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2025-02-28 Update From: SLTechnology News&Howtos shulou NAV: SLTechnology News&Howtos > Servers >
Shulou( Report--
Internal test environment deployment file
Since there is no connection in the internal network, the rpm package is installed in the form of related components.
Involving software and application versions:
Linux version: CentOS 7.2
Nginx version: nginx-1.10.1
Java version: jdk-8u101
Tomcat version: Tomcat-7.0.72
MySQL version: mariadb-5.5.52
1.nginx installation and configuration
First of all, you need to install some database openssl-devel, zlib-devel, pcre-devel before installing nginx.
But there are other dependent packages that need to install rpm-ivh * .rpm
The program runs as nobody by default. We use nginx users to run. First, add Nginx groups and users, do not create a home directory, and do not allow login to the system.
# groupadd nginx
# useradd-M-s / sbin/nologin-g nginx nginx
Nginx-1.10.1.tar.gz is used to install nginx.
# tar xf nginx-1.10.1.tar.gz
# cd nginx-1.10.1
Specify the installation directory and compile to enable some status monitoring modules, etc.
#. / configure\
-- prefix=/usr/local/nginx\
-- pid-path=/usr/local/nginx/logs/\
-- lock-path=/var/lock/nginx.lock\
-- user=nginx\
-- group=nginx\
-- with-http_ssl_module\
-- with-http_flv_module\
-- with-http_stub_status_module\
-- with-http_gzip_static_module\
-- http-client-body-temp-path=/var/tmp/nginx/client/\
-- http-proxy-temp-path=/var/tmp/nginx/proxy/\
-- http-fastcgi-temp-path=/var/tmp/nginx/fcgi/\
-- http-uwsgi-temp-path=/var/tmp/nginx/uwsgi\
-- http-scgi-temp-path=/var/tmp/nginx/scgi\
-- with-pcre
The approximate result is:
Configuration summary
+ using system PCRE library
+ using system OpenSSL library
+ md5: using OpenSSL library
+ sha1: using OpenSSL library
+ using system zlib library
Nginx path prefix: "/ usr/local/nginx"
Nginx binary file: "/ usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx"
Nginx modules path: "/ usr/local/nginx/modules"
Nginx configuration prefix: "/ usr/local/nginx/conf"
Nginx configuration file: "/ usr/local/nginx/conf/nginx.conf"
Nginx pid file: "/ var/run/nginx/"
Nginx error log file: "/ usr/local/nginx/logs/error.log"
Nginx http access log file: "/ usr/local/nginx/logs/access.log"
Nginx http client request body temporary files: "/ var/tmp/nginx/client/"
Nginx http proxy temporary files: "/ var/tmp/nginx/proxy/"
Nginx http fastcgi temporary files: "/ var/tmp/nginx/fcgi/"
Nginx http uwsgi temporary files: "/ var/tmp/nginx/uwsgi"
Nginx http scgi temporary files: "/ var/tmp/nginx/scgi"
After the above configuration, edit and install
# make & & make install
# mkdir / var/tmp/nginx/client/-pv
After the compilation and installation is complete, the Nginx directory will appear under / usr/local. When you enter this directory, you will find that the directory is very simple.
Its configuration files are stored in the conf directory, web page files are stored in html, and log files are stored in logs
There is only one executable program "nginx" in the sbin directory
Configure the nginx.conf file
User nginx
Worker_processes auto
Error_log / usr/local/nginx/logs/error.log
Pid / usr/local/nginx/logs/
Worker_rlimit_nofile 100000
Events {
Worker_connections 2048
Multi_accept on
Use epoll
Http {
Default_type application/octet-stream
Server_tokens off
Sendfile on
Tcp_nopush on
Tcp_nodelay on
Keepalive_timeout 10
Client_header_timeout 10
Client_body_timeout 10
Reset_timedout_connection on
Send_timeout 10
Limit_conn_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=addr:5m
Limit_conn addr 100
Include / usr/local/nginx/conf/mime.types
Charset UTF-8
Gzip on
Gzip_disable "msie6"
Gzip_proxied any
Gzip_min_length 1000
Gzip_comp_level 6
Gzip_types text/plain text/css application/json application/x-javascript text/xml application/xml application/xml+rss text/javascript
Open_file_cache max=100000 inactive=20s
Open_file_cache_valid 30s
Open_file_cache_min_uses 2
Open_file_cache_errors on
Server {
Listen 80
Server_name localhost
Charset utf-8
Location ~ / uploads/.*\. (gif | jpg | jpeg | png | pdf | doc | xls | docx | xlsx | apk | htm | html | mp4 | flv) ${
Expires 24h
Root / data0/nginx/res/home/
Access_log off
Proxy_store on
Proxy_store_access user:rw group:rw all:rw
Proxy_temp_path / data0/nginx/res/home/
Proxy_redirect off
Proxy_set_header Host $host
Proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr
Proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for
Client_max_body_size 20m
Client_body_buffer_size 1280k
Proxy_connect_timeout 900
Proxy_send_timeout 900
Proxy_read_timeout 900
Proxy_buffer_size 40k
Proxy_buffers 40 320k
Proxy_busy_buffers_size 640k
Proxy_temp_file_write_size 640k
If (!-e $request_filename)
Location / {client_max_body_size 20m
Proxy_pass http://localhost:8080/;
Proxy_set_header Host $host
Proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr
Proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for
# allow
# deny all
Error_page 500 502 503 504 / 50x.html
Location = / 50x.html {
Root html
You can then start the nginx service
# / usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx-t check whether there is an error in the configuration file
# / usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx starts the nginx service
But it is necessary to turn off the fire prevention or turn on the firewall rules.
After CentOS 7, instead of using iptables as a fire shield, use firewall directly.
# systemctl stop firewalld.service & & systemctl disable firewalld.service
# firewall-cmd-zone=public-add-port=80/tcp
Note: of course, when the firewall is turned on, we should add all the service ports to be used later, otherwise it will affect the provision of services to the outside world.
Next, visit the IP of your service in the browser to see the result. It shows that the welcome to nginx is configured successfully.
two。 Install and configure java and tomcat
Java needs to be installed before tomcat can be installed
The memory uses the installation package to install and enter the installation package.
# tar-zxvf jdk-8u101-linux-x64.tar.gz
# mkdir / usr/local/java
Mv jdk1.8.0_101/ / usr/local/java/
Allocation of environmental capacity
# vim / etc/profile
Add the following information to the top line
# java
Export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_101
Export JRE_HOME=/usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_101/jre
Export CLASSPATH=.:$JRE_HOME/lib/dt.jar:$JRE_HOME/lib/tools.jar
Let the configuration take effect to view the version
# source / etc/profile
# java-version
Java version "1.8.0mm 101"
Java (TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_101-b13)
Java HotSpot (TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.101-b13, mixed mode)
First of all, tomcat is an installation-free package that can be solved directly. Check the tomcat version and JVM configuration environment information.
Sh / data0/zt/tomcat01/bin/
Using CATALINA_BASE: / data0/zt/tomcat01
Using CATALINA_HOME: / data0/zt/tomcat01
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: / data0/zt/tomcat01/temp
Using JRE_HOME: / usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_101/jre
Using CLASSPATH: / data0/zt/tomcat01/bin/bootstrap.jar:/data0/zt/tomcat01/bin/tomcat-juli.jar
Server version: Apache Tomcat/7.0.72
Server built: Sep 14 2016 12:12:26 UTC
Server number:
OS Name: Linux
OS Version: 3.10.0-327.el7.x86_64
Architecture: amd64
JVM Version: 1.8.0_101-b13
JVM Vendor: Oracle Corporation
Modify global parameters that is, according to database connection and other related settings
Vim / data0/zt/tomcat01/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/classes/
# jdbc.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost/test_jspxcms_enterprise?characterEncoding=utf8
# jdbc.username=root
# jdbc.password=password
Jdbc.url=jdbc:mysql:// (IP, database, ID, password of the connection host modified to match)
# hibernate.databasePlatform=org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10gDialect
# jdbc.driverClass=oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
# jdbc.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:orcl
# jdbc.user=jspxcms
# jdbc.password=password
# hibernate.databasePlatform=org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServer2005Dialect
# jdbc.driverClass=net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver
# jdbc.url=jdbc:jtds:sqlserver://localhost:1433/jspxcms
# jdbc.user=sa
# jdbc.password=password
# jdbc.url=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost:1433;databaseName=jspxcms
# hibernate.databasePlatform=org.hibernate.dialect.DB2Dialect
# jdbc.url=jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/SAMPLE:currentSchema=JSPXCMS
# jdbc.user=db2admin
# jdbc.password=password
Hibernate.showSql=true (changed to false, because it is easy to generate a large number of logs, resulting in full disk space)
# jdbc.driverClass=net.sf.log4jdbc.DriverSpy
# jdbc.url=jdbc:log4jdbc:mysql://localhost/jspxcms?characterEncoding=utf8
# messages\ u7f13\ u5b58\ u8bbe\ u7f6e\ u3002\ u4e0d\ u7f13\ u5b58\ uff1a0\ uff1b\ u6c38\ u4e45\ u7f13\ u5b58\ uff1a-1\ u5355\ u4f4d\ uff1a\ u79d2\ u3002
#\ u6a21\ u677f\ u7f13\ u5b58\ u8bbe\ u7f6e\ u3002\ u4e0d\ u7f13\ u5b58\ uff1a0\ u3002\ u5355\ u4f4d\ uff1a\ u79d2\ u3002
# Lucene\ u7d22\ u5f15\ u76ee\ u5f55
#\ u662f\ u5426\ u81ea\ u52a8\ u63d0\ u4ea4\ u7d22\ u5f15\ u3002\ u5982\ u4e0d\ u81ea\ u52a8\ u63d0\ uff0c\ u5728\ u975e\ u6b63\ u5e38\ u505c\ u6b62Tomcat\ u670d\ u52a1\ uff0c\ u7d22\ u4f1a\ u4e22\ u3002\ u81ea\ u52a8\ u63d0\ u4ea4\ u5bf9\ u6027\ u80fd\ u6709\ u4e00\ u5f71\ u54cd\ uff0c\ u6570\ u636e\ u91cf\ u5927\ u7684\ u60c5\ u51b5\ u4e0b\ u4e0b\ u8003\ u851\ u5173\ uff0c
#\ u662f\ u5426\ u5141\ u8bb8\ u8bbf\ u95ee\ u7ad9\ u70b9\ u6587\ u4ef6
#\ u6a21\ u7248\ u8def\ u5f84
# templateStorePath=file:d:\\ jspxcms\\ template
# swftoolsPdf2swf=/usr/local/bin/pdf2swf#swftoolsLanguagedir\ u4e5f\ u53ef\ u4ee5\ u4e3a\ u7a7a\ uff0c\ u4f46\ u6709\ u53ef\ u80fd\ u4e0d\ u652f\ u6301\ u67d0\ u4e9b\ u5b57\ u4f53
# swftoolsLanguagedir=/usr/share/xpdf/xpdf-chinese-simplified
#\ u521b\ u59cb\ u4eba\ uff08\ u901a\ u5e38\ u662fadmin\ uff09\ u662f\ u5426\ u62e5\ u6709\ u6240\ u6709\ u6743\ u4e14\ u4e0d\ u53d7\ u89d2\ u8272\ u6743\ u9650\ u63a7\ u5236\ u521b\ u59cb\ u4e0d\ u5c0f\ u53d6\ u6d88\ u81ea\ u5df1\ u7684\ u89d2\ u8272\ u7ba1\ u7406\ u6743\ u9650 u65f6\ uff0c\ u53ef\ u4ee5\ u5f00\ u542f\ u8be5\ u9879\ u3002
#\ u6587\ u6863\ u7ba1\ u7406\ u7684\ u5173\ u952e\ u8bcd\ u5206\ u9694\ u7b26
TagKeywordsSplit=\ uff0c\ uff1b;\ uff5c |
# register.config.http.proxy.ip=
# register.config.http.proxy.port=8083
Restart the tomcat service
Sh / data0/zt/tomcat01/bin/ (related to tomcat service)
Netstat-nltp (check if tomcat port 8080 8009 8005 is open)
Ps-ef | grep java (check whether the tomcat service is left, and then check to see if there are any zombies in the process, which can be processed)
Sh / data0/zt/tomcat01/bin/ (start the tomcat service)
3.ftpserver installation
Ftpserver is also free of installation, so you can modify the configuration file directly.
Vim / data0/zt/apache-ftpserver-1.0.6/res/conf/
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# Password is "admin"
You need to create a directory to store ftp files
Mkdir-p / data0/nginx/res/home
Cp-raf ftpd-typical.xml ftpd.xml
Start the ftp service
Sh / apache-ftpserver-1.0.6/bin/ / apache-ftpserver-1.0.6/res/conf/ftpd.xml&
Connect to ftp
Ftp localhost 2121
Mput upload Fil
Mget download file
Perform a download ftp://admin:admin@ in the local server
4. Ambient database
MySQL is no longer included in the source of CentOS 7 and uses MariaDB instead
A. Use rpm-qa | grep mariadb to search for existing packages in MariaDB:
If it exists, use rpm-e-- nodeps mariadb-* to delete all
B. Use rpm-qa | grep mariadb to search MariaDB's existing packages:
If it exists, delete it all using yum remove mysql mysql-server mysql-libs compat-mysql51
C, installation
Need to download the perl-DBI-1.521-1.EL5.rfx.x86_64.rpm installation package
MariaDB MariaDB-5.5.29-rhel5-x86_64-common.rpm
D, and then to find the PGP file RPM-GPG-KEY-MariaDB
Put the file in the / etc/pki/rpm-gpg directory and execute the command to import key rpm--import / etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM*
E. Install perl-DBI-1.521-1.EL5.rfx.x86_64.rpm package, rpm-ivh perl-DBI-1.521-1.EL5.rfx.x86_64.rpm
F. Install MariaDB package, rpm-ivh MariaDB-*, installation is complete
G. Start mysql:
[root@localhost mysql] # service mysql start
Starting MySQL. SUCCESS!
H. Check whether mysql is started successfully
Ps-ax | grep mysql
Enter mysql
# mysql-u root-p
ENter password:
MariaDB [(none)] > show databases
| | Database |
| | information_schema |
| | mysql |
| | performance_schema |
| | test |
4 rows in set (5.75 sec)
I. Configure mysql
Next, let's look at the situation and configure it.
J, build the database
Import into mysql
# mysql-u root-p
Enter password:
In the back
MariaDB [(none)] > create database z character set utf8
Check to see if the establishment is successful
MariaDB [(none)] > show databases
K, find out the number of databases you need
-- events-- ignore-table=mysql.event-- default-character-set=UTF8 jspxcms > z.sql
Since an empty data has been created to store it, it is now only necessary to execute the database boot command
# mysql-u root-p
Enter password:
MariaDB [(none)] > use z
Database changed
MariaDB [z] > source / root/z.sql (this is where you put the z.sql)
M, determine whether the data table is created successfully, that is, whether the data file is imported successfully.
MariaDB [z] > show tables
If you see the following list, you can see that the import is successful.
| | Tables_in_z |
| | cms_ad |
| |... (omitted here)
| | qrtz_triggers |
| | t_id_table |
106 rows in set (0.00 sec)
N. To grant database permissions
MariaDB [z] > flush privileges
O. Check whether the access to the database has been enabled.
Mysql-h z
If the database entry is successful, otherwise restart the mysql service and try again
Service mysql restart
P, according to the size of the database (may affect the problems that cannot be presented)
Just modify the / etc/my.cnf configuration file
# Disabling symbolic-links is recommended to prevent assorted security risks
# Settings user and group are ignored when systemd is used.
# If you need to run mysqld under a different user or group
# customize your systemd unit file for mariadb according to the
# instructions in
Character_set_server = utf8
Lower_case_table_names = 1 (non-case setting)
Character_set_server = utf8
Log-error=/var/log/mariadb/mariadb.log (if it does not exist, a file needs to be created)
Pid-file=/var/run/mariadb/ (if it does not exist, a file needs to be created)
Default-character-set = utf8
Default-character-set = utf8
Default-character-set = utf8
# include all files from the config directory
! includedir / etc/my.cnf.d
Restart the Nginx, tomcat, ftpserver and mysql services when you reach this point
/ usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx-t check whether the nginx configuration file is correct
/ usr/local/nginx/sbin/nginx starts the nginx service
Sh / data0/zt/tomcat01/bin/startup starts the tomcat service
Cd / data0/zt/apache-ftpserver-1.0.6
Sh bin/ res/conf/ftpd.xml & start the ftpserver service and check the return value
Service mysql restart restarts the mysql service
Problems that may be encountered during deployment:
In case of zombie program:
Ps-A-o stat,ppid,pid,cmd | grep-e "^ [Zz]"
Just drop the ppid from kill, and kill your father.
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