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Example Analysis of spring-boot-plusV1.4.0 Publishing Integrated user role Authority Department Management

2025-01-16 Update From: SLTechnology News&Howtos shulou NAV: SLTechnology News&Howtos > Development >


Shulou( Report--

This article is to share with you the content of a sample analysis of spring-boot-plusV1.4.0 publishing integrated user role permissions department management. The editor thinks it is very practical, so share it with you as a reference and follow the editor to have a look.

RBAC user role permissions

Introduction to the core interface of user role authority department management

Shiro permission configuration

? Shiro permission configuration

Database model diagram

? Spring-boot-plus initializes SQL download

Access authentication code

Can be configured to enable CAPTCHA

Not enabled by default

If CAPTCHA verification is enabled, input verifyToken and code when logging in.

CAPTCHA demonstration

Spring-boot-plus: # whether to enable ansi console to output colored fonts enable-ansi: true # whether to enable CAPTCHA enable-verify-code: true

Enable-verify-code is set to true to enable CAPTCHA verification

Two ways to obtain CAPTCHA

The CAPTCHA is stored in Redis at the background, and the expiration time is 5 minutes by default.

Method 1:

The output picture is streamed to the browser, and the verification code token is output to the response header.


Response HeadersHTTP/1.1 200verifyToken: 6515b4b798ce49e68b1e40f98ff8eb19

Method 2:

Get Base64 encoded picture and CAPTCHA token


{"code": 200, "msg": "Operation succeeded", "success": true, "data": {"image": _ "data:image/png" Base64,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 "," verifyToken ":" 42ba8abde7bc47b2b1397b4d6676956a "}," time ":" 2019-11-01 22:40:37 "}

System user login

POST request, Content-Type: application/json


Request parameter

{"code": "CAPTCHA", "password": "123456", "username": "admin", "verifyToken": "CAPTCHA token"}

Be careful

If the CAPTCHA login is not enabled, you only need to input username and password

The front end should encrypt the password and transmit it.

Log in successfully

Return login user information: departments / roles / permissions

Returns the user token

{"code": 200,200, "msg": "Landing successfully", "success": true, "data": {"token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiJ3ZWIiLCJpc3MiOiJzcHJpbmctYm9vdC1wbHVzIiwiZXhwIjoxNTcyNjIzMDE5LCJpYXQiOjE1NzI2MTk0MTksImp0aSI6IjdlZmVlM2UwMjc2MTRiYTc5M2I2YmYwZmE4NTgzYmUwIiwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJhZG1pbiJ9.O3w7CNRqw_Miwp8MDzPND6w490c9Q7yFlKpFJK9ubSU", "loginSysUserVo": {"id": "1", "username": "admin", "nickname": "Administrator", "gender": 1, "state": 1, "departmentId": "1", "departmentName": "Management Department" "roleId": "1", "roleName": "Administrator", "roleCode": "admin", "permissionCodes": ["sys:permission:codes", "system:management", "sys:department:update", "sys:department:page", "sys:role:management", "sys:permission:add", "sys:user:add", "sys:role:page", "sys:permission:page", "sys:department:delete" "sys:permission:management", "sys:user:delete", "sys:department:management", "sys:user:page", "sys:user:update", "sys:user:update:password", "sys:user:update:head", "sys:role:add", "sys:permission:menu:tree", "sys:department:info", "sys:permission:all:menu:list", "sys:permission:info", "sys:role:info" "sys:permission:all:menu:tree", "sys:permission:update", "sys:permission:menu:list", "sys:role:update", "sys:user:info", "sys:user:management", "sys:role:delete", "sys:permission:delete"]}, "time": "2019-11-01 22:43:39"}

The default failure time of token is 1 hour

Set JWT Token failure time

# # JWT start # # jwt: # default expiration time is 1 hour (in seconds) expire-second: 3600

Use Redis cache to log in user information in the background

Redis key


For other APIs that require authorized access, the request header must carry token

Department tree list

The department can be set to level N, and the background uses recursion to convert the department list into a tree list.


@ Override public List getAllDepartmentTree () {List sysDepartmentList = getAllDepartmentList (); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty (sysDepartmentList)) {throw new IllegalArgumentException ("SysDepartment list cannot be empty");} List list = SysDepartmentConvert.INSTANCE.listToTreeVoList (sysDepartmentList); List treeVos = new ArrayList (); for (SysDepartmentTreeVo treeVo: list) {if (treeVo.getParentId () = = null) {treeVos.add (findChildren (treeVo, list);}} return treeVos } / * Recursive get tree result list * * @ param tree * @ param list * @ return * / public SysDepartmentTreeVo findChildren (SysDepartmentTreeVo tree, List list) {for (SysDepartmentTreeVo vo: list) {if (tree.getId (). Equals (vo.getParentId () {if (tree.getChildren () = null) {tree.setChildren (new ArrayList ());} tree.getChildren () .add (findChildren (vo, list)) }} return tree;}

Front-end JSON structure


Role management

Set role permissions

Core code, delete role permissions, add role permissions

Find the difference set of a set


@ Transactional (rollbackFor = Exception.class) @ Override public boolean updateSysRole (UpdateSysRoleParam updateSysRoleParam) throws Exception {Long roleId = updateSysRoleParam.getId (); List permissionIds = updateSysRoleParam.getPermissionIds (); / / verify whether the role exists SysRole sysRole = getById (roleId); if (sysRole = = null) {throw new BusinessException ("the role does not exist") } / / verify whether if (! sysPermissionService.isExistsByPermissionIds (permissionIds)) {throw new BusinessException ("permission list id matching failed");} / / modify role sysRole.setName (updateSysRoleParam.getName ()) .setType (updateSysRoleParam.getType ()) .setRemark (updateSysRoleParam.getRemark ()) .setState (updateSysRoleParam.getState ()) .setU pdateTime (new Date ()); boolean updateResult = updateById (sysRole) If (! updateResult) {throw new DaoException ("failed to modify system roles");} / / get the previous permissions id set List beforeList = sysRolePermissionService.getPermissionIdsByRoleId (roleId); / / subtractive calculation / / before:1,2,3,4,5,6 / / after: 1, 2, 7, 4, 7, 8, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 6, 7, 7, 8, 5, 7, 8 / 7, 7, 7, 8 / 7, 7, 8 / 7, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, SetUtils.SetView deleteSet = SetUtils.difference (beforeSet, afterSet); SetUtils.SetView addSet = SetUtils.difference (afterSet, beforeSet); log.debug ("deleteSet =" + deleteSet); log.debug ("addSet =" + addSet); / / delete permission association UpdateWrapper updateWrapper = new UpdateWrapper (); updateWrapper.eq ("role_id", roleId); ("permission_id", deleteSet); boolean deleteResult = sysRolePermissionService.remove (updateWrapper) If (! deleteResult) {throw new DaoException ("failed to delete role permission relationship");} / / add permission association boolean addResult = sysRolePermissionService.saveSysRolePermissionBatch (roleId, addSet); if (! addResult) {throw new DaoException ("New role permission relationship failed");} return true;}

Authority management

Permission tree list

When a user sets role permissions, select

Permissions menu permissions are divided into menus and functional permissions

Backend gets three-tier permission tree

@ Override public List getAllMenuTree () throws Exception {List list = getAllMenuList (); / / convert to tree menu List treeVos = convertSysPermissionTreeVoList (list); return treeVos;} @ Override public List convertSysPermissionTreeVoList (List list) {if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty (list)) {throw new IllegalArgumentException ("SysPermission list cannot be empty");} / / get map Map map = (). Collect (Collectors.groupingBy (SysPermission::getLevel)); List treeVos = new ArrayList () / / cycle to get the three-level menu tree collection for (SysPermission one: map.get (LevelEnum.ONE.getKey () {SysPermissionTreeVo oneVo = SysPermissionConvert.INSTANCE.permissionToTreeVo (one); Long oneParentId = oneVo.getParentId (); if (oneParentId = = null | | oneParentId = = 0) {treeVos.add (oneVo);} List twoList = map.get (LevelEnum.TWO.getKey ()) If (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty (twoList)) {for (SysPermission two: twoList) {SysPermissionTreeVo twoVo = SysPermissionConvert.INSTANCE.permissionToTreeVo (two); if (two.getParentId (). Equals (one.getId () {oneVo.getChildren (). Add (twoVo);} List threeList = map.get (LevelEnum.THREE.getKey ()) If (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty (threeList)) {for (SysPermission three: threeList) {if (three.getParentId (). Equals (two.getId () {SysPermissionTreeVo threeVo = SysPermissionConvert.INSTANCE.permissionToTreeVo (three); twoVo.getChildren (). Add (threeVo);} return treeVos;}

Front-end JSON format


Permission coding list

Returns all the permission codes of the current user, making it convenient for the front end to display navigation menus and function buttons


{"code": 200,200, "msg": "Operation successful", "success": true, "data": ["system:management", "system:management", "sys:user:management", "sys:user:management", "sys:role:management", "sys:permission:management", "sys:department:management", "sys:user:add", "sys:user:add", "sys:user:update", "sys:user:update" "sys:user:delete", "sys:user:delete", "sys:user:info", "sys:user:info", "sys:user:page", "sys:user:page", "sys:user:update:password", "sys:user:update:head", "sys:role:add", "sys:role:update", "sys:role:delete", "sys:role:info", "sys:role:page", "sys:permission:add" "sys:permission:update", "sys:permission:delete", "sys:permission:info", "sys:permission:page", "sys:permission:all:menu:list", "sys:permission:all:menu:tree", "sys:permission:menu:list", "sys:permission:menu:tree", "sys:permission:codes", "sys:department:update", "sys:department:delete", "sys:department:info", "sys:department:page"] "time": "2019-11-02 00:32:17"}

Be careful

Use Shiro annotation @ RequiresPermissions to filter controller method permissions

@ RequiresPermissions ("sys:department:add")

When generating code, you can configure to generate RequiresPermissions comments

/ / whether to generate Shiro RequiresPermissions comment codeGenerator.setRequiresPermissions (true)

The generated or added controller method requires permission management, adds permission coding records to the sys_permission table, and assigns permissions to the corresponding roles.

Thank you for reading! On the "spring-boot-plusV1.4.0 release integrated user role permissions department management example analysis" this article is shared here, I hope the above content can be of some help to you, so that you can learn more knowledge, if you think the article is good, you can share it out for more people to see it!

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