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2025-03-29 Update From: SLTechnology News&Howtos shulou NAV: SLTechnology News&Howtos > Development >
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This article mainly introduces the high-frequency use of JS tools what the relevant knowledge, the content is detailed and easy to understand, the operation is simple and fast, with a certain reference value, I believe that after reading this high-frequency use of JS tools which articles will have a harvest, let's take a look.
1. Back to the top.
Go back to the top scheme more smoothly
Const scrollToTop = () = > {const c = document.documentElement.scrollTop | | document.body.scrollTop; if (c > 0) {window.requestAnimationFrame (scrollToTop); window.scrollTo (0, c-c / 8);}; scrollToTop (); 2. Delete the specified item in the array
The tool method that is often used in the project, passes in the target array and the target element, and returns a new array.
Const removeArray = (arr, item) = > {let result = []; let index =-1; if (! (arr! = null & & arr.length)) {return result;} result = arr; if ( (item) = = "[object Object]") {index = arr.findIndex ((I) = > isEqualObject (I, item));} else {index = arr.findIndex ((I) = > I = = item) } if (index >-1) result.splice (index, 1); return result;}; const isEqualObject = (obja, objb) = > {const aProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames (obja); const bProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames (objb); if (aProps.length! = bProps.length) {return false;} for (let I = 0; I
< aProps.length; i++) { let propName = aProps[i]; let propA = obja[propName]; let propB = objb[propName]; if (!objb.hasOwnProperty(propName)) return false; if (propA instanceof Object) { if (!this.isEqualObject(propA, propB)) { return false; } } else if (propA !== propB) { return false; } } return true;};removeArray([{ name: 1 }, { name: "1" }, 1, "1"], { name: "1" });3. 获取 url 某一个参数 用于获取url传参获取参数 const getUrlParam = (key) =>{const url = new URL_ (window.location.href); const value = url.searchParams.get (key); return value;}; getUrlParam ("id"); 4. Copy text
Copy all kinds of custom text with high browser compatibility
Const copyText = (text) = > {const clipboardData = window.clipboardData; if (clipboardData) {clipboardData.clearData (); clipboardData.setData ("Text", text); return true;} else if (document.execCommand) {const el = document.createElement ("textarea"); el.value = text; el.setAttribute ("readonly", ""); = "absolute"; = "- 9999px" Document.body.appendChild (el); (); document.execCommand ("copy"); document.body.removeChild (el); return true;} return false;}; copyText ("Test"); 5. Prohibit copying text body {user-select: none;-moz-user-select: none;-webkit-user-select: none;-ms-user-select: none;} / disable right-click menu document.body.oncontextmenu = (e) = > {return false;}; / / disable text document.body.onselectstart = (e) = > {return false;}; / / prohibit copying document.body.oncopy = (e) = > {return false;} / / prohibit cutting document.body.oncut = (e) = > {return false;}; / / prohibit pasting document.body.onpaste = (e) = > {return false;}; 6. Copy text with copyright information document.body.oncopy = (event) = > {event.preventDefault (); const clipboardData = event.clipboardData; let text = window.getSelection (0). ToString (); text = `$ {text}\ nThis is the inserted text\ n`; if (clipboardData) {clipboardData.clearData (); clipboardData.setData ("Text", text); return true } else if (document.execCommand) {window.clipboardData.setData ("Text", text);} return false;}; 7. Determine data types and data values
A commonly used tool class for verifying whether data is legal
/ / whether it is a string function isString (obj) {return (obj) = = "[object String]";} / whether it is a numeric function isNumber (obj) {return ( (obj) = = "[object Number]" & & / [\ d\.] + / .test (String (obj) } / / whether it is a Boolean function isBoolean (obj) {return (obj) = = "[object Boolean]";} / whether it is an array function isArray (obj) {return (obj) = = "[object Array]";} / whether it is an object function isObject (arg) {if (arg = = null) {return false;} else {return (arg) = "[object Object]" }} / / whether it is a method function isFunction (arg) {const type = (arg); return type = = "[object Function]" | | type = = "[object AsyncFunction]";} / / whether it is a time format function isDate (obj) {return (obj) = = "[object Date]";} / / whether it is a time undefinedfunction isUndefined (arg) {return arg = void 0 } / / whether the object function isEmptyObject (arg) {if (isObject (arg)) {for (var key in arg) {if ( (arg, key)) {return false;}} return true;} return false;} 8. Ua environment judgment
It is used to distinguish different platforms and is often used to adapt on iOS.
Const getUaInfo = () = > {const ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase (); const Agents = ["Android", "android", "iPhone", "SymbianOS", "Windows Phone", "iPad", "iPod",]; let isPc = true; for (var I = 0; I
< Agents.length; i++) { if (userAgentInfo.includes(Agents[i])) { isPc = false; break; } } return { // 是不是ios isIos: !!ua.match(/\(i[^;]+;( U;)? CPU.+Mac OS X/) || ua.includes("mac os x"), // 是不是安卓 isAndroid: ua.includes("android") || ua.includes("Android") || ua.includes("Adr"), // 是不是微信环境 isWeixin: ua.match(/MicroMessenger/i) == "micromessenger", // 是不是电脑端 isPc: isPc, };};9. 时间格式转换// Date转yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssconst filterTimeByDate = (date, pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") =>{const o = {"M +": date.getMonth () + 1, "d +": date.getDate (), "H+": date.getHours (), "m +": date.getMinutes (), "s +": date.getSeconds (), "Q +": Math.floor ((date.getMonth () + 3) / 3), S: date.getMilliseconds (),} If (/ (y +) / .test (pattern)) {pattern = pattern.replace (RegExp.$1, (date.getFullYear () + "). Substr (4-RegExp.$1.length));} for (var k in o) {if (new RegExp (" ("+ k +")) .test (pattern)) {pattern = pattern.replace (RegExp.$1, RegExp.$1.length = = 1? O [k]: ("00" + o [k]) .substr (("" + o [k]) .length);}} return pattern;}; filterTimeByDate (new Date ()); / / timestamp to yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssconst timestampToTime = (timestamp) = > {const date = new Date (String (timestamp) .length > 10? Timestamp: timestamp * 1000); / / 10-bit timestamp requires * 1000, and 13-bit timestamp does not need to be multiplied by 1000 const Y = date.getFullYear () + "-"; const M = (date.getMonth () + 1)
< 10 ? "0" + (date.getMonth() + 1) : date.getMonth() + 1) + "-"; const D = (date.getDate() < 10 ? "0" + date.getDate() : date.getDate()) + " "; const h = (date.getHours() < 10 ? "0" + date.getHours() : date.getHours()) + ":"; const m = (date.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0" + date.getMinutes() : date.getMinutes()) + ":"; const s = date.getSeconds() < 10 ? "0" + date.getSeconds() : date.getSeconds(); return Y + M + D + h + m + s;};timestampToTime(new Date().getTime());// yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss转时间戳const timeToTimestamp = (time, isMilli = true) =>{const timestamp = new Date (time). GetTime (); / / 10-bit timestamp requires * 1000, and 13-bit timestamp does not need to be multiplied by 1000 return isMilli? Timestamp: timestamp / 1000;}; timeToTimestamp ("2022-04-26 10:11:11"); 10. Function anti-shake const debounce = (fn, delay) = > {let timer = null; return function (e) {clearTimeout (timer); timer = setTimeout () = > {fn.apply (this, arguments);}, delay);};}; document.addEventListener ("scroll", debounce (function () {console.log ("execution");}, 2000)); 11. Full screen / exit full screen function toFullScreen () {let = document.documentElement; el.webkitRequestFullScreen? El.webkitRequestFullScreen (): el.mozRequestFullScreen? El.mozRequestFullScreen (): el.msRequestFullscreen? El.msRequestFullscreen (): el.requestFullScreen? El.requestFullScreen (): alert ("current browser does not support this feature");} function exitFullscreen () {let el = document; el.webkitCancelFullScreen? El.webkitCancelFullScreen (): el.mozCancelFullScreen? El.mozCancelFullScreen (): el.cancelFullScreen? El.cancelFullScreen (): el.msExitFullscreen? El.msExitFullscreen (): el.exitFullscreen? El.exitFullscreen (): alert ("this feature is not supported by the current browser");} 12. Disable opening the console for debugging
It is used to prevent some users from attacking the server through the source code, increasing the difficulty of cracking.
SetInterval (function () {check ();}, 4000); const check = () = > {function doCheck (a) {if (("" + a / a) ["length"]! = = 1 | a% 20 = 0) {(function () {} ["constructor"] ("debugger") ());} else {(function () {} ["constructor"] ("debugger") ());} doCheck (+ + a) } try {doCheck (0);} catch (err) {}}; check (); 13. Password strength display const checkPwd = (str) = > {let Lv = 0; if (str.length)
< 6) { return Lv; } if (/[0-9]/.test(str)) { Lv++; } if (/[a-z]/.test(str)) { Lv++; } if (/[A-Z]/.test(str)) { Lv++; } if (/[\.|-|_]/.test(str)) { Lv++; } return Lv;};14. 五星好评const getRate = (rate = 0) =>{return "★☆" .slice (5-rate, 10-rate);}; getRate (3); 15. Keep n decimal places const filterToFixed = > (num, n = 2) {return parseFloat (num.toFixed (n), 10);} 16. The amount is capitalized.
Tools and methods commonly used in order modules in mall projects
Const convertCurrency = (money) = > the number of {/ / Chinese characters const cnNums = new Array ("zero", "one", "II", "three", "restaurant", "Wu", "Lu", "Qi", "Qi", "Jiu"); / / basic unit const cnIntRadice = new Array ("", "pick up", "hundred", "thousand") / / the corresponding integer part expansion unit const cnIntUnits = new Array ("", "ten thousand", "billion", "megabyte"); / / the corresponding decimal part unit const cnDecUnits = new Array ("angle", "minute", "millimeter", "centimeter"); / / the character const cnInteger = "integer" followed by the integer amount; / / the unit const cnIntLast after the integer type is "yuan" / / maximum processed number const maxNum = 9999999999999999999999; / / amount integer part let integerNum; / / amount decimal part let decimalNum; / / output Chinese amount string let chineseStr = ""; / / the array used after separating the amount. The predefined let parts; / / input parameter is null if (money = ") {return";} money = parseFloat (money). If (money > = maxNum) {return ";} / / the parameter passed in is 0 case if (money = = 0) {chineseStr = cnNums [0] + cnIntLast + cnInteger; return chineseStr;} / / converted to the string money = money.toString () / / indexOf detects the first occurrence of a character in a string and returns the index value (starting from 0)-1 represents no if (money.indexOf (".") = =-1) {integerNum = money; decimalNum = "";} else {parts = money.split ("."); integerNum = parts [0]; decimalNum = parts [1] .substr (0,4) } / / convert integer part if (parseInt (integerNum, 10) > 0) {let zeroCount = 0; let IntLen = integerNum.length; for (let I = 0; I
< IntLen; i++) { let n = integerNum.substr(i, 1); let p = IntLen - i - 1; let q = p / 4; let m = p % 4; if (n == "0") { zeroCount++; } else { if (zeroCount >0) {chineseStr + = cnNums [0];} zeroCount = 0; chineseStr + = chineseStr [parseInt (n)] + cnIntRadice [m];} if (m = = 0 & & zeroCount
< 4) { chineseStr += cnIntUnits[q]; } } // 最后+ 元 chineseStr += cnIntLast; } // 转换小数部分 if (decimalNum != "") { let decLen = decimalNum.length; for (let i = 0; i < decLen; i++) { let n = decimalNum.substr(i, 1); if (n != "0") { chineseStr += cnNums[Number(n)] + cnDecUnits[i]; } } } if (chineseStr == "") { chineseStr += cnNums[0] + cnIntLast + cnInteger; } else if (decimalNum == "") { chineseStr += cnInteger; } return chineseStr;};17. 常用正则判断// 校验昵称为2-9位中文const validateName = (name) =>{const reg = / ^ [\ u4e00 -\ u9fa5] {2 9} $/; return reg.test (name);}; / / check cell phone number const validateMobile = (mobile) = > {const reg = / ^ 1 [3L4, 55, 77, 89]\ d {9} $/; return reg.test (mobile);} / / verify the password consisting of uppercase and lowercase underscores from 6 to 18 characters const validatePassword = (password) = > {const reg = / ^ [a-zA-Z0-9 _] {6Cini 18} $/; return reg.test (password);}; / / check ID number const validateCardId = (cardId) = > {const reg = / (^\ d {15} $) | (^\ d {18} $) | (^\ d {17} (\ d | X | x) $) /; return reg.test (cardId) }; 18. Solve the problem of loss of operation accuracy
It is used to solve the problem of loss of accuracy when calculating the amount at the front end.
Const calculation = {/ / addition plus (arg1, arg2) {var R1, R2, m; try {R1 = arg1.toString (). Split (".") [1] .length;} catch (e) {R1 = 0;} try {R2 = arg2.toString (). Split (".") [1] .length;} catch (e) {R2 = 0 } m = Math.pow (10, Math.max (R1, R2); return (arg1 * m + arg2 * m) / m;}, / / subtract subtract (arg1, arg2) {var R1, R2, m, n; try {R1 = arg1.toString (). Split (".") [1] .length;} catch (e) {R1 = 0 } try {R2 = arg2.toString (). Split (".") [1] .length;} catch (e) {R2 = 0;} m = Math.pow (10, Math.max (R1, R2)); n = R1 > = R2? R1: R2; return ((arg1 * m-arg2 * m) / m) .tofixed (n);}, / multiplicative multiply (arg1, arg2) {var m = 0, S1 = arg1.toString (), S2 = arg2.toString (); try {m + = s1.split (".") [1] .length;} catch (e) {} try {m + = s2.split (".") [1] .length } catch (e) {} return ((Number (s1.replace (".", ")) * Number (s2.replace (". ",")) / Math.pow (10, m));}, / / divide divide (arg1, arg2) {var T1 = 0, T2 = 0, R1, R2 Try {T1 = arg1.toString (). Split (".") [1] .length;} catch (e) {} try {T2 = arg2.toString (). Split (".") [1] .length;} catch (e) {} R1 = Number (arg1.toString (). Replace (".")); R2 = Number (arg2.toString (). Replace (".", ")) Return (R1 / R2) * Math.pow (10, T2-T1);},}; this is the end of the article on "what are the JS tools used at high frequency?" Thank you for reading! I believe you all have a certain understanding of the knowledge of "what are the JS tools used in high frequency". If you want to learn more, you are welcome to follow the industry information channel.
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