
SQL > show parameter log_buffer
SQL > select * from v$sgainfo
SQL > show parameter pga_aggregate_target
SQL > select * from V$PGASTAT where NAME='total PGA allocated'
Background process:
SQL > select name from v$bgprocess where paddr'00'
SQL >! Ps-ef | grep ora_
SQL > show parameter db_writer_processes
Data file:
$ll / u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/*.dbf
SQL > select name from v$datafile
SQL > select name from v$tempfile
Control file:
$find / U01-name 'control0 [12] .ctl'
SQL > select name from v$controlfile
SQL > select TYPE, RECORD_SIZE, RECORDS_TOTAL, RECORDS_USED from v$controlfile_record_section
Redo log:
$ll / u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/*.log
SQL > select group#, member from v$logfile
Parameter file:
$ll $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfile*.ora
$strings $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfileorcl.ora
SQL > show parameter spfile
SQL > show parameter
Password file:
$ll $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapw*
Archive logs:
SQL > select name from v$archived_log
Warning log:
$find / U01-name 'alert_*.log'
Instance management monitoring
Start monitoring:
$netstat-tlnp | grep 1521
LSNRCTL > help
$lsnrctl status
$lsnrctl stop
$netstat-tln | grep 1521
Fast dynamic registration: (optional)
$sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL > alter system register
$lsnrctl status
Start EM:
$netstat-tlnp | grep 1158
If ORACLE_UNQNAME is not set:
$export ORACLE_UNQNAME=orcl
$vi .bash _ profile
$. .bash _ profile
Ensure that the hostname is resolved properly:
$cat / etc/hosts
$emctl status dbconsole
$emctl stop dbconsole
$emctl start dbconsole
View the port of oem:
$find / U01-name portlist.ini
Reconfigure em:
$emca-deconfig dbcontrol db
$emca-config dbcontrol db
Start the instance:
$ls $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfileorcl.ora
SQL > shutdown immediate
SQL > startup nomount
SQL > select status from v$instance
SQL > select * from v$sgainfo
SQL > select * from hr.employees
SQL > conn hr/hr
SQL > startup mount or alter database mount
SQL > show parameter control_files
SQL > select status from v$instance
SQL > select * from v$controlfile
SQL > select name from v$datafile
SQL > select * from hr.employees
SQL > conn hr/hr
SQL > startup or alter database open
SQL > select status from v$instance
SQL > select * from hr.employees
SQL > conn hr/hr
Shut down the database:
SQL > shutdown normal
SQL > shutdown transactional
SQL > shutdown immediate
SQL > shutdown abort
Control script:
$vi / etc/oratab
$vi $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbstart
$vi $ORACLE_HOME/bin/dbshut
Restart the database:
SQL > startup force
Startup force = shutdown abort + startup
Startup force mount = shutdown abort + startup mount
Be familiar with the startup and shutdown of three services
Parameter management
Parameter file:
$ls $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfileorcl.ora
$cp spfileorcl.ora spfileorcl.ora.bak
Cannot be modified directly through vi!
View parameters:
SQL > show parameter
SQL > select NAME, VALUE from v$parameter
Modify the parameters:
Dynamic parameters:
$strings $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfileorcl.ora | grep reource_limit
SQL > show parameter RESOURCE_LIMIT
SQL > alter system set RESOURCE_LIMIT=true
SQL > show parameter RESOURCE_LIMIT
$strings $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfileorcl.ora | grep reource_limit
Static parameters:
$strings $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfileorcl.ora | grep processes
* .processes=150
The value of SQL > show parameter processes is 150
SQL > alter system set processes=300 scope=spfile
The value of SQL > show parameter processes is 150
$cat $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfileorcl.ora
* .processes=300
Restart the database, and the static parameter modification takes effect:
SQL > shutdown immediate
SQL > startup
SQL > show parameter processes value is 300
Modify parameters at session level:
SQL > select sysdate from dual
SQL > alter session set nls_date_format='dd-mon rr'
SQL > select sysdate from dual; only affects the current session, not the system
SQL > conn / as sysdba
SQL > select sysdate from dual; restore default settings
Pfile/spfile format conversion:
SQL > create pfile='/home/oracle/initorcl.ora' from spfile
$cat / home/oracle/initorcl.ora
$mv $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfileorcl.ora $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfileorcl.ora.bak
SQL > shutdown immediate
SQL > create spfile from pfile='/home/oracle/initorcl.ora'
$strings $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfileorcl.ora
Specify the parameter file to start the database:
SQL > startup pfile='/home/oracle/initorcl.ora'
Modify the resource_limit and processes parameters. And find the corresponding information in alertlog.
Warning logs and dump files for background processes
$find / U01-name alert_*.log
$vi / u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/alert_orcl.log
SQL > show parameter dump
View the details of the most recent startup / shutdown of the instance in alertlog.
View the changes made to the parameters by the users recorded in alertlog.
Data dictionary / dynamic performance view
SQL > conn hr/hr
SQL > desc user_tables
SQL > select TABLE_NAME from user_tables
SQL > desc user_views
SQL > select VIEW_NAME from user_views
SQL > desc user_indexes
SQL > select INDEX_NAME, TABLE_NAME from user_indexes
SQL > conn scott/tiger
SQL > select TABLE_NAME from user_tables
SQL > select VIEW_NAME from user_views
SQL > select INDEX_NAME, TABLE_NAME from user_indexes
SQL > conn hr/hr
SQL > select count (*) from all_tables
SQL > conn scott/tiger
SQL > select count (*) from all_tables
SQL > conn hr/hr
SQL > select count (*) from dba_tables
SQL > conn scott/tiger
SQL > select count (*) from dba_tables
SQL > desc v$instance
SQL > desc v$database
Storage management
Query predefined tablespaces:
SQL > select TABLESPACE_NAME,CONTENTS from dba_tablespaces
SQL > select FILE_NAME, TABLESPACE_NAME from dba_data_files
Create a new tablespace:
SQL > create tablespace tbs01 datafile'/ u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/tbs01.dbf'SIZE 10MAUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 10m MAXSIZE 100m
Create a table in the specified tablespace:
SQL > create table T1 tablespace tbs01 as select * from dba_objects where 1: 0
SQL > select bytes, blocks, extents, tablespace_name from dba_segments where segment_name='T1'
SQL > insert into T1 select * from dba_objects
SQL > select bytes, blocks, extents, tablespace_name from dba_segments where segment_name='T1'
SQL > select extent_id, bytes, blocks from dba_extents where segment_name='T1'
SQL > insert into T1 select * from T1
SQL > insert into T1 select * from T1
SQL > insert into T1 select * from T1
SQL > select bytes, blocks, extents, tablespace_name from dba_segments where segment_name='T1'
SQL > select extent_id, bytes, blocks from dba_extents where segment_name='T1'
SQL > insert into T1 select * from T1; insufficient space, error reported
SQL > rollback
SQL > select bytes, blocks, extents, tablespace_name from dba_segments where segment_name='T1'; space is not released
SQL > alter table T1 move; frees up space
Read-only tablespace:
SQL > alter tablespace tbs01 read only
SQL > delete T1; disable dml
SQL > insert into T1 select * from T1; disable dml
SQL > create table T2 (x int) tablespace tbs01; failed
SQL > alter table T1 add (x int); successful
SQL > update T1 set xchang1; failed
SQL > drop table T1; successful
The difference between dml and ddl
Change the tablespace size:
Delete tablespaces:
SQL > drop tablespace tbs01 including contents and datafile
Oracle NET
1. The client uses the name @ ora10g to go to the tnsname.ora file to get the specific connection information of the server.
two。 The client sends a link request to the server through the description in tnsname.ora
3. After receiving the connection request, the listener of the server verifies the validity of the requested service
4. The server generates a service process to establish a connection with the client process.
View the session establishment process:
$netstat-tlnp | grep 1521
$sqlplus sys/password@orcl as sysdba
$netstat-tnp | grep sqlplus
$kill-9 1234 kills the process of maintaining sqlplus
Configuration of monitoring
Configuration file:
Add a new listening service Listener15210 through netca, and the port uses 15210
$vi listener.ora
$netstat-tln | grep 1521
$lsnrctl status listener15210
Configure advanced options through netmgr
Start / stop / view / reload listeners / services through the lsnrctl command
Lsnrctl start | stop | status | reload | service
Specify the name of the monitor:
$lsnrctl status listener15210
Listener.ora and / etc/hosts files need to be checked for changes in the network environment
Netca Delete Listener15210
Configuration of instance
Static and dynamic registration
What is static registration?
That is, the configuration file of the listener specifies which instance needs to be configured with SID_DESC field.
You can use SID_NAME or SERVICE_NAME to locate an instance.
What is dynamic registration?
That is, which instance is not specified in the listener's configuration file
To tell the listener the specific instance to listen to through PMON
PMON tells the SERVER_NAME to the listener, and the process is to register.
By default, PMON registers once a minute, which means you cannot connect when you start monitoring and do not register.
Add 3 ways, delete the following, and rewrite it with the document
Distinguish between static registration and dynamic registration
Lsnrctl status
It's ready. It's dynamic.
It's unknow. It's static.
Static registration listener.ora file information:
$vi listener.ora
(ORACLE_HOME = / u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1)
(SID_NAME = ora11g)
$lsnrctl reload
Services Summary...
Service "ora11g" has 1 instance (s).
Instance "ora11g", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler (s) for this service...
The status is always unknown, and when there is a request, the listener confirms whether the data exists.
Dynamic registration
Oracle9i instances use dynamic service registration to inform listeners about their database services.
Service registration depends on the PMON process registering instance information with the listener at an interval of about 1 minute.
Manually register the command alter system register
There is no need to set any information in the listener.ora file. This file may not exist.
There are three ways to register:
Local default port snooping
Local non-default port snooping
Remote monitoring
Local non-default port:
Netca creates listener15210, using port 15210
$netstat-tlnp | grep 15210
Write to the alias of the monitor:
$cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
$vi tnsnames.ora
Listener15210 =
Modify the parameters:
SQL > ALTER SYSTEM register; register now (optional)
Service information has been added to the new monitor:
$lsnrctl status listener15210
Client specifies a new port connection:
$sqlplus sys/password@ as sysdba reported an error
$sqlplus sys/password@ sysdba
Delete the configuration:
$vi tnsnames.ora removes the listener15210 alias
Netca removes snooping on port 15210
Client configuration
Easy to connect:
$sqlplus sys/password@ as sysdba
Suitable for temporary connections
Local naming:
View an existing host connection string
$cd $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
$vi tnsnames.ora
$sqlplus sys/password@orcl as sysdba
Use netca to add a new host connection string orcl192
$sqlplus sys/password@orcl192 as sysdba
SQL > select name from v$database
The tnsping test does not require a username and password:
$tnsping orcl192
The order of the parsing methods:
$vi sqlnet.ora
Netca can be modified
Restore the default settings:
SQL > alter system set local_listener=''
SQL > alter sytem register
Netca removes unwanted monitoring and connection configurations
Shared server mode
Proprietary service and shared service model
Proprietary mode
Establish a connection between each user process and the service process through a listener
Process information is stored in PGA, that is, as many user processes as there are PGA generated
The process connection alone is not enough to operate the database, and the generated session information is also needed.
Session information is stored in UGA, and UGA exists in PGA in proprietary mode
Because processes and processes are isolated from each other, session information is also relatively independent
This results in that the service process can only know the session request information of the current user process and can only serve the current user process.
Sharing mode
The request of the user process is received by the listener, which does not delegate the server process, but returns the scheduler information to the client
The scheduler puts requests from the user process into the request queue
One of the multiple service processes gets the request from the user process from the queue and processes the request from the user process
After processing, the service process puts the processing results into the response queue, and each scheduler has its own response queue.
Feedback the information of the response queue to the corresponding scheduler
The scheduler then returns the result of the service process to the user process.
The session information of the user process in shared mode is visible to each server process.
Because the UGA information of shared mode exists in SGA, the request of one user process can be completed by multiple service processes.
The configuration of the shared server is configured through the initialization parameter dispatchers
Can be modified through DBCA
$lsnrctl service
SQL > show parameter disp
SQL > show parameter shared_server
Proprietary mode and shared mode can be used together.
It depends on how the user chooses.
In tnsnames.ora
ORA10G =
(SERVER = DEDICATED) # if you don't write this value, you will match according to the mode of the server.
# shared specifies to connect by sharing
# DEDICATED specifies to connect in proprietary mode
(SERVICE_NAME = raw10g)
Test three modes
ORCL_default =
ORCL_dedicated =
ORCL_shared =
$sqlplus sys/password@orcl_default as sysdba
$sqlplus sys/password@orcl_dedicated as sysdba
$sqlplus sys/password@orcl_shared as sysdba
SQL > select SID, SERVER,PROGRAM from v$session where USERNAME='SYS'
SQL > select distinct sid from v$mystat
Management and maintenance, import of large amounts of data, backup and recovery are not suitable for sharing:
Cannot issue management commands under SQL > shutdown immediate shared connection
Restore the original settings:
Dbca is modified to dedicated mode
Database An accesses the table above remote database B.
In database A, use netca to create the host description string orcl_dblink to point to database B.
$tnsping orcl_dblink
Create a database link in database A:
SQL > create database link orcl_dblink_hr connect to hr identified by hr using 'orcl_dblink'
Using uses the host description string orcl_dblink
The user and password are on database B.
The name of db link does not need to be consistent with the host description string
Access the table in database B:
SQL > select count (*) from hr.employees@orcl_dblink_hr
SQL > select count (*) from hr.employees, departments@orcl_dblink_hr
User management
Authentication: authentication
Authorization: rights management
Audition: audit
Predefined system users:
SQL > select USERNAME, ACCOUNT_STATUS from dba_users
Users with open status:
System management account:
There are three authentication methods:
Password authentication:
Create a user user01 in the browser
Or use the command to create:
SQL > create user user01 identified by password
SQL > grant create session to user01
$sqlplus user01/password
External (os) verification:
Create a user in the operating system:
[root@node1 ~] # useradd osuser
[root@node1 ~] # passwd osuser
$sqlplus / as sysdba
External users use a fixed prefix:
SQL > show parameter os_auth
SQL > create user ops$osuser identified externally
SQL > grant create session to ops$osuser
Do not su-osuser, keep the environment variables:
$su osuser
[osuser@node1 admin] $sqlplus /
SQL > show user
Authentication of the administrator:
Local connection:
Local connection, preset ORACLE_SID, operating system user is a member of the dba group
Uid=1001 (oracle) gid=1000 (oinstall) groups=1000 (oinstall), 1031 (dba), 1032 (oper)
$sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL > show user
# usermod-G oper oracle or
# gpasswd-d oracle dba
# exit
$sqlplus / as sysdba
Report an error, lack of authority
As long as you are a member of the dba group, you can log in as sqlplus / as sysdba without knowing the sys password.
And the identity is sys.
# gpasswd-an oracle dba
Remote client connection:
$sqlplus sys/password@orcl as sysdba
$ls $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapworcl
System permissions:
Sys Executive Authorization:
Create a test table in advance
SQL > create table T1 (x int)
SQL > create user user01 identified by password
SQL > grant create session to user01
SQL > grant select any table to user01
User01 Test:
$sqlplus user01/password
SQL > select count (*) from hr.employees (hr.departments scott.emp)
SQL > delete from scott.emp; failed!
SQL > select * from sys.t1; failed!
Select any table nmur1 mode
Sys re-authorizes:
SQL > grant select any dictionary to user01
User01 Test:
SQL > select * from sys.t1; succeeded
Select any table (nmur1) + select any dictionary (1)
Sys Licensing:
SQL > grant create table to user01
User01 Test:
SQL > create table T1 (x int)
Sys Licensing:
SQL > grant unlimited tablespace to user01
User01 Test:
SQL > insert into T1 values (1)
Object permissions:
Reference permissions for the table:
Deptno (competitive) dname
10 sales
20 market
Empno deptno (fk)
100 10
Sys Licensing:
SQL > grant select on hr.employees to user01
User01 Test:
SQL > select count (*) from hr.employees
SQL > delete from hr.employees; failed
SQL > select count (*) from hr.departments; failed
Sys Licensing:
SQL > grant index on hr.employees to user01
SQL > grant unlimited tablespace to user01
User01 Test:
SQL > create index emp_sal_idx on hr.employees (salary)
SQL > select index_name from user_indexes where table_name='EMPLOYEES'
Create any table create table
Alter any table alter table
Drop any table drop table
Cascade deletion of permissions:
System permissions:
Sys preparation work:
SQL > drop user user01 cascade
SQL > drop user user02 cascade
SQL > create user user01 identified by password
SQL > create user user02 identified by password
SQL > grant create session to user01
SQL > grant create session to user02
Sys Licensing:
SQL > grant select any table to user01 with admin option
The user01 test succeeded and was authorized to user02:
SQL > select count (*) from hr.employees
SQL > grant select any table to user02 with admin option
The user02 test was successful:
SQL > select count (*) from hr.employees
Sys withdraws permissions:
SQL > revoke select any table from user01
User01 operation failed:
SQL > select count (*) from hr.employees
The user02 test was successful:
SQL > select count (*) from hr.employees
Object permissions:
SQL > grant select on hr.employees to user01 with grant option
The role is the group in the database!
The role of roles: simplify the management of permissions and dynamically update users' permissions.
Predefined roles:
SQL > select role from dba_roles
Create a role:
SQL > create role hr_mgr
SQL > create role hr_clerk
SQL > grant select any table to hr_mgr
SQL > grant select on hr.employees to hr_clerk
SQL > grant hr_mgr to user01
SQL > grant hr_clerk to user02
User01/user02 Test:
You must log in again if the role is effective.
Profile mainly controls two aspects:
1 user's resource consumption
2 user's password security
SQL > select * from dba_profiles where profile='DEFAULT'
SQL > select username, profile from dba_users
SQL > switch parameters for show parameter resource_limit resource management
View the script for the complexity function:
$cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin
$vi utlpwdmg.sql
$cp utlpwdmg.sql / home/oracle/utlpwdmg.sql
$vi / home/oracle/utlpwdmg.sql retains only part of the check function
$sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL > @ / home/oracle/utlpwdmg.sql
Sys creates a profile:
Associate with the user:
$sqlplus hr/hr
SQL > alter user hr identified by password123 replace hr
Turn on switch parameters:
SQL > show parameter audit_trail
Set audit options:
Each time a new audit option is set, the test user needs to reconnect
Sys preparation work:
SQL > drop user user01 cascade
SQL > create user user01 identified by password
SQL > grant create session, create table, create any table to user01
Audit system permissions:
User01 Test:
SQL > create table T1 (x int)
SQL > create table T1 (x int); failed
SQL > create table hr.t1 (x int)
SQL > create table hr.t1 (x int); failed
Sys to view the audit results:
SQL > desc aud$
SQL > desc dba_audit_trail
View in browser
Sys add audit conditions:
SQL > grant select any table to user01
User01 Test:
SQL > select * from T1
SQL > select * from hr.t1
Sys to view the audit results:
In the browser or view the dba_audit_ trail table
Delete audit options:
Audit object:
Sys sets audit options:
SQL > drop user user01 cascade
SQL > create user user01 identified by password
SQL > grant create session to user01
Sys authorization, each time a statement is executed, user01 is tested:
SQL > grant select any table to user01
SQL > revoke select any table from user01
SQL > grant select on hr.employees to user01
User01 test (4 times):
SQL > select count (*) from hr.employees
The behavior of sys is not recorded by default:
SQL > select count (*) from hr.employees
Delete audit options:
SQL > NOAUDIT SELECT ON hr.employees
Audit statement:
Sys sets audit options:
User01 Test:
SQL > create table T1 (x int); failed
SQL > create table T1 (x int)
SQL > create table T1 (y int); failed
SQL > drop table T1
Sys to view the results:
In the browser or in the DBA_AUDIT_OBJECT table
Delete audit options:
Audit the operation of sys:
SQL > show parameter audit
Modify two parameters
Concurrency management
Read-write conflicts are resolved through read consistency:
Sys preparation work:
SQL > create user user01 identified by password
SQL > grant dba to user01
The following are all in user01:
SQL > conn user01/password
SQL > create table T1 (x int)
SQL > insert into T1 values (1)
SQL > commit
SQL > update T1 set Xuan 11 where Xuan 1
SQL > select * from T1
Session 2:
SQL > select * from T1
Session 1:
SQL > commit
Session 2:
SQL > select * from T1
Test serializable:
SQL > alter session set isolation_level=serializable
Repeat the above steps
The conflict between write and write is resolved through the locking mechanism:
Session 1:
SQL > update T1 set Xuan 11 where Xuan 1
View lock information in browser
Session 2:
SQL > update T1 set x111 where xym1; blocked
View lock information in browser
Session 1:
SQL > rollback
View lock information in browser
SQL > select * from T1
SQL > update T1 set Xuan 11 where Xuan 1
SQL > update T1 set Xerox 22 where Xue2
SQL > update T1 set x = 222 where x = 2; blocking
SQL > update T1 set x111 where xlock1; deadlock
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource
$vi / u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/alert_orcl.log
Locks and foreign keys
Select... For update
Revoke management
What is undo data:
1. Deal fallback: transactions that are not submitted can be rollback
two。 Recovery of transactions: when the database crashes, restore the incorrect data from the disk to before the transaction
3. Read consistency: the queried record is occupied by a transaction. Turn to the rollback segment to find the mirror before modification.
4. Flashback data: constructing historical data from a rollback segment
Transaction and revocation data:
Redo and undo:
3 parameters, 2 tablespace properties
Undo_management=AUTO rollback the segment management mode of the tablespace segment, the administrator only needs to have enough tablespace capacity, and oracle will automatically manage the number of extended rollback segments. Only one UNDO tablespace can be used.
Undo_tablespace: can only be used in automatic management mode. Indicates which UNDO tablespace to use
The amount of time that the old image remains in the rollback segment after the submission.
Unforced fallback hold time. (if there is not enough room to roll back, the old image will be overwritten.)
Autoextend: automatic tablespace expansion
Mandatory maintenance: but it requires a lot of space, so you should use it with caution. (support starts with 10g)
Select tablespace_name,RETENTION from dba_tablespaces
UNDO_RETENTION specifies (in seconds) how long already committed undo information is to be retained. The only time you must set this parameter is when:
The undo tablespace has the AUTOEXTEND option enabled
You want to set undo retention for LOBs
You want to guarantee retention
Undo advisor:
Scheduling job
$ps-ef | grep cjq
SQL > show parameter job_queue_processes
Automatic management jobs set in advance in the background:
Custom Job:
SQL > create table session_history (snap_time timestamp with local time zone, num_session number)
Create a job in em:
Use plsql blocks:
Session_count number
Select count (*) into session_count from v$session
Insert into session_history values (systimestamp, session_count)
Globalization support
$vi .bash _ profile
# export NLS_LANG=american_america.AL32UTF8
# export NLS_DATE_FORMAT='yyyy-mm-dd hh34:mi:ss'
$unset NLS_LANG
SQL > select sysdate from dual
Backup recovery configuration recoverability
Control file
SQL > show parameter control_files
SQL > select * from v$controlfile
Modify the path:
$cd $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
$cp spfileorcl.ora spfileorcl.ora.bak
SQL > alter system set control_files='/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/control01.ctl','/ home/oracle/control02.ctl' scope=spfile
SQL > shutdown immediate
$mv / u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/orcl/control02.ctl / home/oracle/control02.ctl
SQL > startup
SQL > show parameter control_files
SQL > select * from v$controlfile
Add mirrors:
SQL > alter system set control_files='/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/control01.ctl','/ home/oracle/control02.ctl','/ home/oracle/control03.ctl' scope=spfile
SQL > shutdown immediate
$cp / home/oracle/control02.ctl / home/oracle/control03.ctl
SQL > startup
SQL > show parameter control_files
SQL > select * from v$controlfile
Log file:
Add members and log groups:
SQL > select GROUP#, SEQUENCE#, STATUS, MEMBERS from v$log
SQL > select GROUP#, MEMBER from v$logfile
SQL > alter database add logfile member'/ home/oracle/redo01b.log' to group 1
SQL > alter database add logfile member'/ home/oracle/redo02b.log' to group 2
SQL > alter database add logfile member'/ home/oracle/redo03b.log' to group 3
SQL > alter database add logfile group 4 ('/ u01 home/oracle/redo04b.log' size size 50m)
SQL > show parameter db_recovery
Backupset: 10GB, archived log: 5GB
10g, 10g
Turn on archive mode:
SQL > archive log list check the current settings
SQL > shutdown immediate
SQL > startup mount
SQL > alter database archivelog
SQL > alter database open
SQL > archive log list
SQL > show parameter log_archive_dest
SQL > select group#, sequence#, status, archived from v$log
SQL > alter system switch logfile
SQL > select group#, sequence#, status, archived from v$log
SQL > select NAME, SEQUENCE#, STATUS from v$archived_log
$ls / u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/ORCL
RMAN configuration
$rman target / or rman target sys/password@orcl
RMAN > show all
RMAN > backup tablespace users
RMAN > list backup
You can also view it in the SQL > desc v$backup_set browser
Automatic channel management:
RMAN > backup tablespace users, example
$mkdir / home/oracle/disk1 / home/oracle/disk2
RMAN > configure channel 1 device type disk to destination'/ home/oracle/disk1'
RMAN > configure channel 2 device type disk to destination'/ home/oracle/disk2'
RMAN > backup tablespace users, example
Restore default
RMAN > CONFIGURE CHANNEL 1 device type disk clear
RMAN > CONFIGURE CHANNEL 2 device type disk clear
Manual channel management:
RMAN > run {
Allocate channel C1 device type disk to destination'/ home/oracle/disk1'
Allocate channel c2 device type disk to destination'/ home/oracle/disk2'
Backup tablespace users, example
Backup (tablespace users channel C1) (tablespace example channel c2)
Backup section size 500M datafile 1
Specify the backup format:
RMAN > backup tablespace users
RMAN > backup as compressed backupset tablespace users
RMAN > backup as copy tablespace users
RMAN > list backup of tablespace users
RMAN > list copy of tablespace users
Encryption of backup:
RMAN backup
Unarchived archiving
Online offline online offline
Complete part
Shutdown nomount mount open
Back up the data file:
SQL > select file_id, file_name from dba_data_files
RMAN > backup datafile 4
RMAN > backup datafile 4pr 5
RMAN > backup datafile'/ u01qqappActionoradataUS01.dbf'
RMAN > backup tablespace users
RMAN > backup tablespace users, example
RMAN > backup database
RMAN > list backup
Desc v$backup_set, browser to view backup
Incremental backup:
RMAN > backup incremental level 0 tablespace users
RMAN > list backup of tablespace users
SQL > create table T1 (x int) tablespace users
SQL > insert into T1 values (1)
SQL > commit
RMAN > backup incremental level 1 tablespace users
RMAN > backup incremental level 1 tablespace users
SQL > create table T2 (x int) tablespace users
SQL > insert into T2 values (1)
SQL > commit
RMAN > backup incremental level 1 cumulative tablespace users
RMAN > list backup of tablespace users
Turn on block tracking:
SQL > alter database enable block change tracking using file'/ home/oracle/blk_trk.chg'
Need to reconnect the session
SQL > select * from v$block_change_tracking
SQL > create table T3 (x int) tablespace users
SQL > insert into T3 values (1)
SQL > commit
RMAN > backup incremental level 1 tablespace users
SQL > alter database disable block change tracking; off
Incremental updates:
SQL > create table T1 (x int) tablespace users
SQL > insert into T1 values (1)
SQL > commit
RMAN > backup incremental level 1 for recover of copy with tag 'update_copy' tablespace users; creates a level 0 backup for the first time
RMAN > list copy; record time and scn
SQL > insert into T1 values (2)
SQL > commit
RMAN > backup incremental level 1 for recover of copy with tag 'update_copy' tablespace users; creates a level 1 backup for the second time
RMAN > list backup; backupset format
RMAN > recover copy of tablespace users with tag 'update_copy'
RMAN > list copy; time and scn updates
Script form:
RMAN > run {
Backup incremental level 1 for recover of copy with tag 'update_copy' tablespace users
Recover copy of tablespace users with tag 'update_copy'
Back up the archive log:
RMAN > list archivelog all
RMAN > backup archivelog all delete all input
RMAN > list archivelog all
RMAN > list backup
Backup maintenance:
RMAN > list backup
RMAN > list copy
RMAN > list backup of tablespace users
RMAN > list backup of datafile 4
RMAN > list archivelog all
Check the backup:
RMAN > delete backup; delete backup
RMAN > delete copy
RMAN > list backup; list copy
RMAN > report need backup; check according to policy
RMAN > backup tablespace users
RMAN > report need backup
RMAN > report need backup
RMAN > report obsolete
Delete backup:
RMAN > delete backupset of tablespace users
RMAN > delete backupset 1234
RMAN > backup tablespace users
RMAN > backup tablespace users
RMAN > show all
RMAN > delete obsolete
RMAN > delete backup
RMAN > backup tablespace users
RMAN > list backup of tablespace users
$mv / u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/ORCL/backupset/... Rename
RMAN > restore datafile 4; error report
RMAN > crosscheck backup
RMAN > list backup of tablespace users; scrap status
RMAN > list expired backup
$mv / u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/ORCL/backupset/... Restore the original name
RMAN > crosscheck backup
RMAN > list backup of tablespace users; availability status
RMAN > delete expired backup
$cp / u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/ORCL/backupset/... Copy
RMAN > delete backup
RMAN > list backup; backupset disappears
$mv / u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/ORCL/backupset/... Restore the original name
RMAN > catalog recovery area noprompt
RMAN > list backup; backupset recovery
RMAN recovery data file
Data file:
A data file is lost without archiving:
SQL > archive log list
Work before backup:
SQL > create table T1 (x varchar2 (50)) tablespace users
SQL > insert into T1 values ('friday, before backup')
SQL > commit
SQL > query v$datafile, v$logfile, v$tempfile, v$controlfile
SQL > shutdown immediate
$cd $ORACLE_BASE/oradata/
$cp-r orcl orcl.bak
$cd $ORACLE_BASE/fast_recovery_area/orcl
$cp control02.ctl control02.ctl.bak
SQL > startup
Work after backup:
SQL > insert into T1 values ('monday, after backup')
SQL > commit
SQL > alter system flush buffer_cache
$cd $ORACLE_BASE/oradata/orcl
$> users01.dbf
SQL > select * from T1; error report
$vi / u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/alert_orcl.log
$dbv file=/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/users01.dbf
SQL > shutdown abort
$cd $ORACLE_BASE/oradata
$rm-rf orcl
$mv orcl.bak orcl
$cd $ORACLE_BASE/fast_recovery_area/orcl
$mv control02.ctl.bak control02.ctl
SQL > startup
SQL > select * from T1
A data file is missing in archive mode:
SQL > archive log list
Work before backup:
SQL > create table T1 (x varchar2 (50)) tablespace users
SQL > insert into T1 values ('friday, before backup')
SQL > commit
RMAN > backup tablespace users tag "tbs_users_weekend_backup"
Work after backup:
SQL > select group#, sequence#, status, archived from v$log
SQL > insert into T1 values ('after backup, logseq 7, archived')
SQL > commit
SQL > alter system switch logfile
SQL > insert into T1 values ('after backup, logseq 8, archived')
SQL > commit
SQL > alter system switch logfile
SQL > insert into T1 values ('after backup, logseq 9, archived')
SQL > commit
SQL > alter system switch logfile
SQL > insert into T1 values ('after backup, logseq 10, current')
SQL > commit
SQL > insert into T1 values ('after backup, logseq 10, current, uncommitted')
SQL > select * from T1
SQL > shutdown abort
$rm $ORACLE_BASE/oradata/orcl/users01.dbf
SQL > startup reported an error
SQL > select open_mode from v$database
$vi / u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/alert_orcl.log
RMAN > list backup of tablespace users
RMAN > list archivelog all
SQL > alter database datafile 4 offline; system and undotbs cannot offline
SQL > alter database open
RMAN > restore datafile 4
RMAN > recover datafile 4
SQL > alter database datafile 4 online
SQL > select * from T1
Resolve user misoperation through incomplete recovery:
SQL > archive log list
Work before backup:
SQL > create table T1 (x varchar2 (50)) tablespace users
SQL > insert into T1 values ('before backup')
SQL > commit
RMAN > backup database tag 'weekend_DB_full_backup'
After backup:
SQL > insert into T1 values ('after backup, before delete')
SQL > commit
SQL > select sysdate from dual
SQL > select dbms_flashback.get_system_change_number from dual
SQL > delete T1
SQL > commit
SQL > create table after_delete (x int); correct operation
SQL > insert into after_delete values (1)
SQL > commit
RMAN > run {
Startup force mount
Set until scn= 1806683
Restore database
Recover database
Alter database open resetlogs
Set until time='2015-10-26 11-13-13-23; recovery based on point-in-time
SQL > select * from T1
SQL > select * from after_delete; is missing
SQL > select group#, sequence#, status, archived from v$log
Resolve archive log discontiguity through incomplete recovery:
SQL > archive log list
Before backup:
SQL > create table T1 (x varchar2 (50)) tablespace users
SQL > insert into T1 values ('before backup')
SQL > commit
RMAN > backup database tag 'weekend_DB_full_backup'
After backup:
SQL > select GROUP#, SEQUENCE#, STATUS, archived from v$log
SQL > insert into T1 values ('after backup, logseq 1, archived')
SQL > commit
SQL > alter system switch logfile
SQL > insert into T1 values ('after backup, logseq 2, archived')
SQL > commit
SQL > alter system switch logfile
SQL > insert into T1 values ('after backup, logseq 3, archived')
SQL > commit
SQL > alter system switch logfile
SQL > insert into T1 values ('after backup, logseq 4, archived')
SQL > commit
SQL > alter system switch logfile
SQL > insert into T1 values ('after backup, logseq 5, current')
SQL > commit
SQL > alter system checkpoint
SQL > shutdown abort
$rm / u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/users01.dbf
$rm / u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/ORCL/archivelog/2016_03_01/o1_mf_1_5_cfbcxo84_.arc
SQL > startup
The first attempt to restore only one data file failed.
RMAN > run {
Startup force mount
Set until sequence 5
Restore database
Recover database
Alter database open resetlogs
SQL > select * from T1
Control file
Missing part of the control file:
SQL > select * from v$controlfile
$> / u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/control01.ctl
SQL > select * from vested tablespace; error reported
SQL > alter system checkpoint; reported an error
$vi / u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/alert_orcl.log
SQL > shutdown abort
SQL > startup nomount
SQL > show parameter control_files
$cp / u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/orcl/control02.ctl / u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/control01.ctl
SQL > alter database mount
SQL > alter database open
Loss of all control files (with automatic backup):
RMAN > backup datafile 4
$> / u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/control01.ctl
$> / u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/orcl/control02.ctl
SQL > select * from vested tablespace; error reported
SQL > alter system checkpoint; reported an error
SQL > shutdown abort
SQL > startup nomount
RMAN > restore controlfile from autobackup
RMAN > alter database mount
RMAN > recover database
RMAN > alter database open resetlogs
Lose all control files (no automatic backup):
SQL > alter database backup controlfile to'/ home/oracle/control.bak'
SQL > alter database backup controlfile to trace
SQL > select * from v$diag_info
There are automatic backups:
RMAN > backup datafile 4
Online recovery:
$mv $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfileorcl.ora $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfileorcl.ora.bak
SQL > alter system set resource_limit=true; reported an error
SQL > create spfile='/home/oracle/spfile.bak' from memory
$mv / home/oracle/spfile.bak $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfileorcl.ora
Offline recovery:
SQL > shutdown immediate
$mv $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfileorcl.ora $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfileorcl.ora.bak
RMAN > startup
RMAN > restore spfile from'/ u01ActionActionoracleUniplicationfastfastfastfastrecoverycosareaorCLandautobackupand201510 / 26pluso1mfangs894118741c2vkgo8xchang.bkp'
RMAN > startup force
No backup:
Use the parameter values in alert_orcl.log to construct initorcl.ora
SQL > create spfile='/home/oracle/spfile.bak' from pfile
Take advantage of backup init.ora:
$vi / u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/dbs/init.ora perfect parameters
SQL > startup pfile='/u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/dbs/init.ora'
SQL > create spfile from pfile
Redo log
Lose a member:
SQL > select GROUP#, MEMBERS from v$log
SQL > select GROUP#, MEMBER from v$logfile
SQL > alter database add logfile member'/ home/oracle/redo01b.log' to group 1
SQL > alter database add logfile member'/ home/oracle/redo02b.log' to group 2
SQL > alter database add logfile member'/ home/oracle/redo03b.log' to group 3
SQL > alter system switch logfile
SQL > alter system switch logfile
SQL > alter system switch logfile
SQL > select group#, status from vault log; confirm current group
$rm-f / home/oracle/redo02b.log delete current group member
SQL > alter system switch logfile
$vi / u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/alert_orcl.log
SQL > alter database drop logfile member'/ home/oracle/redo02b.log'
SQL > alter database add logfile member'/ home/oracle/redo02b.log' reuse to group 2
If it is the current log group, the member cannot be deleted and can only be switched and then modified.
Missing inactive log group:
SQL > alter system checkpoint
SQL > select group#, status from vault log; confirm inactive group
SQL > shutdown abort
$rm-f / home/oracle/redo03b.log / u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/redo03.log
$startup reported an error
SQL > startup mount
SQL > select group#, status, archived from v$log
SQL > alter database clear logfile group 3
SQL > alter database open
If the log is not archived:
SQL > alter database clear unarchived logfile group 3
Make a full backup of the database
Lose the current log group (shut down the database normally):
SQL > select group#, status from vault log; confirm current group
SQL > shutdown immediate
$rm-f / home/oracle/redo02b.log / u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/redo02.log
SQL > startup reported an error
SQL > startup mount
SQL > select group#, status, archived from v$log
SQL > alter database clear unarchived logfile group 2
SQL > alter database open
Make a full backup of the database
Missing current log group (abnormal database shutdown):
RMAN > backup database
SQL > create table T1 (x varchar2 (50))
SQL > insert into T1 values ('after backup, before archived')
SQL > commit
SQL > alter system switch logfile
SQL > insert into T1 values ('after backup, after archived, current')
SQL > commit
SQL > insert into T1 values ('after backup, after archived, current, uncommitted')
SQL > alter system checkpoint
SQL > shutdown abort
$rm-f / home/oracle/redo03b.log / u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/redo03.log
SQL > startup reported an error
SQL > select group#, sequence#, status, archived from vault log; confirm the log sequence number
RMAN > run {
Startup force mount
Set until sequence 10
Restore database
Recover database
Alter database open resetlogs;}
SQL > select * from T1; lost data
Missing active log group:
Recover data block
SQL > create tablespace tbs01 datafile'/ home/oracle/tbs01.dbf' size 5m
SQL > create table T1 tablespace tbs01 as select * from dba_objects where rownum backup tablespace tbs01
SQL > alter system flush buffer_cache
$dd of=/home/oracle/tbs01.dbf bs=8k conv=notrunc seek=300 select file#, block# from v$database_block_corruption
RMAN > recover datafile 6 block 300
RMAN > recover corruption list
DBMS_REPAIR packet isolated data block
Rman recovery directory
SQL > show parametercontrol_file_record_keep_time
Create database rc with dbca (do not configure em, fra,200M memory, character set unicode)
Use netca to create the host connection string rc that points to itself.
$sqlplus sys/password@rc as sysdba
SQL > create tablespace rc_tbs datafile'/ home/oracle/rc_tbs.dbf' size 50m
SQL > create user rcowner identified by password default tablespace rc_tbs quota unlimited on rc_tbs
SQL > grant recovery_catalog_owner to rcowner
$rman catalog rcowner/password@rc
RMAN > create catalog
$rman target sys/password@orcl catalog rcowner/password@rc
$rman target / catalog rcowner/password@rc
RMAN > register database
Dbca Delete rc
Typical errors in parameters related to functional dependent components
Query undo tbs undo_retention dml
Version query undo tbs undo_retention dml
Flashback table undo tbs undo_retention dml
Flashback drop recyclebin recyclebin, freespace drop table
Transaction query supplemental log dml
Fda flashback archive dml
Database flashback log db_flashback_retention_target ddl
Sys does not allow flashbacks, create new users
SQL > create user user01 identified by password
SQL > grant dba to user01
SQL > conn user01/password
SQL > create table T1 (x int)
SQL > create index t1_x_idx on T1 (x)
SQL > insert into T1 values (1)
SQL > commit
SQL > select sysdate from dual
SQL > select dbms_flashback.get_system_change_number from dual
SQL > delete T1
SQL > commit
SQL > select * from T1
SQL > select * from T1 as of scn 1446069
SQL > select * from T1 as of timestamp to_timestamp ('2015-10-28 10 from 31 as of timestamp to_timestamp 54,' yyyy-mm-dd hh34:mi:ss')
SQL > truncate table T1; or alter table T1 move; or shrink data file
SQL > select * from T1 as of scn 1446069; flashback failed due to physical structure change
Flashback version query
SQL > create table T1 (x int)
SQL > insert into T1 values (1)
SQL > commit
SQL > update T1 set Xero2
SQL > commit
SQL > update T1 set Xero3
SQL > commit
SQL > update T1 set Xero4
SQL > commit
SQL > select versions_starttime, versions_endtime, versions_xid, versions_operation, x
From t1
Versions between scn minvalue and maxvalue
Order by versions_starttime
Versions between timestamp to_timestamp ('2015-10-28 900 and to_timestamp,' yyyy-mm-dd hh34:mi:ss') and to_timestamp ('2015-10-28 10 and to_timestamp,' yyyy-mm-dd hh34:mi:ss')
SQL > truncate table T1; physical structure changed and query failed
Flashback table
SQL > conn user01/password
SQL > create table my_dept (deptno int primary key, dname varchar2 (20))
SQL > create table my_emp (empno int primary key, deptno int references my_dept)
SQL > insert into my_dept values (10, 'sales')
SQL > insert into my_emp values (100,10)
SQL > commit
SQL > select dbms_flashback.get_system_change_number from dual
SQL > delete my_emp
SQL > delete my_dept
SQL > commit
SQL > alter table my_dept enable row movement
SQL > alter table my_emp enable row movement
SQL > flashback table my_emp to scn 1451706; failed
SQL > flashback table my_dept to scn 1451706
SQL > flashback table my_emp to scn 1451706
SQL > select INDEX_NAME, STATUS from user_indexes where table_name='MY_EMP'; automatically maintains the index
SQL > select INDEX_NAME, STATUS from user_indexes where table_name='MY_DEPT'
SQL > truncate table my_emp
SQL > flashback table my_emp to scn 1451706; failed
Flashback drop
SQL > show parameter recyclebin
SQL > purge recyclebin
SQL > create tablespace tbs01 datafile'/ home/oracle/tbs01.dbf' size 5m
SQL > create table T1 tablespace tbs01 as select * from dba_objects where rownum create index t1_object_id_idx on T1 (object_id) tablespace tbs01
SQL > select INDEX_NAME from user_indexes where TABLE_NAME='T1'
SQL > drop table T1
SQL > select table_name from user_tables
SQL > show recyclebin
SQL > select object_name, original_name, type, droptime from user_recyclebin; contains index
SQL > select count (*) from "BIN$IyKOcy5jPo7gUwEAqMCBEg==$0"
SQL > flashback table T1 to before drop
SQL > select INDEX_NAME from user_indexes where TABLE_NAME='T1'
SQL > alter index "BIN$LRyc7hA1JaPgUwEAqMDzWw==$0" rename to T1 recovery object ID X; restore index name
Handling of duplicate names:
SQL > flashback table "BIN$IyKOcy5jPo7gUwEAqMCBEg==$0" to before drop
SQL > flashback table T1 to before drop rename to T2
SQL > drop table T1
SQL > show recyclebin in the recycling bin
SQL > create table T2 tablespace tbs01 as select * from dba_objects where rownum show recyclebin T1 is overwritten
SQL > drop table T2 purge
SQL > purge recyclebin
Flashback transaction query
SQL > alter database add supplemental log data
SQL > alter database add supplemental log data (primary key) columns
SQL > create table T1 (x int)
SQL > insert into T1 values (1)
SQL > commit
SQL > update T1 set x operations 11 where x operations 1; misoperated transactions
SQL > commit
SQL > insert into T1 values (2)
SQL > commit
Select versions_starttime, versions_endtime, versions_xid, versions_operation, x
From t1
Versions between scn minvalue and maxvalue
Order by versions_starttime; gets the xid of the misoperated transaction
SQL > select UNDO_SQL, OPERATION from flashback_transaction_query where xid='02000F0059040000'
Flashback database
SQL > shutdown immediate
SQL > startup mount
SQL > alter database flashback on; database in archive mode
SQL > show parameter db_flashback_retention_target
SQL > select OLDEST_FLASHBACK_TIME from v$flashback_database_log
SQL > create table T1 (x int)
SQL > insert into T1 values (1)
SQL > commit
SQL > select dbms_flashback.get_system_change_number from dual
SQL > truncate table T1
SQL > create table after_truncate (x int); other correct actions
SQL > select OLDEST_FLASHBACK_TIME, OLDEST_FLASHBACK_SCN from vested flashbackdatabases database log; confirm whether it is in the recovery range
SQL > shutdown abort
SQL > startup mount
SQL > flashback database to scn 1495195
SQL > alter database open resetlogs
SQL > select * from T1
SQL > select * from after_truncate; disappears
Mobile data sqlloader
SQL > create table T1 (id int constraint t1_id_pk primary key, name varchar2 (20), salary int constraint t1_salary_ck check (salary > 0))
$vi ~ / loader.dat
100,100, "abc", 1000
100,100, "def", 2000
102,102, "xyz"-1000
Regular import in em, automatically dealing with records that violate constraints
Import directly into em
SQL > select CONSTRAINT_NAME, STATUS from user_constraints where TABLE_NAME='T1'
SQL > select INDEX_NAME, STATUS from user_indexes where TABLE_NAME='T1'
SQL > alter table T1 enable validate constraint T1 SALARY CK; failed
SQL > @? / rdbms/admin/utlexpt1.sql
Working with check constraints:
SQL > alter table T1 enable validate constraint T1_SALARY_CK exceptions into exceptions
SQL > select * from T1 where rowid in (select ROW_ID from exceptions)
SQL > update T1 set salary=abs (salary) where id=102
SQL > truncate table exceptions
SQL > alter table T1 enable validate constraint T1_SALARY_CK exceptions into exceptions
Deal with competitive constraints:
SQL > alter table T1 disable novalidate constraint T1_ID_PK
SQL > alter table T1 enable validate constraint T1_ID_PK exceptions into exceptions
SQL > select * from T1 where rowid in (select ROW_ID from exceptions)
SQL > update T1 set id=101 where name='def'
SQL > truncate table exceptions
SQL > alter table T1 enable validate constraint T1_ID_PK exceptions into exceptions
SQL > select INDEX_NAME, STATUS from user_indexes where TABLE_NAME='T1'
External table
Oracle_datapump driver
CREATE TABLE oe.inventories_xt
LOCATION ('inv_xt.dmp')
AS SELECT * FROM oe.inventories
SQL > delete oe.inventories_xt; failed
CREATE TABLE oe.inventories_xt2
Product_id NUMBER (6)
Warehouse_id NUMBER (3)
Quantity_on_hand NUMBER (8)
LOCATION ('inv_xt.dmp')
SQL > delete oe.inventories_xt2; failed
DB time = CPU time + Wait time
Automatic maintenance preparation work
Dictionary table:
SQL > create table T1 (x int)
SQL > insert into T1 values (1)
SQL > commit
SQL > select TABLE_NAME, NUM_ROWS from dba_tables where table_name='T1'; value is empty
SQL > exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('sys', 't1')
SQL > select TABLE_NAME, NUM_ROWS from dba_tables where table_name='T1'; update
SQL > insert into T1 values (2)
SQL > commit
SQL > select TABLE_NAME, NUM_ROWS from dba_tables where table_name='T1'; is out of date
SQL > exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('sys', 't1')
SQL > select TABLE_NAME, NUM_ROWS, LAST_ANALYZED from dba_tables where table_name='T1'; updates
Table v$:
SQL > select name, value from v$sysstat where name like'% sort%'
SQL > select * from hr.employees order by salary
SQL > select name, value from v$sysstat where name like'% sort%'; increased
SQL > shutdown immediate
SQL > startup
SQL > select name, value from v$sysstat where name like'% sort%'; return to zero
SQL > show parameterstatistics_level cannot be basic
View basic settings in em
Generate and view awr reports in em
$ll / u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/rdbms/admin/awr*.sql
SQL > create tablespace tbs01 datafile'/ home/oracle/tbs01.dbf' size 5m
50% of the warnings are modified in em, and 80% of them are serious.
SQL > create table T1 tablespace tbs01 as select * from dba_objects where 1: 0
SQL > insert into T1 select * from dba_objects where rownum commit; over 50%
SQL > insert into T1 select * from dba_objects where rownum commit; over 80%
View the warning message in em.
SQL > create table T1 (x int)
SQL > insert into T1 values (1)
SQL > commit
SQL > update T1 set Xero11
Session 2:
SQL > update T1 set Xerox 22
SQL > create table T1 (x int)
SQL > insert into T1 values (1)
SQL > commit
SQL > update T1 set Xero11
Session 2:
SQL > update T1 set Xerox 22
Find the root of the problem in em
Make ash report in em
$ll / u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/rdbms/admin/ash*.sql
SQL > select bytes/1024/1024 from v$sgainfo where name='Granule Size'
SQL > show parameter memory
SQL > select COMPONENT, CURRENT_SIZE/1024/1024 from v$memory_dynamic_components
Memory guidance in em
Implicit parameters at the beginning of $strings $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfileorcl.ora _ _ retain the optimized settings
Adjustment of javapool:
SQL > select CURRENT_SIZE/1024/1024 from v$memory_dynamic_components where COMPONENT='java pool'
V_sql VARCHAR2 (200)
FOR i IN 1..200 LOOP
-- Build up a dynamic statement to create a uniquely named java stored proc.
The "chr (10)" is there to put a CR/LF in the source code.
V_sql: = 'create or replace and compile' | | chr (10) | |
'java source named "SmallJavaProc' | | I | |'"'| | chr (10) | |
'as' | | chr (10) | |
'import java.lang.*;' | | chr (10) | |
Public class Util' | | I | | 'extends Object' | | chr (10) | |
'{int v1 countries 1 int v2 countries 2 int v3 countries 3 countries int v4 countries 4 countries int v5 countries 5 countries int v6 countries 6 cities int v7;}'
SQL > select CURRENT_SIZE from v$memory_dynamic_components where COMPONENT='java pool'; java pool change
Java pool expansion, buffercache contraction
SQL > select OPER_TYPE, OPER_MODE, INITIAL_SIZE, TARGET_SIZE, FINAL_SIZE, START_TIME from v$memory_resize_ops where COMPONENT='java pool'
SQL > select OPER_TYPE, OPER_MODE, INITIAL_SIZE, TARGET_SIZE, FINAL_SIZE, START_TIME from v$memory_resize_ops where COMPONENT='DEFAULT buffer cache'
Adjustment of largepool:
SQL > select CURRENT_SIZE/1024/1024 from v$memory_dynamic_components where COMPONENT='large pool'
SQL > create table T1 as select rownum x from dual connect by level alter table T1 parallel 64; you can also specify the degree of parallelism when querying
SQL > select / * + parallel (T1 24) * / count (*) from (select / * + parallel (T1 24) * / * from T1 group by x)
SQL > select CURRENT_SIZE/1024/1024 from v$memory_dynamic_components where COMPONENT='large pool'; large pool change
SQL > select OPER_TYPE, OPER_MODE, INITIAL_SIZE, TARGET_SIZE, FINAL_SIZE, START_TIME from v$memory_resize_ops where COMPONENT='large pool'
Backup spfile
$cp $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfileorcl.ora $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfileorcl.ora.bak
Under amm, sga and pga do not need to be set
SQL > show parameter sga_max_size
SQL > show parameter sga_target
SQL > show parameter pga_aggregate_target
SQL > alter system set memory_target=0
SQL > show parameter sga_target amm and asmm both have a pair of parameters
SQL > show parameter sga_max_size
SQL > show parameter pga_aggregate_target
SQL > alter system set sga_target=300M; modify manually
ASMM à manual
SQL > show parameter shared_pool_size value is 0
SQL > alter system set sga_target=0
SQL > show parameter shared_pool_size fixed
Manualsand asmmroomamm
Modify sga_target or memory_target to clear all legacy parameters
Recommendations for memory size:
SQL > select * from V$SGA_TARGET_ADVICE
SQL > alter system flush shared_pool
SQL > grant dba to hr
SQL > conn hr/hr
SQL > set autot on
SQL > select e.last_name, d.department_name
From employees e, departments d
Where e.department_id=d.department_id
Execute saa in em. Filter conditions are table: hr.employees, hr.departments
SQL > alter system flush shared_pool
SQL > conn hr/hr
SQL > set autot on
SQL > select / * + full (employees) * / * from employees where employee_id=100
Create tuningset in em and call sta analysis
SQL optimizer
Reference: optimizer introduction .ppt
Query rewriting:
Predicate passing:
SQL > set autot trace exp
SQL > select e.last_name, d.department_name
From hr.employees e, hr.departments d
Where e.department_id=d.department_id
And e.department_id=50
Automatically add 3-access ("D". "DEPARTMENT_ID" = 50) predicates
For i in 1.. 107 (employees)
For j in 1.. 27 (departments)
I department = j department and I department = 50
For i in 1.. 10 (employeesin deptno 50)
For j in 1.. 27 (departments)
I's department = j's department
For i in 1.. 10 (employeesin deptno 50)
I department = 50
Child query and query nesting:
SQL > select last_name
From hr.employees outer
Where salary >
(select avg (salary) from hr.employees
Where department_id = outer.department_id)
Rewritten as a multi-table join
The difference between CBO and RBO:
SQL > create table T1 as select 1 id, object_name from dba_objects
SQL > update T1 set id=2 where rownum commit
SQL > select id, count (*) from T1 group by id
SQL > create index t1_id_idx on T1 (id)
SQL > exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('sys', 't1')
SQL > set autot trace exp
SQL > select * from T1 where id=1; cbo mode
SQL > select / * + rule * / * from T1 where id=1
SQL > select * from T1 where id=2; error
SQL > select / * + rule * / * from T1 where id=2; index, correct
SQL > exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('sys', 't1'); repeat collection to get column value distribution
Exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('sys',' T1, method_opt = > 'for columns size auto id')
SQL > select * from T1 where id=1; cbo mode, correct
SQL > select * from T1 where id=2; cbo mode, correct
SQL > select / * + rule * / * from T1 where id=1; index, error
SQL > select / * + rule * / * from T1 where id=2
Failure to update statistical information in time, resulting in errors
SQL > update T1 set id=2
SQL > commit
SQL > select * from T1 where id=2; go index, error
SQL > exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('sys', 't1')
SQL > select * from T1 where id=2; is correct
SQL > exec dbms_stats.delete_table_stats ('sys', 't1')
SQL > update T1 set id=1 where rownum commit
SQL > select * from T1 where id=1; dynamic sampling
SQL > select * from T1 where id=2; dynamic sampling
Initialization parameters that affect cbo:
SQL > show parameter optimizer
Impact of all_rows and first_rows on the implementation of the plan:
SQL > alter session set optimizer_mode=first_rows or all_rows
SQL > set autot trace exp
Select e.last_name, d.department_name
From hr.employees e, hr.departments d
Where e.department_id=d.department_id
Select / * + all_rows * / e.last_name, d.department_name
From hr.employees e, hr.departments d
Where e.departmentprincipid.departmentaccounid.Use sort merge
Select / * + first_rows * / e.last_name, d.department_name
From hr.employees e, hr.departments d
Where e.departmentprincipid.departmentaccounid.Use nested loop
Carry out the plan
Explain plan
SQL > desc plan_table
SQL > select * from plan_table
SQL > explain plan set statement_id='test' for select * from hr.employees
SQL > select PLAN_ID, poor readability of OPERATION from plan_table where statement_id='test';
SQL > select plan_table_output from table (dbms_xplan.display); good readability
If the statement is not actually executed, there may be errors for statements that use bound variables
SQL > set autot on
SQL > select count (*) from hr.employees
SQL > set autot trace
SQL > select count (*) from hr.employees
SQL > set autot trace exp
SQL > select count (*) from hr.employees
SQL > set autot trace stat
SQL > select count (*) from hr.employees
SQL > set autot off
The on option actually executes the statement, but there may be errors for statements that use bound variables
Other options do not actually execute the statement
Reference: PL/SQL Packages and Types ReferenceDBMS_XPLAN
Work with explainplan:
Refer to the explain plan example
Look at the previous sql statement:
SQL > select count (*) from hr.employees
SQL > select count (*) from hr.employees
SQL > SELECT * FROM table (DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_CURSOR (null, null, 'advanced'))
SQL > desc v$sql
SQL > desc v$sql_plan
SQL > desc v$sql_plan_statistics
SQL > select count (*) from hr.employees
SQL > select sql_id, child_number, sql_text from v$sql where sql_text like 'select count (*) from hr.employees'
SQL > select OPERATION, OPTIONS, OBJECT_NAME from v$sql_plan where SQL_ID='3ghpkw4yp4dzm' and CHILD_NUMBER=0
SQL > SELECT * FROM table (DBMS_XPLAN.DISPLAY_CURSOR ('3ghpkw4yp4dzm),' advanced'))
You can also get the sql execution plan from the awr snapshot, display_awr
Sql trace:
SQL > show parameter sql_trace
SQL > show parameter statistics_level
SQL > show parameter timed_statistics
Auxiliary parameter
SQL > show parameter max_dump_file_size
SQL > show parameter diagnostic_dest
SQL > show parameter tracefile_identifier
SQL > select * from v$diag_info
SQL > alter session set sql_trace=true
SQL > select count (*) from hr.employees
SQL > select count (*) from hr.departments
SQL > alter session set sql_trace=false
$vi / u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_6651.trc
$tkprof / u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_6651.trc / home/oracle/output.trc
$vi / home/oracle/output.trc
Use DBMS_MONITOR monitoring to specify session:
SQL > select sid, serial# from v$session where USERNAME='HR'
Session of hr:
SQL > select count (*) from employees
Sys turns off tracking:
Trace file for hr:
SQL > select * from v$diag_info
$vi / u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_10676.trc
Use trcsess to summarize the user session information under the shared server connection.
Perform scheduled reads:
SQL > set linesize 999
SQL > set autot trace exp
SQL > select e.last_name, d.department_name
From hr.employees e, hr.departments d
Where e.department_id=d.department_id
View in sqlplus and sql developer
SQL > alter system flush shared_pool
SQL > alter system flush buffer_cache
SQL > set autot on
SQL > select count (*) from hr.employees
SQL > select count (*) from hr.employees
Optimizer operation full table scan
SQL > select * from hr.employees
Scan all blocks below the high water mark
Proportion of queries, physical order, table size, no index, parallel
Selectivity and cardinality reference: introduction to optimizer .ppt
The effect of physical order on full table scanning:
SQL > create table T1 as select rownum x, dbms_random.value y from dual connect by level alter table T1 add constraint t1_x_pk primary key (x)
SQL > create table T2 as select * from T1 order by y
SQL > alter table T2 add constraint t2_x_pk primary key (x)
SQL > exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('sys', 't1')
SQL > exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('sys', 't2')
SQL > select * from T1 where x between 1 and 100
SQL > select * from T2 where x between 1 and 100
SQL > select INDEX_NAME, CLUSTERING_FACTOR from dba_indexes where table_name in ('T1, 'T2')
The impact of query statements on full table scans:
SQL > select * from hr.employees
SQL > select * from hr.employees order by employee_id
SQL > select employee_id from hr.employees
SQL > select department_id from hr.employees
The impact of db_file_multiblock_read_count on full table scans:
SQL > show parameter db_file_multiblock_read_count
SQL > create table T1 as select * from dba_objects
SQL > exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('sys', 't1')
SQL > set autot on
SQL > alter system set db_file_multiblock_read_count=16
SQL > select count (*) from T1
SQL > alter system set db_file_multiblock_read_count=64
SQL > select count (*) from T1
Effect of high water mark on full table scan:
SQL > delete T1
SQL > commit
SQL > set autot on
SQL > select count (*) from T1; after the data is deleted, the hwm does not decrease, resulting in cr reading too much
SQL > alter table T1 move
SQL > select count (*) from T1
How to use INDEX
SQL > select * from hr.employees where employee_id=100
SQL > select * from hr.employees where employee_id between 100 and 110
SQL > select * from hr.employees where department_id=10
SQL > select * from hr.employees where last_name='King'
SQL > select INDEX_NAME, UNIQUENESS from dba_indexes where TABLE_NAME='EMPLOYEES'
INDEX FULL SCAN: monolithic, ordered
SQL > select * from hr.employees order by employee_id
SQL > select / * + full (employees) * / * from hr.employees order by employee_id
SQL > select * from hr.employees order by department_id; full table scan because of null values
INDEX FAST FULL SCAN: multi-block, disordered
SQL > create table T1 as select rownum id, object_name from dba_objects
SQL > alter table T1 add constraint t1_id_pk primary key (id)
SQL > exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('sys', 't1')
SQL > select count (*) from T1
SQL > select / * + index (T1 t1_id_pk) * / count (*) from T1; full scan is expensive
SQL > select / * + full (T1) * / count (*) from T1
SQL > select / * + index_ffs (employees emp_emp_id_pk) * / employee_id from hr.employees
SQL > create table T1 as select * from dba_objects
SQL > select count (distinct owner), count (distinct object_type), count (distinct object_name) from T1
SQL > create index t1_idx on T1 (owner, object_type, object_name)
SQL > exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('sys', 't1')
SQL > select * from T1 where owner='SYS' and object_type='TABLE' and object_name='AUD$'
SQL > select * from T1 where owner='SYS' and object_type='TABLE'
SQL > select * from T1 where object_type='TABLE' and object_name='AUD$'
SQL > select / * + full (T1) * / * from T1 where object_type='TABLE' and object_name='AUD$'
Class_no: 5
Stud_no: 50 (per class)
One, two, three... fifty
One, two, three... fifty
One, two, three... fifty
Where stud_no between 5 and 10
Where class_no=1 and stud_nobetween 5 and 10
Or class_no=2 and stud_nobetween 5 and 10
Or class_no=3 and stud_nobetween 5 and 10
The impact of null on indexes:
SQL > create table T1 (x int, y char (1))
SQL > insert into T1 values (null,'a')
SQL > insert into T1 values (1,'a')
SQL > insert into T1 values (2,'a')
SQL > create index t1_x_idx on T1 (x)
SQL > exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('sys', 't1')
Test the following statements:
Select x from t1
Select count (*) from T1
Select count (*) from T1 where x is not null
Select count (x) from T1
Select max (x) from T1
Select min (x), max (x) from T1
Exclude null and test again:
SQL > delete T1 where x is null
SQL > commit
SQL > alter table T1 modify (x not null)
SQL > select (select min (x) from T1), (select max (x) from T1) from dual
The effect of duplicate values on the index:
SQL > create table T1 (x int not null, y int)
SQL > insert into T1 select rownum, 11 from dual connect by level commit
SQL > create index t1_x_idx on T1 (x)
SQL > exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('sys', 't1')
SQL > select * from T1 where Xero1; full table scan
SQL > select INDEX_NAME, UNIQUENESS from dba_indexes where TABLE_NAME='T1'
SQL > drop index t1_x_idx
SQL > create unique index t1_x_idx on T1 (x)
SQL > select * from T1 where Xero1; index unique scan
The influence of foreign keys on indexes:
SQL > create table dept (deptno int constraint dept_deptno_pk primary key, dname varchar2 (10))
SQL > create table emp (empno int, deptno int constraint dept_emp_deptno_fk references dept (deptno))
SQL > insert into dept values (10, 'sales')
SQL > insert into dept values (20, 'market')
SQL > insert into dept values (30, 'it')
SQL > insert into emp values (100,10)
SQL > commit
SQL > exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('sys',' dept')
SQL > exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('sys',' emp')
SQL > alter session set sql_trace=true
SQL > delete dept where deptno=10; reported an error
SQL > delete dept where deptno=20
SQL > alter session set sql_trace=false
SQL > select * from v$diag_info
$tkprof / u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace/orcl_ora_22830.trc / home/oracle/output.trc
$vi / home/oracle/output.trc
SQL > alter table emp modify (deptno not null)
SQL > create index emp_deptno_idx on emp (deptno)
SQL > alter session set sql_trace=true
SQL > delete dept where deptno=10; reported an error
SQL > alter session set sql_trace=false
The impact of type conversion on the index:
SQL > create table T1 (x char (1) primary key, y int)
SQL > insert into T1 values ('1customers, 11)
SQL > insert into T1 values ('2clients, 22)
SQL > commit
SQL > exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('sys', 't1')
SQL > set autot trace exp
SQL > select * from T1 where Xero1
Function index:
SQL > create table T1 as select * from dba_objects
SQL > create index t1_object_name_fbi on T1 (lower (object_name))
SQL > select * from T1 where lower (object_name) = 'aud$'
Create index t1_idx on T1 (reverse (x))
Where x like reserve ('% abc%')
Bitmap index:
Ename gender deptno location job_id
Abc M 10 BJ MGR
Def F 20 SH EGR
Xyz M 30 GZ MGR
Select ename
From emp
Where gender='M' and (deptno=10 or location='GZ') and job_id='MGR'
Gender M F
Abc 1 0
Def 0 1
Xyz 1 0
Deptno 10 20 30
Abc 1 0 0
Def 0 1 0
Xyz 0 0 1
Location BJ SH GZ
Abc 1 0 0
Def 0 1 0
Xyz 0 0 1
Job_id MGR EGR
Abc 1 0
Def 0 1
Xyz 1 0
Gender (M) and (deptno (10) or location (GZ)) and job_id (mgr)
Abc 1 1 0 1 1
Def 0 0 0
Xyz 1 0 1 1 1
Multi-table connection
Nested loop:
For emp in 1..107
For dept in 1..27
For dept 1-27
For emp 1-107
Sort merge:
Emp sorts according to deptno
Dept sorts according to deptno
Merge emp and dept
Emp divides deptno according to hash function
Dept divides deptno according to hash function
Select / * + first_rows * / e.last_name, d.department_name
From hr.employees e, hr.departments d
Where e.department_id=d.department_id
Or use / * + use_nl (e d) * /, but limit the driven table and the driven table, so it is not flexible
SQL > alter index hr.EMP_DEPARTMENT_IX invisible; disables foreign key indexing on emp
When performing a multi-table join, the primary key index of dept is used as an internally driven table, and nl will try its best to avoid full table scanning of the driven table.
SQL > alter index hr.EMP_DEPARTMENT_IX visible; restore index
Select / * + use_merge (e d) * / e.last_name, d.department_name
From hr.employees e, hr.departments d
Where e.department_id=d.department_id
Select / * + use_hash (e d) * / e.last_name, d.department_name
From hr.employees e, hr.departments d
Where e.department_id=d.department_id
When an index is missing, you tend to use hashjoin:
SQL > alter index hr.EMP_DEPARTMENT_IX invisible
SQL > alter index hr.DEPT_ID_PK invisible
Select e.last_name, d.department_name
From hr.employees e, hr.departments d
Where e.department_id=d.department_id
SQL > alter index hr.EMP_DEPARTMENT_IX visible
SQL > alter index hr.DEPT_ID_PKvisible
Basic View of Statistics
SQL > desc dba_tab_statistics
SQL > desc dba_tab_col_statistics
SQL > desc dba_ind_statistics
SQL > create table T1 as select * from dba_objects
SQL > create index t1_object_id_idx on T1 (object_id)
SQL > create index t1_owner_idx on T1 (owner)
SQL > exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('sys', 't1')
SQL > select * from DBA_TAB_STATISTICS where TABLE_NAME='T1'
SQL > select * from DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS where TABLE_NAME='T1'
SQL > select * from DBA_IND_STATISTICS where TABLE_NAME='T1'
SQL > select count (*) from T1 where owner='SYS'; has no histogram and uses the wrong plan
SQL > create table T1 (x int not null, y varchar2)
SQL > create index t1_x_idx on T1 (x)
SQL > insert into T1 select 1, object_name from dba_objects where rownum insert into T1 select 2, object_name from dba_objects where rownum commit
SQL > exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('sys', 't1')
SQL > select x, count (*) from T1 group by x
SQL > select * from DBA_TAB_STATISTICS where TABLE_NAME='T1'
SQL > select * from DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS where TABLE_NAME='T1'; did not collect histogram
SQL > select * from DBA_IND_STATISTICS where TABLE_NAME='T1'
SQL > set autot on
SQL > select * from T1 where xroom1; rows is not accurate
SQL > select * from T1 where Xero2
SQL > exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('sys', 't1records, method_opt = >' for columns x size skewonly'); collect the histogram of column x
SQL > select * from DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS where TABLE_NAME='T1'
SQL > select * from dba_histograms where table_name='T1' and column_name='X'
SQL > select * from T1 where Xero1; correct
SQL > select * from T1 where X. 2; correct
SQL > select count (distinct y) from T1; over 254,
SQL > select * from T1 where y like 'DBA%'
SQL > exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('sys', 't1percent, method_opt = >' for columns size auto y')
SQL > select * from DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS where TABLE_NAME='T1'; create contour histogram
Bind variables and shared cursors
Shared cursor shared curosr:
SQL > conn / as sysdba
SQL > create table T1 (x int)
SQL > insert into T1 values (1)
SQL > commit
SQL > alter system flush shared_pool
SQL > select * from T1
View the parent cursor, child cursor, and execution plan:
Select sql_text, sql_id, plan_hash_value, version_count from v$sqlarea where sql_text like 'select * from T1'
Select plan_hash_value, child_number from v$sql where sql_id='27uhu2q2xuu7r'
Select * from v$sql_plan where plan_hash_value='3617692013'
SQL > conn hr/hr
SQL > create table T1 (x int primary key)
SQL > insert into T1 values (1)
SQL > commit
SQL > select * from T1
Query the parent cursor, child cursor and execution plan again: 3 statements
SQL > select * from T1; the literal value is required to be exactly the same
Select sql_text, sql_id, plan_hash_value, version_count from v$sqlarea where sql_text like 'select * from% T1'
Session cursor:
SQL > show parameter open_cursors
SQL > show parameter session_cached_cursors
SQL > select * from T1
SQL > select distinct sid from v$mystat
SQL > select * from v$open_cursor where sid=33
Performance differences:
SQL > create table T1 (x int not null, y int)
SQL > create index t1_x_idx on T1 (x)
SQL > insert into T1 select rownum, 11 from dual connect by level commit
SQL > exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('sys', 't1')
Alter session set sql_trace=true
For i in 1..100 loop
Execute immediate 'select * from T1 where Xerox' | | I
End loop
For i in 1..100 loop
Execute immediate 'select * from T1 where Xuan using I
End loop
Alter session set sql_trace=false
Bindingvariablepeeking and acs:
SQL > create table T1 (x int not null, y int)
SQL > create index t1_x_idx on T1 (x)
SQL > insert into T1 select 1, 11 from dual connect by level insert into T1 values (2,22)
SQL > commit
SQL > exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('sys', 't1clients, method_opt= >' for all columns')
SQL > select * from DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS where TABLE_NAME='T1'; collect histogram
SQL > alter session set optimizer_features_enable=''
SQL > alter system flush shared_pool
SQL > var x number
SQL > exec: X: = 1
SQL > select * from T1 where x
SQL > set pagesize 0
SQL > select * from table (dbms_xplan.display_cursor (null, null, 'advanced'))
View parent and child cursors:
Select sql_text, sql_id, plan_hash_value, version_count, executions from v$sqlarea where sql_text like 'select * from T1 where x percent'
Select plan_hash_value, child_number from v$sql where sql_id='8h3m8wg51m8nm'
Select * from v$sql_plan where plan_hash_value='3617692013'
SQL > exec: X: = 2
SQL > select * from T1 where x
SQL > select * from table (dbms_xplan.display_cursor (null, null, 'advanced')); error
Check the cursor again: 3 statements
SQL > conn / as sysdba restore optimizer version
SQL > alter system flush shared_pool
SQL > var x number
SQL > exec: X: = 1
SQL > select * from T1 where x
SQL > select * from table (dbms_xplan.display_cursor (null, null, 'advanced'))
View cursors: 3 statements
SQL > exec: X: = 2
SQL > select * from T1 where x
SQL > select * from table (dbms_xplan.display_cursor (null, null, 'advanced')); unchanged
SQL > select * from T1 where x
SQL > select * from table (dbms_xplan.display_cursor (null, null, 'advanced')); index
View cursors: 3 statements
Latch and mutex:
Number of shared pool latch:
Select a.ksppinm, b.ksppstvl, a.ksppdesc
From x$ksppi a, x$ksppsv b
Where a.indx=b.indx
And a. KsppinmThe kghdsidxcount`
SQL > create table T1 as select rownum x from dual connect by level exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('sys', 't1')
SQL > alter system flush shared_pool
SQL > exec dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot ()
SQL > select distinct sid from v$mystat
Simulate hard parsing:
For i in 1..500000 loop
Execute immediate 'select * from T1 where Xerox' | | I
End loop
Another session monitor:
SQL > select * from v$session_wait where sid=143
SQL > exec dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot ()
Em do awr report and addm,ash report and mine drilldown
Mutex wait event:
SQL > alter system set memory_target=0
SQL > alter system set sga_target=0
SQL > alter system flush shared_pool
SQL > exec dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot ()
Execute simultaneously in both session:
Execute immediate 'alter system flush shared_pool'
For i in 1..1000 loop
Execute immediate 'select * from T1 where Xerox' | | I
End loop
End loop
Another session monitor:
Select * from v$session_wait where sid=143
SQL > exec dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot ()
Em do awr report and addm,ash report and mine drilldown
Latch:cache buffer chains
SQL > create table T1 (x int)
SQL > insert into T1 values (1)
SQL > commit
SQL > select distinct sid from v$mystat
SQL > exec dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot ()
Both session execute simultaneously:
V1 int
For i in 1..99999999
Select count (*) into v1 from T1
End loop
In the third session:
SQL > select * from v$session_wait where sid in (136,137)
SQL > exec dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot ()
Buffer busy waits
Run in two session:
V1 int
For i in 1..99999999
Insert into T1 values (I)
End loop
In the third session:
SQL > select * from v$session_wait where sid in (136,137)
SQL > exec dbms_workload_repository.create_snapshot ()
Optimization example
Create table T1 (x int, y char (1))
Insert into T1 values (1,'a')
Insert into T1 values (2,'a')
Create index t1_x_idx on T1 (x)
Exec dbms_stats.gather_table_stats ('sys', 't1')
Why didn't you use the index?
Select x from t1
Create table t1 as select 1 id, object_name from dba_objects
Update T1 set id=2 where rownum 'FOR ALL COLUMNS size 1')
Why didn't you use the index?
Select * from T1 where Xerox 2
Alter session set optimizer_mode='first_rows'
Customers complain about long response time
Select e.last_name, d.department_name
From hr.employees e, hr.departments d
Where e.department_id=d.department_id
Create table T1 (x int)
Create or replace procedure proc1
For iin 1..100000 loop
Execute immediate 'insert into T1 values (' | | I | |')'
End loop
Customers complain about long running time
1. Original statement, dynamic sql, without binding variables:
Drop table t1 purge
Create table T1 (x int)
Create or replace procedure proc1
For iin 1..100000 loop
Execute immediate 'insert into T1 values (' | | I | |')'
End loop
Alter system flush shared_pool
Set timing on
Exec proc1
Select count (*) from T1
Completed in 44 seconds.
Select sql_text, sql_id, parse_calls, executions from v$sql where lower (sql_text) like'% insert into T1 values%'
Dynamic sql is flexible, and it is convenient to deal with ddl or dml objects when they do not exist in advance, but they are parsed at run time, resulting in poor performance.
Without binding variables, each statement is parsed once and executed once, which is inefficient.
two。 Overwrite, using binding variables:
Drop table t1 purge
Create table T1 (x int)
Create or replace procedure proc1
For i in 1..100000 loop
Execute immediate 'insert into T1 values (: X)' using I
End loop
Alter system flush shared_pool
Set timing on
Exec proc1
Complete in 12 seconds.
Select sql_text, sql_id, parse_calls, executions from v$sql where lower (sql_text) like'% insert into T1 values%'
Using binding variables, parse once and execute 100000 times.
3. Overwrite, using static sql:
Drop table t1 purge
Create table T1 (x int)
Create or replace procedure proc1
For i in 1..100000 loop
Insert into T1 values (I)
End loop
Alter system flush shared_pool
Set timing on
Exec proc1
Completed in 10 seconds.
Select sql_text, sql_id, parse_calls, executions from v$sql where lower (sql_text) like'% insert into T1 values%'
Static sql customizes the use of bound variables, parses once and executes 100000 times. And parse it during the compilation process.
4. Rewrite, batch submit:
Drop table t1 purge
Create table T1 (x int)
Create or replace procedure proc1
For i in 1..100000 loop
Insert into T1 values (I)
End loop
Alter system flush shared_pool
Set timing on
Exec proc1
Completed in 5 seconds.
5. Overwrite, using collection operations:
Drop table t1 purge
Create table T1 (x int)
Insert into T1 select rownum from dual connect by level select * from v$nls_parameters
Delete the header information of the asm disk:
# dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M count=1
Manually establish a ssh trust relationship:
On node1/node2
# su-grid
$mkdir ~ / .ssh
$chmod 700 ~ / .ssh
$ssh-keygen-t rsa
$ssh-copy-id node1
$ssh-copy-id node2
Ssh node1 date
Ssh node2 date
Ssh node1-priv date
Ssh node2-priv date
Turn off automatic mount to avoid desktop crash:
Chmod-x / usr/libexec/gvfs-gdu-volume-monitor
System structure
Vi / etc/init/oracle-ohasd.conf ohasd startup item
Ps-ef | more has-related processes
# / u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/crsctl stat res-Resources for init-t crs and ohas
# / Resources managed by u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/crsctl stat res-t crs
Two instances connect to db (through scan-vip and node-vip) to add data tests.
# su-oracle
$sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL > select instance_name from v$instance
SQL > select name from v$database
$sqlplus sys/ as sysdba create more connections
$sqlplus sys/password@ as sysdba
$sqlplus sys/password@ as sysdba
Cluster management
Start / close crs and resources, both on node1 and node2 (as root):
# / u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/crsctlstopcrs [- f]
# / u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/crsctl start crs
Start / close resources and execute on one node (as root):
# / u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/crsctlstop cluster-all
# / u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/crsctlstart cluster-all
Query resources (grid users can):
Case management
Start and shut down
Sqlplus (oracle user) / oem/srvctl (grid user)
Instance level:
# su-oracle
$sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL > shutdown immediate
# su-grid
$srvctl status instance-d orcl-I orcl1,orcl2 to view instance status
$srvctl stop instance-d orcl-I orcl1-o immediate closes the instance on any node
$srvctl start instance-d orcl-I orcl1
Database level:
$srvctl status db-d orcl
$srvctl stop db-d orcl-o immediate
$srvctl start db-d orcl-o mount
$srvctl modify db-d orcl-s open
$srvctl config db-d orcl-a
$srvctl modify db-d orcl-y manual
$srvctl modify db-d orcl-y automatic
Asm instance
# su-grid
$ps-ef | grep asm*
$sqlplus / as sysasm
SQL > startup | shutdown immediate is executed separately on each node
$srvctl status asm
$srvctl stop asm-n node1-o abort-f
$srvctl start asm-n node1
# su-oracle
$sqlplus / as sysdba
Orcl1 > show parameter spfile
# su-grid
ASMCMD > cd + data/orcl
# su-oracle
$sqlplus / as sysdba
Orcl1 > create pfile='/home/oracle/pfile.ora' from spfile
$vi / home/oracle/pfile.ora
Orcl1 and orcl2:
# su-oracle
$sqlplus / as sysdba
Orcl1 > show parameter open_cursors
Orcl1 > alter system set open_cursors=600
Same SQL > alter system set open_cursors=600 sid='*';
Orcl2 > show parameter open_cursors
Orcl1 > alter system set open_cursors=800 sid='orcl2'
Orcl2 > show parameter open_cursors
Orcl1 > alter system reset open_cursors sid='orcl2'
Orcl1 > alter system reset open_cursors sid='*'
Orcl1 > alter system set open_cursors=300 sid='*'
SQL > show parameter control_files
SQL > show parameter undo_tablespace
SQL > select GROUP#, THREAD#, STATUS, MEMBERS from v$log
SQL > select GROUP#, MEMBER from v$logfile
Ocr and votingdisk
# vi / etc/oracle/ocr.loc ocr location
# cd / u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin
#. / ocrcheck
#. / ocrconfig-showbackup to view automatic backups on the primary node
#. / ocrconfig-manualbackup manual backup, root identity, saved in the primary node
#. / ocrconfig-backuploc... Change the backup path
#. / ocrdump;vi OCRDUMPFILE
#. / ocrdump-h
#. / ocrcheck-config
#. / ocrconfig-add + DATA image
#. / ocrcheck-config
# cat / etc/oracle/ocr.loc
#. / ocrconfig-delete + CRS delete the image
#. / ocrconfig-add + CRS
#. / ocrconfig-delete + DATA
# ll / u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cdata/node1.olr
#. / ocrcheck-local
#. / ocrdump-local / root/node1.olr
# vi / root/node1.olr
#. / ocrconfig-local-manualbackup
#. / crsctl query css votedisk
The network
Public and private:
# ifconfig or ip add
# oifcfg getif
Node vip and scanvip:
# ip add
$sqlplus sys/password@ as sysdba
$sqlplus sys/password@ as sysdba
$sqlplus sys/password@ as sysdba assumes 101on node1
# ifdown eth0 node1 close the network card and observe the drift of ip
# ip add or $crsctl stat res-t
$sqlplus sys/password@ as sysdba
$sqlplus sys/password@ as sysdba
$sqlplus sys/password@ as sysdba
# ifup eth0 node1 enable the network card to observe the drift of ip
Test 3 connections again
# su-grid
$lsnrctl status
$lsnrctl status listener_scan1/2/3
# su-oracle
$sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL > show parameter listener to view parameters related to monitoring
$srvctl relocate vip (scan)-h
$srvctl relocate scan-I 1-n node1
Automatic Management of private ip (haip):
$crsctl stat res-t-init confirms the haip basic service maintained by ohasd
$oifcfg getif
$oifcfg iflist-p-n
SQL > select name, ip_address from v$cluster_interconnects
Network modification:
Modify public hostname: reinstall rac
Modify privatehostname: before reinstalling rac, and change it at / etc/hosts at will
Modify public/privateip: same network, restart rac, different network, modify orc
Modify node vip/scan vip: modify using srvctl
Publiceth0: Compact 24 à Universe 16
Private eth2: Compact 24 à Compact 8
Node vip:, 24 à, 16
Scan vip: (1 2) à (1 2) / 16
Modify publicip:
# modify publicip in os of vi / etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 node1/node2
On node1:
# su-grid
$oifcfg getif
$oifcfg delif-global eth0
$oifcfg setif-global eth0/
An example of asm:
$ps-ef | grep asm
# su-grid
$sqlplus / as sysasm
+ ASM1 > show parameter memory
+ ASM1 > select component, current_size from v$sga_dynamic_components
+ ASM1 > show parameter listener
Start and shut down the instance:
SQL > startup/shutdown abort starts to stop in the nomount phase
$srvctl start asm
$srvctl stop asm-f
SQL > show parameter
Striped RAID 0, mirrored RAID1,RAID1+0
Add 3 1GB hard drives to vb's node1 and share them with node2
# for i in h i j
Echo "KERNEL==\" sd*\ ", BUS==\" scsi\ ", PROGRAM==\" / sbin/scsi_id-- whitelisted-- replace-whitespace-- device=/dev/\ $name\ ", RESULT==\" `/ sbin/scsi_id-- whitelisted-- replace-whitespace-- device=/dev/sd$ i` ", NAME=\" asm-disk$i\ ", OWNER=\" grid\ ", GROUP=\" asmadmin\ ", MODE=\" 0660\ "> > / etc/udev/rules.d/99-oracle-asmdevices.rules
# start_udev;ls / dev/asm* confirm to generate asmdisk.
Use sqlplus/oem/asmca/asmcmd
Grid users log in to the desktop, and asmca creates diskgroup:testdg,normal.
# su-grid
$sqlplus / as sysasm
+ ASM1 > select NAME, STATE, TOTAL_MB, FREE_MB, USABLE_FILE_MB from v$asm_diskgroup
ASMCMD > lsdg
# su-oracle
$sqlplus / as sysdba
Orcl1 > create tablespace tbs01 datafile'+ testdg' size 600m
Orcl1 > select path, failgroup, free_mb from v$asm_disk where group_number=4
Orcl 1 > select NAME, STATE, TOTAL_MB, FREE_MB, USABLE_FILE_MB from v$asm_diskgroup
ASMCMD > lsdsk-k
Add / remove disks:
# su-grid
+ ASM1 > show parameter asm_power_limit
+ ASM1 > select name, total_mb, free_mb from v$asm_disk
+ ASM1 > alter diskgroup testdg add disk'/ dev/asm-diskj'
+ ASM1 > select name, total_mb, free_mb from v$asm_disk
+ ASM1 > alter diskgroup testdg drop disk TESTDG_0002
+ ASM1 > select name, total_mb, free_mb from v$asm_disk
+ ASM1 > select path, FAILGROUP from v$asm_disk where group_number=4
+ ASM1 > alter diskgroup testdg drop disk TESTDG_0002
+ ASM1 > alter diskgroup testdg add failgroup testdg_0000 disk'/ dev/asm-diskj'
+ ASM1 > select name, total_mb, free_mb from v$asm_disk
Oracle user deletes tablespace, grid user asmca deletes testdg,root delete / etc/udev/rules.d/99-oracle-asmdevices.rules last 3 hard drives
SQL > startup mount
SQL > select FILE#, NAME from v$datafile
SQL > alter database datafile 4 offline
SQL > alter database open
SQL > drop tablespace tbs01 force; (including contents and datafiles)
HA and LB
HA of scanvip
Nslookup parsing scan returns 3 ip to implement ha
# su-grid
$srvctl status scan
$srvctl status scan_listener
# su-oracle
$tnsping orcl
# su-grid
$srvctl stop scan_listener-I 1 (23)
$srvctl stop scan-I 1 (23)
Close scanlistener and scanvip one by one and test the ha of the client
# su-grid
$srvctl stop instance-d orcl-I orcl1-o immediate
# su-oracle
$sqlplus sys/password@orcl as sysdba
SQL > select instance_name from v$instance
HA of node vip
Modify tnsnames local resolution on node1 and node2
# su-oracle
$vi $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
$sqlplus sys/password@testha as sysdba is tested with the client on node2
Testha > select instance_name from vogue instance; always connect to orcl1
# ifdown eth0 shuts down the network card of node1
$sqlplus sys/password@testha as sysdba is tested with the client on node2
Testha > select instance_name from vault instance; connect to orcl2
Node1 resumes eth0, client reconnects to orcl1
LB of scanvip
Set up multiple session and automatically assign them to orcl1 and orcl2
$sqlplus sys/password@orcl as sysdba
SQL > select instance_name from v$instance
LB of nodevip
# su-oracle
$vi $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
Set up multiple session and automatically assign them to orcl1 and orcl2
$sqlplus sys/password@testlb as sysdba
SQL > select instance_name from v$instance
Db name, instance name, global name, sid, service name, db_unique_name
Orcl db name
Orcl global name (service name)
To enquire about existing services:
SQL > select name from v$database
SQL > select instance_name from v$instance
SQL > select name from v$services
$vi tnsnames.ora; lsnrctl status
# su-grid
$srvctl status service-d orcl
Create a service:
# su-oracle
$srvctl add service-d orcl-s testsvc-r orcl1-an orcl2
# su-grid
$srvctl start service-d orcl-s testsvc
$crsctl stat res-t
$lsnrctl status; lsnrctl listener_scan1
# su-oracle
$sqlplus sys/ as sysdba
SQL > select instance_name from v$instance
SQL > select name from v$database
Resolution of adding testsvc to netca
SQL > shutdown immediate turn off orcl1
$sqlplus sys/ as sysdba
SQL > select instance_name from vault instance; connect to orcl2
# su-grid
$crsctl stat res-t
$srvctl status service-d orcl-s testsvc
$srvctl start instance-d orcl-I orcl1
$crsctl stat res-t testsvc is still on orcl2 and will not automatically failback
$srvctl relocate service-d orcl-s testsvc-I orcl2-t orcl1
$crsctl stat res-t
$srvctl stop service-d orcl-s testsvc
$srvctl remove service-d orcl-s testsvc
Resource manager/scheduler/sql trace
Cache fusion
Memory > network > disk
# su-oracle
$sqlplus / as sysdba
Orcl1 > create tablespace tbs01
Orcl1 > create table T1 (x int, y int) tablespace tbs01
Orcl1 > insert into T1 values (1,1)
Orcl1 > insert into T1 values (2,2)
Orcl1 > commit
Orcl1 > select dbms_rowid.rowid_relative_fno (rowid), dbms_rowid.rowid_block_number (rowid) from T1
Orcl1 > alter system checkpint
Orcl1 > alter system flush buffer_cache
For i in 1..10000 loop
Update T1 set Yellowi where Xero1
End loop
For i in 1..10000 loop
Update T1 set Yellowi where Xero2
End loop
Xcurial pirated cr
Add/delete node
Node3 does all the preparatory work.
Verify on node1:
# su-grid
$cluvfy stage-pre nodeadd-n node3
Execute as root on node3
Run dbca on node1 to add a new instance
Crsctl stat res-t
DG installation
Node1 and node2 install os,db software, create snooping, and create orcl databases on node1.
Vb replicates a single instance virtual machine, reinitializes the network card, and renames the two nodes to:
Node1 restores network settings:
# vi / etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules Delete 2 lines of eth0 and change eth2 to eth0
# vi / etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 to replace the original mac address
# shutdown-h now
Node2 restores network settings:
# vi / etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules Delete 2 lines of eth0 and change eth2 to eth0
# vi / etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 to replace the original mac address
# reboot
Oracle logs in to the desktop, dbca deletes the orcl database
Root identity modification hostname and ip:
# vi / etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 ip changed to
# vi / etc/sysconfig/network changed to
# hostname
# vi / etc/hosts node1 node2
Temporarily shut down the oracle service (optional):
# chkconfig oracle off
# chkconfig-list oracle
Environment for oracle identity tuning node2:
$vi $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora changed to
$lsnrctl stop; lsnrctl start
$vi ~ oracle/.bash_profile
Export ORACLE_SID=orclps
Export ORACLE_UNQNAME=orclps
$. ~ oracle/.bash_profile
Node1 (primary):
# vi / etc/hosts
# su-oracle
SQL > shutdown immediate
SQL > startup mount
SQL > alter database archivelog
SQL > alter database open
SQL > alter database force logging
Node1 (primary) modifies the primary database parameters:
SQL > alter system set log_archive_config='dg_config= (orcl,orclps)'
SQL > alter system set log_archive_dest_2='service=orclps async valid_for= (online_logfile,primary_role) db_unique_name=orclps'
Add standby database parameters:
SQL > alter system set fal_server=orclps
SQL > alter system set fal_client=orcl
SQL > alter system set standby_file_management=auto
SQL > alter system set db_file_name_convert='/orclps/','/orcl/' scope=spfile
SQL > alter system set log_file_name_convert='/orclps/','/orcl/' scope=spfile
$vi / u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
(SERVICE_NAME = orclps)
Node2 (ps):
# su-oracle
$mkdir-p $ORACLE_BASE/fast_recovery_area/orclps
$mkdir-p $ORACLE_BASE/admin/orclps/adump
$mkdir-p $ORACLE_BASE/admin/orclps/dpdump
$mkdir-p $ORACLE_BASE/oradata/orclps
$vi $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora add static registration
$lsnrctl reload; lsnrctl status
$vi $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
(SERVICE_NAME = orclps)
$tnsping orcl test
Generate a password file on node2:
$scp node1:$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapworcl $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapworclps
Generate pfile on node1:
SQL > create pfile from spfile
Generate spfile on node2:
$scp node1:$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initorcl.ora $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initorclps.ora
Delete orcl from node2. For the parameters at the beginning, modify the following:
$vi $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/initorclps.ora
* .audit_file_dest='/u01/app/oracle/admin/orclps/adump'
* .audit_trail='db'
* .compatible=''
* .control_files='/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orclps/control01.ctl','/u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/orclps/control02.ctl'
* .db_block_size=8192
* .db_domain=''
* .db_file_name_convert='/orcl/','/orclps/'
* .db_name='orcl'
* .db_unique_name='orclps'
* .db_recovery_file_dest='/u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area'
* .db_recovery_file_dest_size=4322230272
* .diagnostic_dest='/u01/app/oracle'
* .dispatchers=' (PROTOCOL=TCP) (SERVICE=orclpsXDB)'
* .fal_client='ORCLPS'
* .fal_server='ORCL'
* .log_archive_config='dg_config= (orcl,orclps)'
* .log_archive_dest_2='service=orcl async valid_for= (online_logfile,primary_role) db_unique_name=orcl'
* .log_file_name_convert='/orcl/','/orclps/'
* .memory_target=1073741824
* .open_cursors=300
* .processes=150
* .remote_login_passwordfile='EXCLUSIVE'
* .standby_file_management='AUTO'
* .undo_tablespace='UNDOTBS1'
SQL > create spfile from pfile
SQL > startup nomount
$rman target sys/password@orcl auxiliary sys/password@orclps
RMAN > duplicate target database for standby from active database dorecover
If the master and slave data directories are the same, nofilenamecheck is required.
SQL > select status from vogue instance; mount status
If you need to start the standby database manually:
SQL > startup nomount
SQL > alter database mount standby database
Node1 (primary) create srl:
SQL > alter database add standby logfile'/ u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/srl01 (234). Log' size 50m
Node2 (ps) create srl:
SQL > alter database add standby logfile'/ u01/app/oracle/oradata/orclps/srl01 (234). Log' size 50m
Node2 (ps) enable redoapply:
SQL > alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect
SQL > select name from v$datafile
SQL > select name from v$tempfile
SQL > select name from v$controlfile
SQL > select member from v$logfile
SQL > select protection_mode, protection_level from v$database
SQL > select sequence#, applied from v$archived_log
Switch logs on SQL > alter system switch logfile; node1
SQL > select sequence#, applied from vault archived log; new archive appears
$vi / u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/network/admin/listener.ora delete static registration
Delete init parameter file (optional)
Node2 (ps) modify the startup script:
# vi / etc/init.d/oracle
#! / bin/bash
# chkconfig:35 99 01
Case "$1" in
Su-oracle-c "sqlplus / nolog" / dev/null
Touch / var/lock/subsys/oracle
Su-oracle-c "lsnrctl stop" > / dev/null
Su-oracle-c "sqlplus / nolog" create table T1 (x int)
Test the code:
Node1 (primary):
SQL > insert into T1 values (1)
SQL > commit
Node2 (standby)
SQL > select status, sequence#, block# from v$managed_standby where client_process='LGWR'
Or check under adg
SQL > recover managed standby database cancel
SQL > alter database open
SQL > alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect
SQL > select * from T1
Maximum performance:
Nod1 (primary)
SQL > alter system set log_archive_dest_2='service=orclps async valid_for= (online_logfile,primary_role) db_unique_name=orclps'
SQL > select protection_mode, protection_level from v$database
Maximum availability:
Node1 (primary)
SQL > alter system set log_archive_dest_2='service=orclps sync affirm net_timeout=30 valid_for= (online_logfile,primary_role) db_unique_name=orclps'
SQL > select protection_mode, protection_level from v$database
Maximum protection:
Node1 (primary)
SQL > alter system set log_archive_dest_2='service=orclps sync affirm valid_for= (online_logfile,primary_role) db_unique_name=orclps'
SQL > select protection_mode, protection_level from v$database
Modify the protection mode step by step. There is no need to restart db. Performance à availablity has to wait for resync to complete, and then à protection.
Restore to maximum performance:
SQL > alter system set log_archive_dest_2='service=orclps async valid_for= (online_logfile,primary_role) db_unique_name=orclps'
Active data guard
Read-only mode is on
Node1 (primary)
SQL > create table T1 (x int); insert into T1 values (1); commit
Node2 (standby)
SQL > select open_mode from vault database; confirm to be mount
SQL > recover managed standby database cancel
SQL > alter database open
SQL > select open_mode from vested database; read only
SQL > select * from T1
SQL > insert into T1 values (2); do it on commit; node1
SQL > select * from T1; out of sync with node1
SQL > delete T1; error report
SQL > alter system switch logfile; node1 switch log
SQL > select sequence#, applied from vault archived log; transfer but not apply
SQL > shutdown immediate
SQL > startup mount
SQL > alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect
SQL > select sequence#, applied from vault archived log; log of applying node1
Snapshot standby
Node1 (primary)
SQL > create table T1 (x int); insert into T1 values (1); commit
Node2 (standby)
SQL > show parameter db_recovery_file_dest
SQL > recover managed standby database cancel
SQL > shutdown immediate
SQL > startup mount
SQL > alter database convert to snapshot standby
SQL > alter database open
SQL > select open_mode from vested database; read write
$ls / u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/ORCLPS/flashback
SQL > select * from T1
SQL > insert into T1 values (1); commit; node1 modification
SQL > select * from T1 * insert into T1 values (2); commit; cannot see the node1 changes, but can modify them itself
SQL > alter system switch logfile; node1 switch log
SQL > select sequence#, applied from vault archived log; transfer but not apply
SQL > shutdown immediate
SQL > startup mount
SQL > alter database convert to physical standby; node2 lost changes
SQL > shutdown immediate
SQL > startup mount
SQL > alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect
SQL > select sequence#, applied from vault archived log; node2 application log
Snapshot standby + flashbackdb
Node1 (primary)
SQL > create table T1 (x int); insert into T1 values (1); commit
Node2 (standby)
Confirm that the database is in mount state
SQL > show parameter db_recovery_file_dest
SQL > recover managed standby database cancel
SQL > alter database flashback on
SQL > alter database convert to snapshot standby
SQL > alter database open
SQL > select open_mode from vested database; read write
SQL > insert into T1 values (2); commit; import test data
SQL > create restore point before_test GUARANTEE flashback database
SQL > delete T1 commit
SQL > shutdown immediate
SQL > startup mount
SQL > flashback database to restore point before_test
SQL > alter database open resetlogs
SQL > select * from T1
SQL > shutdown immediate
SQL > startup mount
SQL > alter database convert to physical standby; node2 lost changes
SQL > shutdown immediate
SQL > startup mount
SQL > alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect
SQL > drop restore point before_test
Node1 (primary)
SQL > create table T1 (x int); insert into T1 values (1); commit
Node2 (standby)
SQL > select open_mode from vault database; confirm to be mount
SQL > recover managed standby database cancel
SQL > alter database open; or SQL > startup
SQL > alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect
SQL > insert into T1 values (2); modified on commit; node1
SQL > select * from T1; View real-time data on node2
Role conversion switch over
Preparation of node1 (primary):
Create srl
Node2 (standby)
Node1 (primary) confirms that the log transfer is complete (nogap)
Node2 (standby) confirms two lag
Node1 (primary)
Node2 (standby new primary)
Node1 (roomy new standby)
SQL > alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect
Node2 (primary) and node1 (standby) enable flashback
Node2 (primary) prepares:
SQL > create table T1 (x int); insert into T1 values (1); commit
Node2 (primary) simulates a failure:
# ifdown eth0 node2 (primary) shuts down the network
SQL > insert into T1 values (2); commit
SQL > shutdown abort
Node1 (standby)
SQL > recover managed standby database cancel
Using flashback to recover node2 (recovery yearly new standby)
Node1 (new primary)
Node2 (new standby)
SQL > startup mount
Database design
ATM instance based on oracle
Upgrade single instance à
# mkdir / patch
# chmod 777 / patch
# mount-t vboxsf patch / patch
$unzip p13390677_112040_Linux-x86-64 million 1 (2)
Out of service:
$emctl stop dbconsole
$lsnrctl stop
$sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL > shutdown immediate
Change the environment:
$vi ~ / .bash_profile
$. .bash _ profile desktop environment requires re-login
$. / runInstaller
Select upgrade and change the path confirmation to / u01/app/oracle/product/
# / u01/app/oracle/product/ prompt to execute script with root
Netca: creating new versions of listener and service parsing
Dbua: do not move files
SQL > select * from version; version of db
SQL > select comp_name, the version of the version from dba_server_registry; component
$rm-rf / u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0 confirmed success. Delete the old version. à
$$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch version
$unzip $ORACLE_HOME must be an oracle user
$$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch version
$cd / patch
$unzip p21352635_112040_Linux-x86-64\ (\). Zip must be unzipped with oracle user
$cd 21352635
$emctl stop dbconsole; dbshut $ORACLE_HOME close all components of db
$$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch apply
Do not enter email, confirm to continue
$dbstart $ORACLE_HOME; emctl start dbconsole
SQL > @? / rdbms/admin/catbundle.sql psu apply
$$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lspatches
SQL > select action, comments from registry$history
Add a database to / etc/oratab on node2
$vi / etc/oratab
Em is not configured on node2
Select install Software only on node1
Copy the listener.ora, sqlnet.ora and tnsnames.ora spfileorcl.ora orapworcl in the path of the old version to the corresponding directory of the new version
Failed to install the software:
$vi / u01/app/oraInventory/ContentsXML/inventory.xml
Upgrade gi:
Node1 and node2:
# chown grid / u01/app
$vi .bash _ profile
Export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/
$. .bash _ profile
Desktop root login
# xhost +
$/ patch/grid/runInstaller
Upgrade gi & asm, test the ssh connection (no configuration), change the path to / u01/app/
Run on node1 and node2
$crsctl query crs activeversion confirms the new version
Upgrade dbsoftware:
Node1 and node2:
# su-oracle
$vi .bash _ profile
$. .bash _ profile
$. / runInstaller
Select upgrade existing database, select node1/node2,ssh to enter the password, and change the path to / u01Universe oracleproductUniverse Universe DB2 Node1hand Node2 to execute the root script and dbua to upgrade the database.
Upgrade psu:
Node1 and node2:
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch version
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch version
$unzip p21523375_112040_Linux-x86-64 ( .zip
Node1 and node2:
Emctl stop dbconsole
On node1 and node2, root generates ocm response files and applies psu:
# cd / patch/21523375/
# / u01/app/
# / u01/app/ auto / patch/21523375/-ocmrf / patch/21523375/ocm.rsp
On node1:
Sqlplus / as sysdba
SQL > @? / rdbms/admin/catbundle.sql psu apply
$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch/opatch lspatches
Sqlplus / as sysdba
Select * from v$version
Select action,comments from registry$history
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