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2025-01-19 Update From: SLTechnology News&Howtos shulou NAV: SLTechnology News&Howtos > Servers >
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This article shows you what oracle commonly used classic SQL queries are, which are concise and easy to understand, which can definitely brighten your eyes. I hope you can get something through the detailed introduction of this article.
Classic SQL queries commonly used in oracle
Common SQL queries:
1. View the name and size of the tablespace
Select t.tablespace_name, round (sum (bytes/ (1024-1024)), 0) ts_size
From dba_tablespaces t, dba_data_files d
Where t.tablespace_name = d.tablespace_name
Group by t.tablespace_name
2. View the name and size of the tablespace physical file
Select tablespace_name, file_id, file_name
Round (bytes/ (1024,1024), 0) total_space
From dba_data_files
Order by tablespace_name
3. View the name and size of the rollback segment
Select segment_name, tablespace_name, r.status
(initial_extent/1024) InitialExtent, (next_extent/1024) NextExtent
Max_extents, v.curext CurExtent
From dba_rollback_segs r, v$rollstat v
Where r.segment_id = v.usn (+)
Order by segment_name
4. View the control file
Select name from v$controlfile
5. View log files
Select member from v$logfile
6. Check the use of tablespaces
Select sum (bytes) / (1024024) as free_space,tablespace_name
From dba_free_space
Group by tablespace_name
(B.BYTES*100) / A.BYTES "% USED", (C.BYTES*100) / A.BYTES "% FREE"
FROM SYS.SM$TS_AVAIL A, S, B, S, Y, C, C, etc.
7. View database objects
Select owner, object_type, status, count (*) count# from all_objects group by owner, object_type, status
8. Check the database version
Select version FROM Product_component_version
Where SUBSTR (PRODUCT,1,6) = 'Oracle'
9. View the creation date and archiving method of the database
Select Created, Log_Mode, Log_Mode From V$Database
10. Capture SQL that has been running for a long time
Column username format a12
Column opname format a16
Column progress format a8
Select username,sid,opname
Round (sofar*100 / totalwork,0) | |'%'as progress
From v$session_longops, v$sql
Where time_remaining 0
And sql_address = address
And sql_hash_value = hash_value
eleven. View the parameter information of the data table
SELECT partition_name, high_value, high_value_length, tablespace_name
Pct_free, pct_used, ini_trans, max_trans, initial_extent
Next_extent, min_extent, max_extent, pct_increase, FREELISTS
Freelist_groups, LOGGING, BUFFER_POOL, num_rows, blocks
Empty_blocks, avg_space, chain_cnt, avg_row_len, sample_size
FROM dba_tab_partitions
-WHERE table_name =: tname AND table_owner =: towner
ORDER BY partition_position
twelve。 View transactions that have not yet been committed
Select * from v$locked_object
Select * from v$transaction
thirteen. Find out which processes object is used by
S.serial# serial_num
S.username user_name
A.type object_type
S.osuser os_user_name
A.object object_name
Decode (sign (48-command))
To_char (command), 'Action Code #' | | to_char (command)) action
P.program oracle_process
S.terminal terminal
S.program program
S.status session_status
From v$session s, v$access a, v$process p
Where s.paddr = p.addr and
S.type = 'USER' and
A.sid = s.sid and
A. objectfully supported ATTR'
Order by s.username, s.osuser
fourteen. Rollback segment view
Select rownum, sys.dba_rollback_segs.segment_name Name, v$rollstat.extents
Extents, v$rollstat.rssize Size_in_Bytes, v$rollstat.xacts XActs
V$rollstat.gets Gets, v$rollstat.waits Waits, v$rollstat.writes Writes
Sys.dba_rollback_segs.status status from v$rollstat, sys.dba_rollback_segs
V$rollname where v$ (+) = sys.dba_rollback_segs.segment_name and
V$rollstat.usn (+) = v$rollname.usn order by rownum
fifteen. Resource-consuming process (top session)
Select s.schemaname schema_name, decode (sign (48-command), 1
To_char (command), 'Action Code #' | | to_char (command)) action, status
Session_status, s.osuser os_user_name, s.sid, p.spid, s.serial# serial_num
Nvl (s.username,'[Oracle process]') user_name, s.terminal terminal
S.program program, st.value criteria_value from v$sesstat st, v$session s, v$process p
Where st.sid = s.sid and st.statistic# = to_number ('38') and (' ALL' = 'ALL'
Or s.status = 'ALL') and p.addr = s.paddr order by st.value desc, p.spid asc, s.username asc, s.osuser asc
sixteen. Check the status of lock
Select / * + RULE * / ls.osuser os_user_name, ls.username user_name
Decode (ls.type, 'RW',' Row wait enqueue lock', 'TM',' DML enqueue lock', 'TX'
'Transaction enqueue lock',' UL', 'User supplied lock') lock_type
O.object_name object, decode (ls.lmode, 1, null, 2, 'Row Share', 3
'Row Exclusive', 4,' Share', 5, 'Share Row Exclusive', 6,' Exclusive', null)
Lock_mode, o.owner, ls.sid, ls.serial# serial_num, ls.id1, ls.id2
From sys.dba_objects o, (select s.osuser, s.username, l.type
L.lmode, s.sid, s.serial#, l.id1, l.id2 from v$session s
V$lock l where s.sid = l.sid) ls where o.object_id = ls.id1 and o.owner
'SYS' order by o.owner, o.object_name
seventeen. Check waiting (wait)
SELECT v$waitstat.class, v$waitstat.count count, SUM (v$sysstat.value) sum_value
FROM v$waitstat, v$sysstat WHERE v$ IN ('db block gets'
'consistent gets') group by v$waitstat.class, v$waitstat.count
eighteen. Check the sga situation
nineteen. View catched object
SELECT owner, name, db_link, namespace
Type, sharable_mem, loads, executions
Locks, pins, kept FROM v$db_object_cache
twenty. View V$SQLAREA
twenty-one. View the number of object categories
Select decode (o.typewriter page1) index', 2 recordings table', 3, 'CLUSTER', 4,' VIEW', 5
'SYNONYM', 6,' SEQUENCE', 'OTHER') object_type, count (*) quantity from
Sys.obj$ o where o.type# > 1 group by decode.
, 'CLUSTER', 4,' VIEW', 5, 'SYNONYM', 6,' SEQUENCE', 'OTHER') union select
'COLUMN', count (*) from sys.col$ union select' DB LINK', count (*) from
twenty-two. View object categories by user
Select schema, sum (decode (o.typewriter, 1,1, NULL) indexes
Sum (decode (o.typewriter, 2,1, NULL)) tables, sum (decode (o.typewriter, 3,1, NULL))
Clusters, sum (decode (o.typewriter, 4,1, NULL) views, sum (decode (o.typewriter, 5,1)
NULL)) synonyms, sum (decode (o.typewriter, 6,1, NULL)) sequences
Sum (decode (o.typewriter, 1, NULL, 2, NULL, 3, NULL, 4, NULL, 5, NULL, 6, NULL, 1))
Others from sys.obj$ o, sys.user$ u where o.type# > = 1 and u.user# =
O.owner# and 'PUBLIC' group by order by$ union select 'CONSTRAINT', count (*) from sys.con$
twenty-three. Information about connection
1) check which users are connected
Select s.osuser os_user_name, decode (sign (48-command), 1, to_char (command)
'Action Code #' | | to_char (command)) action, p.program oracle_process
Status session_status, s.terminal terminal, s.program program
S.username user_name, s.fixed_table_sequence activity_meter,''query
0 memory, 0 max_memory, 0 cpu_usage, s.sid, s.serial# serial_num
From v$session s, v$process p where s.paddr=p.addr and s.type = 'USER'
Order by s.username, s.osuser
2) check the resource usage of the corresponding connection according to v.sid
From v$statname n
V$sesstat v
Where v.sid = 71 and
V.statistic# = n.statistic#
Order by n.class, n.statistic#
3) View the running sql of the corresponding connection according to sid
Select / * + PUSH_SUBQ * /
Sysdate start_time
Sysdate finish_time
'>' | | address sql_address
'N' status
From v$sqlarea
Where address = (select sql_address from v$session where sid = 71)
24. Query tablespace usage
Select a.tablespace_name Tablespace name
100-round ((nvl (b.bytesfreemagen0) / a.bytes_alloc) * 100Pol 2) "occupancy (%)"
Round (a. Bytespromoallocach1024 and1024 and2) "capacity (M)"
Round (nvl (b. Bytesfree freegraghting 0) / 1024tick 1024pr 2) "Idle (M)"
Round ((a.bytes_alloc-nvl (b.bytesfolk freegrad0)) / 1024Universe 1024pr 2) "use (M)"
Largest "maximum extension (M)"
To_char (sysdate,'yyyy-mm-dd hh34:mi:ss') "sampling time"
From (select f.tablespace_name
Sum (f.bytes) bytes_alloc
Sum (decode (f. Autoextensible.YEScription.maxbytesRetroductionNozzybook.bytes)) maxbytes
From dba_data_files f
Group by tablespace_name) a
(select f.tablespace_name
Sum (f.bytes) bytes_free
From dba_free_space f
Group by tablespace_name) b
(select round (max (ff.length) * 16 take 1024) Largest tablespace_name
From sys.fet$ ff, sys.file$ tf,sys.ts$ ts
Where ts.ts#=ff.ts# and ff.file#=tf.relfile# and ts.ts#=tf.ts#
Group by, tf.blocks) c
Where a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name and a.tablespace_name = c.tablespace_name
25. Query the degree of fragmentation of the tablespace
Select tablespace_name,count (tablespace_name) from dba_free_space group by tablespace_name
Having count (tablespace_name) > 10
Alter tablespace name coalesce
Alter table name deallocate unused
Create or replace view ts_blocks_v as
Select tablespace_name,block_id,bytes,blocks,'free space' segment_name from dba_free_space
Union all
Select tablespace_name,block_id,bytes,blocks,segment_name from dba_extents
Select * from ts_blocks_v
Select tablespace_name,sum (bytes), max (bytes), count (block_id) from dba_free_space
Group by tablespace_name
twenty-six. Query which database instances are running
Select inst_name from v$active_instances
# create a database-look $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/buildall.sql #
Create database db01
Maxlogfiles 10
Maxdatafiles 1024
Maxinstances 2
GROUP 1 ('/ u01qoradata SIZE) SIZE 15m
GROUP 2 ('/ u01qoradata SIZE) SIZE 15m
GROUP 3 ('/ u01qoradata SIZE) SIZE 15m
Datafile 'u01CompOradata SIZE Db01According to db01Universe db01.dbf') Oradata
Undo tablespace UNDO
Datafile'/ u01qoradata SIZE db01Universe 01Universe db01.dbf' oradata 40m
Default temporary tablespace TEMP
Tempfile'/ u01qoradata SIZE db01Universe 01tobacco db01.dbf' oradata 20m
Extent management local uniform. Size 128k
Character set AL32UTE8
National character set AL16UTF16
Set time_zone='America/New_York'
# data dictionary #
Set wrap off
Select * from v$dba_users
Grant select on table_name to user/rule
Select * from user_tables
Select * from all_tables
Select * from dba_tables
Revoke dba from user_name
Shutdown immediate
Startup nomount
Select * from v$instance
Select * from v$sga
Select * from v$tablespace
Alter session set nls_language=american
Alter database mount
Select * from v$database
Alter database open
Desc dictionary
Select * from dict
Desc v$fixed_table
Select * from v$fixed_table
Set oracle_sid=foxconn
Select * from dba_objects
Set serveroutput on
Execute dbms_output.put_line ('sfasd')
# Control file #
Select * from v$database
Select * from v$tablespace
Select * from v$logfile
Select * from v$log
Select * from v$backup
/ * back up user tablespaces * /
Alter tablespace users begin backup
Select * from v$archived_log
Select * from v$controlfile
Alter system set control_files='$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/u01/ctrl01.ctl'
'$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/u01/ctrl02.ctl' scope=spfile
Cp $ORACLE_HOME/oradata/u01/ctrl01.ctl $ORACLE_HOME/oradata/u01/ctrl02.ctl
Startup pfile='../initSID.ora'
Select * from v$parameter where name like 'control%'
Show parameter control
Select * from v$controlfile_record_section
Select * from v$tempfile
/ * backup control files * /
Alter database backup controlfile to'.. / filepath/control.bak'
/ * back up the control file and change the binary control file into an asc text file * /
Alter database backup controlfile to trace
# redo log #
Archive log list
Alter system archive log start;-- starts automatic archiving
Alter system switch logfile;-- forced a log switch.
Alter system checkpoint;-- forces a checkpoint
Alter tablspace users begin backup
Alter tablespace offline
/ * checkpoint synchronization frequency parameter FAST_START_MTTR_TARGET. The higher the synchronization frequency, the shorter the system recovery time * /
Show parameter fast
Show parameter log_checkpoint
/ * join a log group * /
Alter database add logfile group 3 ('/ $ORACLE_HOME/oracle/ora_log_file6.rdo' size 10m)
/ * join a member of the log group * /
Alter database add logfile member'/ $ORACLE_HOME/oracle/ora_log_file6.rdo' to group 3
/ * Delete log groups: current log groups cannot be deleted; active log groups cannot be deleted; non-archived log groups cannot be deleted * /
Alter database drop logfile group 3
/ * Delete a member of a log group, but the last member of each group cannot be deleted * /
Alter databse drop logfile member'$ORACLE_HOME/oracle/ora_log_file6.rdo'
/ * clear online log * /
Alter database clear logfile'$ORACLE_HOME/oracle/ora_log_file6.rdo'
Alter database clear logfile group 3
/ * clear non-archive logs * /
Alter database clear unarchived logfile group 3
/ * rename log file * /
Alter database rename file'$ORACLE_HOME/oracle/ora_log_file6.rdo' to'$ORACLE_HOME/oracle/ora_log_file6a.rdo'
Show parameter db_create
Alter system set db_create_online_log_dest_1='path_name'
Select * from v$log
Select * from v$logfile
/ * the exchange from database archiving mode to non-archiving mode can not be changed until it is started to mount; startup mount; and then open the database. * /
Alter database noarchivelog/archivelog
Achive log start;--- starts automatic archiving
Alter system archive all;-- archives all log files manually
Select * from v$archived_log
Show parameter log_archive
# analyze log file logmnr #
1) set utl_file_dir parameters in init.ora
2) restart oracle
3) create directory file
Desc dbms_logmnr_d
4) add log file add/remove log file
5) start logmnr
6) query the analyzed content v$logmnr_content-- sqlredo/sqlundo
Desc dbms_logmnr_d
/ * do some operations on the data table to prepare for the recovery operation * /
Update table set qty=10 where stor_id=6380
Delete table where stor_id=7066
/ * /
The path to utl_file_dir
Execute ('foxdict.ora','$ORACLE_HOME/oracle/admin/fox/cdump')
Execute dbms_logmnr.add_logfile ('$ORACLE_HOME/oracle/ora_log_file6.log',dbms_logmnr.newfile)
Execute dbms_logmnr.start_logmnr (dictfilename= >'$ORACLE_HOME/oracle/admin/fox/cdump/foxdict.ora')
# tablespace #
Select * form. V$tablespace
Select * from v$datafile
/ * correspondence between tablespaces and data files * /
Select t1.namedirection from v$tablespace T1 where t1.ts#=t2.ts# vicidatafile T2
Alter tablespace users add datafile 'path' size 10m
Select * from dba_rollback_segs
/ * limit the usage limit of users in a tablespace * /
Alter user user_name quota 10m on tablespace_name
Create tablespace xxx [datafile 'path_name/datafile_name'] [size xxx] [extent management local/dictionary] [default storage (xxx)]
Exmple: create tablespace userdata datafile'$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/userdata01.dbf' size 100m AUTOEXTEND ON NEXT 5m MAXSIZE 200m
Create tablespace userdata datafile'$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/userdata01.dbf' size 100m extent management dictionary default storage (initial 100k next 100k pctincrease 10) offline
After / * 9i, oracle recommends using local management instead of dictionary management, because local uses bitmap to manage tablespaces, which will not result in voluntary contention for system tablespaces.
Create tablespace userdata datafile'$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/userdata01.dbf' size 100m extent management local uniform. Size 1m
Create tablespace userdata datafile'$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/userdata01.dbf' size 100m extent management local autoallocate
/ * when creating a tablespace, set the segment space management mode in the tablespace. Here, automatic management is used * /
Create tablespace userdata datafile'$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/userdata01.dbf' size 100m extent management local uniform. Size 1m segment space management auto
Alter tablespace userdata mininum extent 10
Alter tablespace userdata default storage (initial 1m next 1m pctincrease 20)
/ * undo tablespace (cannot be used in dictionary management mode) * /
Create undo tablespace undo1 datafile'$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/undo101.dbf' size 40m extent management local
Show parameter undo
/ * temporary tablespace*/
Create temporary tablespace userdata tempfile'$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/undo101.dbf' size 10m extent management local
/ * set the database default temporary tablespace * /
Alter database default temporary tablespace tablespace_name
/ * system / temporary / online undo tablespaces cannot be offline*/
Alter tablespace tablespace_name offline/online
Alter tablespace tablespace_name read only
/ * rename user tablespace * /
Alter tablespace tablespace_name rename datafile'$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/undo101.dbf' to'$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/undo102.dbf'
/ * rename the system tablespace, but you must shutdown the database and restart it to the mount state before renaming * /
Alter database rename file'$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/system01.dbf' to'$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/system02.dbf'
Drop tablespace userdata including contents and datafiles;---drop tablespce
/ * resize tablespace,autoextend datafile space*/
Alter database datafile'$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/undo102.dbf' autoextend on next 10m maxsize 500m
/ * resize datafile*/
Alter database datafile'$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/undo102.dbf' resize 50m
/ * expand the tablespace * /
Alter tablespace userdata add datafile'$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/undo102.dbf' size 10m
/ * set the tablespace to OMF state * /
Alter system set db_create_file_dest='$ORACLE_HOME/oradata'
Create tablespace userdata;---use OMF status to create tablespace
Drop tablespace userdata;---user OMF status to drop tablespace
Select * from dba_tablespace/v$tablespace/dba_data_files
/ * move a partition of a table to another tablespace * /
Alter table table_name move partition partition_name tablespace tablespace_name
# ORACLE storage structure and relationships #
/ * manually assign the partition (extend) size of the tablespace segment * /
Alter table kong.test12 allocate extent (size 1m datafile'$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/undo102.dbf')
Alter table kong.test12 deallocate unused;-release unused partitions in the table
Show parameter db
Alter system set db_8k_cache_size=10m;-configure 8k blocks of memory space block parameters
Select * from dba_extents/dba_segments/data_tablespace
Select * from dba_free_space/dba_data_file/data_tablespace
/ * number of bytes occupied by the data object * /
Select sum (bytes) from dba_extents where nwer='kong' and segment_name = 'table_name'
# UNDO Data #
Show parameter undo
Alter tablespace users offline normal
Alter tablespace users offline immediate
Recover datafile'$ORACLE_HOME/oradata/undo102.dbf'
Alter tablespace users online
Select * from dba_rollback_segs
Alter system set undo_tablespace=undotbs1
/ * ignore the error prompt for the rollback segment * /
Alter system set undo_suppress_errors=true
/ * in automatic management mode, rbs1; is not really established. In manual management mode, it can be established, and it is a private rollback segment * /
Create rollback segment rbs1 tablespace undotbs
Desc dbms_flashback
/ * after submitting the modified data, 9i provides the flashback operation of the old data and reads the pre-modified data only to the user, but this part of the data will not be restored in the table, but a mapping of the old data * /
Execute dbms_flashback.enable_at_time ('26-JAN-04:12:17:00 pm')
Execute dbms_flashback.disable
/ * Statistics of rollback segment * /
Select end_time,begin_time,undoblks from v$undostat
/ * the formula for calculating the size of undo table space: UndoSpace= [UR * (UPS * DBS)] + (DBS * 24)
UR: how long the UNDO_RETENTION is retained (seconds)
UPS: rollback blocks per second
DBS: system EXTENT and FILE SIZE (i.e. db_block_size) * /
Select * from dba_rollback_segs/v$rollname/v$rollstat/v$undostat/v$session/v$transaction
Show parameter transactions
Show parameter rollback
/ * establish a common rollback segment in manual management mode * /
Create public rollback segment prbs1 tablespace undotbs
Alter rollback segment rbs1 online;---- in manual management mode
/ * in manual management mode, specify undo_management=manual, rollback_segment= ('rbs1','rbs2',...), and rollback_segment= in initSID.ora.
Transactions=100 、 transactions_per_rollback_segment=10
Then shutdown immediate, startup pfile=....\? .ora * /
# Managing Tables #
/ * char type maxlen=2000;varchar2 type maxlen=4000 bytes
Rowid is an 18-bit 64-bit string (10 bytes 80 bits)
Composition of rowid: object# (object number)-- 32 bits, 6 bits.
Rfile# (relative file number)-- 10 bits of 3 bits
Block# (block number)-- 22 bits, 6 bits.
Row# (line number)-- 16bitsline 3 digits
Base 64: a total of 64 symbols: Amura Zjimaqizhi 0-9 Jing Zuo Zeng Ji + 64 symbols
The functions in the dbms_rowid package can provide an explanation of rowid * /
Select rowid,dbms_rowid.rowid_block_number (rowid), dbms_rowid.rowid_row_number (rowid) from table_name
Create table test2
Id int
Lname varchar2 (20) not null
Fname varchar2 (20) constraint ck_1 check (fname like'k%')
Empdate date default sysdate)
) tablespace tablespace_name
Create global temporary table test2 on commit delete/preserve rows as select * from kong.authors
Create table user.table (...) Tablespace tablespace_name storage (...) Pctfree10 pctused 40
Alter table user.tablename pctfree 20 pctused 50 storage (...);-changing table storage
/ * assign partitions manually, and the assigned data file must be a data file in the tablespace where the table resides * /
Alter table user.table_name allocate extent (size 500k datafile '...')
/ * release unused space in the table * /
Alter table table_name deallocate unused
Alter table table_name deallocate unused keep 8k
/ * move the tablespace of the non-partitioned table to the new tablespace. After the tablespace is moved, the index objects in the original table will not be available and must be rebuilt * /
Alter table user.table_name move tablespace new_tablespace_name
Create index index_name on user.table_name (column_name) tablespace users
Alter index index_name rebuild
Drop table table_name [CASCADE CONSTRAINTS]
Alter table user.table_name drop column col_name [CASCADE CONSTRAINTS CHECKPOINT 1000];-drop column
/ * Mark unused columns in the table * /
Alter table user.table_name set unused column comments CASCADE CONSTRAINTS
/ * marked columns that are not used in the drop table * /
Alter table user.table_name drop unused columns checkpoint 1000
/ * when an exception occurs in drop col, use CONTINUE to prevent the previous column*/ from being deleted again
Select * from dba_tables/dba_objects
# managing indexes #
/ * create index*/
/ * create a general index * /
Create index index_name on table_name (column_name) tablespace tablespace_name
/ * create bitmap index * /
Create bitmap index index_name on table_name (column_name1,column_name2) tablespace tablespace_name
/ * pctused*/ cannot be used in the index
Create [bitmap] index index_name on table_name (column_name) tablespace tablespace_name pctfree 20 storage (inital 100k next 100k)
/ * indexing with a large amount of data is best not to log * /
Create [bitmap] index index_name table_name (column_name1,column_name2) tablespace_name pctfree 20 storage (inital 100k next 100k) nologging
/ * create inverted index * /
Create index index_name on table_name (column_name) reverse
/ * create a functional index * /
Create index index_name on table_name (function_name (column_name)) tablespace tablespace_name
/ * create constraints when creating tables * /
Create table user.table_name (column_name number (7) constraint constraint_name primary key deferrable using index storage (initial 100k next 100k) tablespace tablespace_name,column_name2 varchar2 (25) constraint constraint_name not null,column_name3 number (7) tablespace tablespace_name
/ * memory space parameters allocated to the creation bitmap index to speed up indexing * /
Show parameter create_bit
/ * change the storage parameters of the index * /
Alter index index_name pctfree 30 storage (initial 200k next 200k)
/ * manually assign a partition to the index * /
Alter index index_name allocate extent (size 200k datafile'$ORACLE/oradata/..')
/ * release useless space in the index * /
Alter index index_name deallocate unused
/ * Index Reconstruction * /
Alter index index_name rebuild tablespace tablespace_name
/ * Interchange between general index and inverted index * /
Alter index index_name rebuild tablespace tablespace_name reverse
/ * when rebuilding the index, the table is not locked * /
Alter index index_name rebuild online
/ * defragment the index * /
Alter index index_name COALESCE
/ * analyzing the index is actually a process of updating statistics * /
Analyze index index_name validate structure
Desc index_state
Drop index index_name
Alter index index_name monitoring usage;- monitors whether the index is used
Alter index index_name nomonitoring usage;---- cancels monitoring
/ * views about indexed information * /
Select * from dba_indexes/dba_ind_columns/dbs_ind_expressions/v$object_usage
# data integrity management (Maintaining data integrity) #
Alter table table_name drop constraint constraint_name;----drop constraint
Alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name primary key (column_name1,column_name2);-create a primary key
Alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name unique (column_name1,column_name2);-create a unique constraint
/ * create a foreign key constraint * /
Alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name foreign key (column_name1) references table_name (column_name1)
/ * do not validate old data, but only constrain new data [enable/disable: constrain / unconstrain new data; novalidate/validate: do not validate / validate a pair of old data] * /
Alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name check (column_name like'B%') enable/disable novalidate/validate
/ * modify constraints, delay verification, verify on commit * /
Alter table table_name modify constraint constraint_name initially deferred
/ * modify constraints and verify immediately * /
Alter table table_name modify constraint constraint_name initially immediate
Alter session set constraints=deferred/immediate
/ * drop a primary key table with a foreign key, cascaded deletion with cascade constraints parameter * /
Drop table table_name cascade constraints
/ * when truncate foreign key table, set the foreign key to invalid first, and then truncate;*/
Truncate table table_name
/ * invalid constraint * /
Alter table table_name disable constraint constraint_name
Alter table table_name enable novalidate constraint constraint_name
/ * put the data rows with invalid constraints into the exception table, which records the row numbers of the rows that violate the data constraints; before that, create the exceptions table * /
Alter table table_name add constraint constraint_name check (column_name > 15) enable validate exceptions into exceptions
/ * run the script that creates the exceptions table * /
Start $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/utlexcpt.sql
/ * get a table or view of constraint information * /
Select * from user_constraints/dba_constraints/dba_cons_columns
# managing password security and resources #
Alter user user_name account unlock/open;---- Lock / Open user
Alter user user_name password expire;--- setting password expires
/ * establish a password configuration file. How many times the failed_login_attempts password is locked, and how many days after password_lock_times the password is automatically unlocked * /
Create profile profile_name limit failed_login_attempts 3 password_lock_times 1/1440
/ * create a password profile * /
Create profile profile_name limit failed_login_attempts 3 password_lock_time unlimited password_life_time 30 password_reuse_time 30 password_verify_function verify_function password_grace_time 5
/ * create a resource profile * /
Create profile prfile_name limit session_per_user 2 cpu_per_session 10000 idle_time 60 connect_time 480
Alter user user_name profile profile_name
/ * set password unlocking time * /
Alter profile profile_name limit password_lock_time 1/24
/ * password_life_time indicates when the password file expires, and password_grace_time refers to how many days after the first successful login, the password can be changed.
Alter profile profile_name limit password_lift_time 2 password_grace_time 3
/ * password_reuse_time refers to the number of days in which passwords can be reused and the maximum number of times that password_reuse_max passwords can be reused * /
Alter profile profile_name limit password_reuse_time 10 [password_reuse_max 3]
Alter user user_name identified by input_password;- modifies user password
Drop profile profile_name
/ * after a profile is established and assigned to a user, you must use CASCADE to delete * /
Drop profile profile_name CASCADE
Alter system set resource_limit=true;--- enables voluntary restrictions. The default is false.
/ * configure resource parameters * /
Alter profile profile_name limit cpu_per_session 10000 connect_time 60 idle_time 5
/ * Resource parameters (session level)
Each session of cpu_per_session occupies the time unit of cpu in 100 seconds.
Number of parallel session allowed by sessions_per_user per user
The time unit in minutes allowed by connect_time to connect
After how long the idle_time connection is idle, it is automatically disconnected per minute.
Number of logical_reads_per_session read blocks
The private space unit bytes that private_sga users can use in SGA
(call level)
Time for cpu_per_call to call cpu each time (1 beat 100 seconds)
Number of blocks that can be read per call by logical_reads_per_call
, /
Alter profile profile_name limit cpu_per_call 1000 logical_reads_per_call 10
Desc dbms_resouce_manager;--- Explorer package
/ * get a table or view of resource information * /
Select * from dba_users/dba_profiles
# Managing users #
Show parameter os
Create user testuser1 identified by kxf_001
Grant connect,createtable to testuser1
Alter user testuser1 quota 10m on tablespace_name
/ * create a user * /
Create user user_name identified by password default tablespace tablespace_name temporary tablespace tablespace_name quota 15m on tablespace_name password expire
/ * set the default temporary tablespace at the database level * /
Alter database default temporary tablespace tablespace_name
/ * set default tablespaces at the database level * /
Alter database default tablespace tablespace_name
/ * users who create os-level auditing need to know os_authent_prefix, which indicates the prefix corresponding to oracle and os passwords. 'OPS$' is the value of this parameter. This value can be arbitrarily set * /
Create user user_name identified by externally default OPS$tablespace_name tablespace_name temporary tablespace tablespace_name quota 15m on tablespace_name password expire
/ * modify the quota for users to use tablespaces. Rollback tablespaces and temporary tablespaces are not allowed to grant quotas * /
Alter user user_name quota 5m on tablespace_name
/ * delete users or cascading users (if there are objects under the user object, use CASCADE, delete some of the objects under them) * /
Drop user user_name [CASCADE]
/ * under which tablespaces does each user have any limits * /
Desc dba_ts_quotas;select * from dba_ts_quotas where username='...'
/ * change the user's default tablespace * /
Alter user user_name default tablespace tablespace_name
# Managing Privileges #
Grant create table,create session to user_name
Grant create any table to user_name; revoke create any table from user_name
/ * Grant permissions syntax, public identifies all users, and with admin option allows permissions that can be granted to third parties * /
Grant system_privs, [.] To [user/role/public], [....] [with admin option]
Select * from v$pwfile_users
/ * when the O7_dictionary_accessiblity parameter is True, when identifying select any table, including the system table can also be select, otherwise, the system table is not included; the default is false*/
Show parameter O7
/ * since O7_dictionary_accessiblity is a static parameter and cannot be changed dynamically, scope=spfile will not take effect until the next startup * /
Alter system set O7_dictionary_accessiblity=true scope=spfile
/ * Grant permissions to certain fields in an object, such as permissions for certain fields in a table in select * /
Grant [object_privs (column,....)], [...] On object_name to user/role/public,... With grant option
/ * oracle does not allow you to grant permissions to a column of select, but you can grant permissions to a column of insert or update * /
Grant insert (column_name1,column_name2,...) On table_name to user_name with grant option
Select * from dba_sys_privs/session_privs/dba_tab_privs/user_tab_privs/dba_col_privs/user_col_privs
/ * db/os/none audit is recorded in database / operating system / no audit defaults to none*/
Show parameter audit_trail
/ * start the select action on the table * /
Audit select on user.table_name by session
/ * by session sends out command records only once in each session, while by access records each command * /
Audit [create table] [select/update/insert on object by session/access] [whenever successful/not successful]
For further design of desc dbms_fga;---, you can use the dbms_fgs package
/ * cancel audit * /
Noaudit select on user.table_name
/ * check the audited information * /
Select * from all_def_audit_opts/dba_stmt_audit_opts/dba_priv_audit_opts/dba_obj_audit_opts
/ * obtain audit records * /
Select * from dba_audit_trail/dba_audit_exists/dba_audit_object/dba_audit_session/dba_audit_statement
# Managing Role #
Create role role_name; grant select on table_name to role_name; grant role_name to user_name; set role role_name
Create role role_name
Create role role_name identified by password
Create role role_name identified externally
Set role role_name;-activate role
Set role role_name identified by password
Alter role role_name not identified
Alter role role_name identified by password
Alter role role_name identified externally
Grant priv_name to role_name [WITH ADMIN OPTION]
Grant update (column_name1,col_name2,...) On table_name to role_name
Grant role_name1 to role_name2
/ * establish default role. When a user logs in, default role*/ is activated by default.
Alter user user_name default role role_name1,role_name2,...
Alter user user_name default role all
Alter user user_name default role all except role_name1,...
Alter user user_name default role none
Set role role1 [identified by password], role2,....
Set role all
Set role except role1,role2,...
Set role none
Revoke role_name from user_name
Revoke role_name from public
Drop role role_name
Select * from dba_roles/dba_role_privs/role_role_privs/dba_sys_privs/role_sys_privs/role_tab_privs/session_roles
# Basic SQL SELECT #
Select col_name as col_alias from table_name
Select col_name from table_name where col1 like'_ o% matching; -'_ 'matches a single character
/ * use the character function (truncated on the right, the field contains a character, the left is filled with a character to a fixed number of digits, and the right is filled with a character to a fixed number of digits) * /
Select substr (col1,-3,5), instr (col2,'g'), LPAD (col3,10,'$'), RPAD (col4,10,'%') from table_name
/ * use numeric functions (rounding to the right / left digits, rounding, taking the remainder) * /
Select round (col1,-2), trunc (col2), mod (col3) from table_name
/ * use the date function (calculate the difference between the two-day periods by several weeks, the two-day periods by several months, add a few months to a month, and the next date of a date
The last date of the month in which a date is located, rounding off the month of a date and rounding the month of a date.
Select (sysdate-col1) / 7 week,months_between (sysdate,col1), add_months (col1,2), next_day (sysdate,'FRIDAY'), last_day (sysdate)
Round (sysdate,'MONTH'), trunc (sysdate,'MONTH') from table_name
/ * use the NULL function (when expr1 is empty expr2/ and expr1 is empty expr2, otherwise take expr3/ when expr1=expr2 returns null) * /
Select nvl (expr1,expr2), nvl2 (expr1,expr2,expr3), nullif (expr1,expr2) from table_name
Select column1,column2,column3, case column2 when '50' then column2*1.1
When '30' then column2*2.1
When '10' then column3/20
Else column3
End as ttt
From table_name;-use the case function
Select table1.col1,table2.col2 from table1
[CROSS JOIN table2] |-Cartesian connection
[NATURAL JOIN table2] |-join with columns of the same name in two tables
[JOIN table2 USING (column_name)] |-join with one or more columns of the same name in two tables
[JOIN table2
ON (table1.col1=table2.col2)] |
[LEFT | RIGHT | FULL OUTER JOIN table2-equivalent to (+) =, = (+) connection, full external connection
ON (table1.col1=table2.col2)];-JOIN syntax in SQL 1999
Select col1,col2 from table1 t1
Join table2 t2
On t1.col1=t2.col2 and t1.col3=t2.col1
Join table3 t3
On t2.col1=t3.col3
Select * from table_name where col1
< any (select col2 from table_name2 where continue group by col3); select * from table_name where col1 < all (select col2 from table_name2 where continue group by col3); insert into (select col1,col2,col3 form. table_name where col1>50 with check option) values (value1,value2,value3)
MERGE INTO table_name table1
USING table_name2 table2
ON (table1.col1=table2.col2)
INSERT VALUES (table2.col1,table2.col2,table2.col3,...);-merge statement
Alter table table_name drop column column_name;-drop column
Alter table table_name set unused (col1,col2,...);-the setting column is invalid, which is faster.
Alter table table_name drop unused columns;--- deletes columns that are set to be invalid
Rename table_name1 to table_name2;-rename table
Comment on table table_name is' comment message';---- put comment information on the table
Create table table_name
(col1 int not null,col2 varchar2 (20), col3 varchar2 (20)
Constraint uk_test2_1 unique (col2,col3));-define the constraints in the table
Alter table table_name add constraint pk_test2 primary key (col1,col2,...);-create primary key
/ * create a foreign key * /
Create table table_name (rid int,name varchar2 (20), constraint fk_test3 foreign key (rid) references other_table_name (id))
Alter table table_name add constraint ck_test3 check (name like'K%')
Alter table table_name drop constraint constraint_name
Alter table table_name drop primary key cascade;---- cascading delete primary key
Alter table table_name disable/enable constraint constraint_name;---- temporarily invalidates the constraint
/ * Delete the column and cascade delete the constraints under this column * /
Alter table table_name drop column column_name cascade constraint
Select * from user_constraints/user_cons_columns;--- constraint related views
# Create Views #
CREATE [OR REPLACE] [FORCE | NOFORCE] VIEW view_name [(alias [, alias]...)]
AS subquery
[WITH READ ONLY [CONSTRAINT constraint_name]];-Syntax for creating views
Example: Create or replace view testview as select col1,col2,col3 from table_name;-create a view
/ * use an alias * /
Create or replace view testview as select col1,sum (col2) col2_alias from table_name
/ * create a complex view * /
Create view view_name (alias1,alias2,alias3,alias4) as select d.col1Min (e.col1), max (e.col1), avg (e.col1) from table_name1
/ * when modifying data with update, the col1 > 10 of the view must be satisfied. If not, it cannot be changed. * /
Create or replace view view_name as select * from table_name where col1 > 10 with check option
/ * change the view value. Table data can be modified with update syntax for simple views, but not necessarily for complex views. For example, the columns of functions, group by, distinct, etc. * /
Update view_name set col1=value1
/ * TOP-N Analysis * /
Select [column_list], rownum from (select [column_list] from table_name order by Top-N_column) where rownum
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